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Last Post 1/1/2013 11:40 AM by  zaphodbblx
Whatever happened with JB's Glaucoma?
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7/10/2012 1:46 AM

    I read freedom lost AGAIN yesterday, and was curious if this was ever brought up again in the series? I really want to see him don those purple framed rock star back up specs that I don't recall him ever having to wear again. Anyone know of it being mentioned again? And what book/books?


    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    7/10/2012 12:46 PM
    As far as I can remember J.B's Glaucoma went the same way as many other things in the DL world -down the river never to be seen or mentioned again (a bit like Docs hat!)

    Still I cant say I remember much about the last 15 or so books as they have not been holding my attention as well as the older ones did.

    Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
    Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

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    7/11/2012 5:13 PM
    It should re-appear and make the myopic mole blind. Then J.B would have a journey of self discovery, going back to japan and learning "Ninja" skills i.e being at "one" with his Blaster. He could get a sword cane ala "Blind Fury".
    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    7/12/2012 6:56 PM

    I doubt that there is much of Japan left after the final events of Keepers of the Sun?


    Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
    Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

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    7/13/2012 1:14 AM
    I don't recall seeing anything about it either - Keepers was one of LJ's last books, and the later authors weren't as focused on continuity (the ex-ed's fault, not theirs).

    And yeah, Japan was probably largely destroyed, although I'm sure there are still some people there.
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    7/13/2012 2:02 AM
    There have been a couple of books where there is mention of J.B.'s glaucoma being in remission.
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    7/13/2012 1:03 PM
    Posted By Wordsmith-reprise on 13 Jul 2012 02:02 AM
    There have been a couple of books where there is mention of J.B.'s glaucoma being in remission.

    Just wondered WHO diagnosed J.B.'s disease and WHEN. Doesn't a diagnosis of glaucoma require testing of the pressure inside the eye by a specialist? Did Mildred become an optometrist on the sly way back in the day? And subsequently lose her miniature glaucoma testing equipment in a fight with a band of stumpies?

    Just curious ...

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    7/13/2012 1:44 PM
    Posted By AP on 13 Jul 2012 01:03 PM
    Posted By Wordsmith-reprise on 13 Jul 2012 02:02 AM
    There have been a couple of books where there is mention of J.B.'s glaucoma being in remission.

    Just wondered WHO diagnosed J.B.'s disease and WHEN. Doesn't a diagnosis of glaucoma require testing of the pressure inside the eye by a specialist? Did Mildred become an optometrist on the sly way back in the day? And subsequently lose her miniature glaucoma testing equipment in a fight with a band of stumpies?

    Just curious ...



    Diagnosed in The Freedom Mall. In "Freedom Lost" There was an Optomotrist named Dr. Clarke who just happened to have an office in there after JB stepped on his own glasses after fighting a batch of stcky's earlier in the book. Allthough the "Dr." does say that he doesn't actually have the pressure eqipment he does own the prescription lens viewing eqipment and gives JB his opinion of what is causing his decreased vision and loss of peripherary(Sp) vision.

    JB takes this as a fact and asks the doctor not to tell anyone else in the group.


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    7/13/2012 1:59 PM

    Yeah, optometrists and nail salons on every corner in DL.

    The eye doc doesn't prescribe a natural "remedy"? And the companions don't notice that J.B.'s taken up marijuana smoking?

    Basic Member
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    7/13/2012 2:53 PM
    Maybe a little known side effect of Mat-trans jumps is curing glaucoma. Also, the heartbreak of psoriasis.
    "Courage is not a man with a gun in his hand. It's knowing you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what." - Atticus Finch
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    7/13/2012 3:08 PM
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    7/13/2012 4:29 PM

    Wonder where the optometrist got his training 100 years after nukeday? Perhaps it was handed down, parent to child? Like the family spear.

    Can see the OD clan trading prescription services and fashion frames for fresh scalie steaks and jolt.

    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    7/13/2012 6:50 PM
    Posted By AP on 13 Jul 2012 04:29 PM

    Wonder where the optometrist got his training 100 years after nukeday? Perhaps it was handed down, parent to child? Like the family spear.

    Can see the OD clan trading prescription services and fashion frames for fresh scalie steaks and jolt.

    He was a freezie, got knocked into a nuke powered Walmart chest freezer during skydark and was awoken by scav's many, many years later...


    Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
    Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

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    7/13/2012 7:00 PM
    Posted By )3az )3aziah on 13 Jul 2012 06:50 PM
    Posted By AP on 13 Jul 2012 04:29 PM

    Wonder where the optometrist got his training 100 years after nukeday? Perhaps it was handed down, parent to child? Like the family spear.

    Can see the OD clan trading prescription services and fashion frames for fresh scalie steaks and jolt.

    He was a freezie, got knocked into a GASOLINE powered Walmart chest freezer during skydark and was awoken by scav's many, many years later...


    Fixed for you.

    Honestly it makes about as much sence as the last 50 or so books anyway's...


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    7/13/2012 7:14 PM

    Honestly it makes about as much sence as the last 50 or so books anyway's...


    "The last 50"? We are talking about the Master's canon here. (And not the boom-boom kind.)  

    Why didn't J.B. refer Ryan to Dr. Clarke, post-apocalypse optometrist? He could have gotten a less cumbersome replacement for that eyepatch. A custom-fitted, predark golfball maybe? Or maybe something from the plumbing aisle, like an adapted Delta faucet ball--brass accessorizes well with black t-shirts and camou pants.


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    7/13/2012 11:11 PM
    Posted By AP on 13 Jul 2012 07:14 PM


    Honestly it makes about as much sence as the last 50 or so books anyway's...


    "The last 50"? We are talking about the Master's canon here. (And not the boom-boom kind.)  

    Why didn't J.B. refer Ryan to Dr. Clarke, post-apocalypse optometrist? He could have gotten a less cumbersome replacement for that eyepatch. A custom-fitted, predark golfball maybe? Or maybe something from the plumbing aisle, like an adapted Delta faucet ball--brass accessorizes well with black t-shirts and camou pants.


    Are you being serious? Or would you really like me to quote...excuse the saying "Outlandish coincidences" that happen to befall the companions in all the novels...Finding an optometrist after crushing ones glasses in DL's is by far not the biggest one.

    Actually I know you're kidding and I can recognize you as an author in the deathlands novels you have written. Regardless as you feeling the sarcism is at at a loss to the current readers. But for me I'm going to have a few beers, tie 12 rat's tails together to watch them run and if I die in my sleep? I will be f***ing your grandmother in hell tonight...

    Not to mention the one liners you have given Doc over the years.

    To be honest I DO miss the continuity of the series. Freedom lost dedicated chapter 2 to the previous book "Nightmare passage" and their escape from California. It also talked quite a bit about Skydark and Kaa. Didn't you pen that?


    Edited: Also for you to say "Master's cannon"? No, LJ has been dead for the last 50 books, this is a fact.


    That doesn't mean that the other author's are idiots. It means that how can any other author be a "Master" of a series that he didn't create? I guess I don't understand.






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    7/13/2012 11:28 PM
    I think that like all the other things we complain about here his eyes are not a big deal to most stories in the series .I believe that if an author decides to bring it back for a dramatic sequence in the book then it will come back.

    I believe that there could have been an eye specialist wandering around in the Deathlands ,after all we see when the gang goes to the Anthill one of the scientists there considered giving Ryan a new eye to replace the one he is missing . Maybe one of the anthill mob was out on a recce of deathlands and set up in that mall to gather Intel on the state of peoples eyesight in the deathlands .
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    7/14/2012 2:30 AM


    Edited: Also for you to say "Master's cannon"? No, LJ has been dead for the last 50 books, this is a fact.


    That doesn't mean that the other author's are idiots. It means that how can any other author be a "Master" of a series that he didn't create? I guess I don't understand.

    Apologies, SP, I thought you said LJ wrote Freedom Lost, and I proceeded from there to go off totally halfcocked. Should have looked it up to make sure.  (Can't remember my own books, let alone someone else's.) FL was indeed written by Sponge Bob Squarepants--Collins' NYT bestselling claim to fame (a cartoon book for kids based on the character).  As far as I know, it is the only national bestseller ever written by a GE author.
    Basic Member
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    7/14/2012 2:55 PM

    I enjoyed Terry Collin's DL books, it's a shame he only wrote 3.

     As it is a shame you only wrote 10.



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    7/14/2012 11:52 PM
    Posted By twinsrule26 on 13 Jul 2012 11:28 PM
    I think that like all the other things we complain about here his eyes are not a big deal to most stories in the series .

    I had to lol. Sorry.

    Just thinking of Ryan having JB taking up the rear guard as they make their way through the desert "But Ryan I'm Blind!, Ryan: It's OK just make it to the next book...and unload that f***ing shotgun!"

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