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Last Post 6/18/2012 2:46 AM by  Kerrick
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6/16/2012 10:59 PM

    Before I start this is a genuine question not wanting to start any wars or such. DOES anyone believe that Deathlands was stunted by the Outlanders Books. In this I mean that Deathlands was limited as to its future because Outlanders was bolted onto it. as we all know Mark Ellis meant this to be a seperate entity but the powers that be wanted a Deathlands mark II, so it was added with a bit of tweaking.

    As i've said all RESPECT to Mr Ellis.

    Ron Miles
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    6/16/2012 11:08 PM
    Kind of hard to stunt something that was already pretty stunted...

    Seriously, there's nothing in Outlanders that has any impact on Deathlands at all. It's set 100 years later, and nothing in OL references any specific fate of the DL crew.

    Beyond that, DL has always been substantially more episodic than OL, and they are both targeted at different audiences. There is some overlap between the two readerships, but really not a whole lot.
    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    6/16/2012 11:19 PM
    What I mean is that the Deathlands future is set in stone because you have the Baronies etc when perhaps none off that happened and Ryan unifed all of the Baronies and became president or such like.
    Basic Member
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    6/18/2012 2:46 AM
    I don't.

    If GE ever decides to pull the plug, I doubt they'll "wrap the series up" and give us any kind of "closure". Sure, OL canon states that sometime around 2109, the Program of Unification was started, and then the war followed, and blah blah blah. But that's *Outlanders* canon, not *Deathlands* canon. The DL authors can do whatever they want. And even if you really wanted to split hairs about it, it's only 2102 in DL time, so they've got another 6 years (meaning another 12 years or so real time) before it ever becomes an issue.
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