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Last Post 1/10/2013 5:40 PM by  OneFallenShadow
Outlanders, Opinions based on Deathlands fans.
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1/2/2013 11:48 PM
    What are your opinions of Outlanders? I know the original author is really good, but how is the series? Should I try it? Do they actually mention events covered in DL?
    The Phantom
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    1/3/2013 1:50 PM

    I would suggest reading the reviews on the books right here on this site.

    In my opinion, Outlanders is outstanding, however I have not read any books after Mark Ellis wrote his last one, Warlord of the Pit.

    There is a loose connection with DL, in that the series takes place in the same universe, but in the future. Science fiction adventure is the theme rather than survivalist fiction.

    New Member
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    1/10/2013 5:40 PM

    I've read a few of them.  I still don't have a particular favorite...  I just haven't read enough.  I suppose I'm more interested in the travels of Ryan and companions than Kane and his.  Sorry to all the authors...  

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