Ithaqua New Member Posts:67  
1/15/2013 2:00 AM |
I made a bunch of comments, and have seen many in other threads about what can be done in our opinions to improve DL I thought maybe we should have a thread just for that discussion.
My number 1 is that the companions have a purpose/over all goal, as I have stated a few times now.
Also, some kind of commitment to the world on the part of the editors would be nice. For instance, Stickies are all over the place in their descriptions and behavior. (mentioned before.)
Ithaqua New Member Posts:67  
1/28/2013 11:54 PM |
So the longer I have read the books the more a dick Ryan comes across as. Let me explain. The world is in shambles, there is no real order and all Ryan does is say "It's not our fight". He's the hero of the series but why? Just so he can eat, shit and fuck until he dies? He's a Baron's son! He knows from Doc and Mildred what the best of civilization can offer and how to avoid the worst. He is the number one person in DL to try and make a better world but all he does is move from petty fight to petty fight. Hell, even Conan took over a country. Ryan is not a real hero, he's a moral oppertunist who puts himself and friends in bad situations because he is fundamentaly stupid. There I said it. He's cunny idiot who rarely sees the big picture. Oh he loves Dean? Really? What does he do to make a better world over all for his offspring? Nothing. He kills local threats before blindly jumping into a new crisis with no thought beyond "I don't want boot soup again." Ryan and his companions have more abilty to change the world for the better than any baron they ever met has the abilty to make it worse and they won't...why? Becaue the editors and publishers think their audience is nothing but stupid truckers and inmates. I know truckers and ex cons, only about half are idiots, the rest are really bright people. The rest gave up on Deathlands because they see it's going nowhere. I love the books, but I want a big picture. I should add, that with the success of video games and science fiction and fantasy, the publishers of Deathlands are so behind the times that they should be fired. Deathlands should be a major tv show, not a regretable sci-fi channel flop. There people to blame for the series being held back, these choices don't happen on their own. The graphic audio books should have been the start of something great, not the best the series has done outside the books. Shame on Gold Eagle. I could do better. Any of you reading this could do better.
Ithaqua New Member Posts:67  
1/29/2013 12:12 AM |
I should add that half of any group I meet are idiots by my account, of course, I could be the idiot in which case my views should be reversed at least.
The Phantom Basic Member Posts:219  
1/29/2013 12:30 PM |
Your statements about Ryan pretty much hits the nail on the head. That is another thing I like about Kane in the Outlanders series, a guy who is more of what Ryan should be as you say.
Yea GE has kept DL in a box creatively and comercialy all these years, unfortunately the potential for OL was hampered as well by GE, but between the two series, OL seems to be more what you are looking for.
Ithaqua New Member Posts:67  
1/29/2013 11:07 PM |
I am really soory about my negative attitude. It's based on two things I really love Deathlands, and I work building worlds, so I see every mistake Deathlands makes and it makes me sad and angry. Yeah, GE owns Dethlands, but after going through 105 books I think I own it a bit too as a reader. Have any of the editors or writers gone through 105 books? I think not. I'm angry because I see what it could be. Does GE know about Fallout? Modders have even added redoubts and tech nomads...why? because GE hasn't. There are Deathlands fans out there working on doing what they wish GE would do. Have you played Half-life? Notice The Mat Trans notices on the walls? I bet GE hasn't. This is a fully fleshed out world that can work in games, movies, tv, and audio..oh and of course the books. What has GE done? Books, audio and a lame made for tv movie...The suits there are so out of touch they should be fired. Now, other companies just read Deathlands and take the parts they like to make the next generation of entertainment. I guess I'll just have fun playing the immatators. Good job dropping the ball GE! I guess you are an American company.
Maximus Advanced Member Posts:518  
1/30/2013 10:02 AM |
Well, they are apart of Harlequin Books. From tons of romance to action/adventure. Smart company, insofar as covering all bases for the different readers out there.
But GE seems to've gone through their editors as well as multiple writers. I have never seen ANY publisher of this type of genre keep not just one post-holocaust series alive, but two. Out of the tons of post-holocaust series that came out in the 80's, only DL has withstood the test of time - despite all its various problems.
We have that to thank to certain authors who have stepped up and, even though didn't have the power or insight to radically change and re-freshen the series, but at least gave us exciting and fun action/adventure reading.
But what if, by chance, GE finally decided to make a bold move and decided to make some major changes to DL. What if it was for the worse? 
Ithaqua New Member Posts:67  
2/10/2013 11:51 PM |
OK! No more companions turn against each other books! I hate those...really, they give me nothing. No more "We have a companion hostage so do what I say said the Baron" books...How many times has this been used? No more seven samuria stories! You've done those to death! Lets maybe get new companions and not lose them to gruesome deaths. What if a temorary companion creates a new friendly ville the companions can go to from time to time? That's not hard...lets see that. No more "A companion is deathly ill, wounded, insane and they need to complete "x" task before they get help. Been there, many times, done that. If you look at the fan favorite books on this site, they are fan favorites for a reason. Well written, good character develpoment, and stories that suck the readers in. Let's have more of those. If the editor can't deliver...FIRE THEM! I have stopped reading at 105. I don't plan to start again until I read a plot summery that I feel I really want to read. Then I will pick up at 106 and continue. Not caring is easy, helll, look at the goverment. GE needs an editor who cares, knows the books, knows the characters, doesn't look down on the audience and knows a good story. They need to pay this editor what he/she is worth. As I say WAY too many times...This series could be huge. Why isn't it?
silentalbino Advanced Member Posts:742  
2/11/2013 8:50 AM |
I definitely think the gang should make a home base somewhere and operate/strive to make the deathland's a better and more safer place. Although this is pulp fiction there should be an overall story arc imho.
OneFallenShadow New Member Posts:29  
2/12/2013 10:47 AM |
Be nice to see them go back and visit the trading post the were at in Starfall.
twinsrule26 Basic Member Posts:109  
2/13/2013 3:31 AM |
I really would like to see the companions go back to the beginning ,I mean the starting off place that the Trader's wag convoy started off from in the very first book . I feel it would be neat to revisit the past for Ryan & JB and maybe even involve a reunion with some of the Traders old followers .
Ithaqua New Member Posts:67  
2/22/2013 12:30 AM |
I worked on what was at the time we created it, the most succesful paper based game in the history of gaming, maybe the world... pokemon passed it though. We had a great time...then the suits came in. We were told we could not use the word "Sasquatch" because no one knew what it meant and people didn't like to look words up. We were told we couldn't have a black female hero because people didn't care about black women (This was when Halle Berry was maiking movie after movie, Oprah was becoming the queen of TV and Woopi Goldberg had many hit movies.) We wanted to make our game appeal to everyone. Hell, we had heroes in our world that weren't even human and black women had to take a back seat to that!?!? All of us who made the game were insulted and angry!... but the suits held the purse strings. The suits had to bring in the profits and take it to "the next level" A term I HATE. I know why good properties don't reach their potential, I have lived it. We got a forgettable Star Wars clone in a fantasy setting that we were all ashamed of. The game is still going strong but the suits run it. I can't help but think how good it could be if they didn't. I see GE making those same mistakes and it makes me sad. GE: "If we made X from selling this story then let's just make that same story over and over...fuck those who like the series we can always get new readers. It's not about loyalty, it's about new sales. Let's take this to the new level people! Oh, our new ideas suck? NOT OUR FAULT! We had nothing to do with the Sci Fi Movie! We never made a good game or any game of our books because we don't understand games and gamers are scary. I know! Lets have the companions meet an evil Baron!"
Ithaqua New Member Posts:67  
2/24/2013 2:21 AM |
Maybe I expend too much energy on what I wish Deathlands could be. I should just be happy with what it is and use it as an inspiration for my own projects.
Randarchist Basic Member Posts:217  
9/24/2014 6:18 AM |
Two words: Cyborg strippers
medic15al New Member Posts:18  
12/1/2014 11:42 PM |
I would like to see more continuity and accurate firearms and ammo analogue.
The world of Deathlands is a savage one and it takes savagery and plain old mad-dog meaness to survive and take care of your group.
Also would love to find Dean again and catch up on his life.
Randarchist Basic Member Posts:217  
12/2/2014 12:26 AM |
Other continents, cultures to explore... There is a whole huge area of the world map to explore
Randarchist Basic Member Posts:217  
1/4/2015 6:59 PM |
Oh, and how about gay characters who are not rapists and/or monsters/bad guys? Dean doesn't count since he hasn't come out yet.
Archamedies New Member Posts:13  
8/3/2015 8:08 AM |
I think that if they really wanted to remarket the brand and bring it into modern times they should change its format. I got to thinking about this not too long ago, and what this story needs is to be turned in to a graphic novel/comic series especially now with online and downloadable formats reviveing the industry. I just wish i knew who to contact to get that ball rolling
Archamedies New Member Posts:13  
5/12/2016 4:38 PM |
I think the series needs a reboot right from the beginning. Because of the mulitpule authors, the series as a whole suffers from a plethora of hap-hazzard events and it wasn't until later episodes where continuity met consistency. Or better yet, the series needs to be a graphic novel and modernized