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Last Post 4/28/2014 4:08 PM by  twinsrule26
Deathlands 115 - Hanging Judge
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4/14/2014 1:50 AM
actually didn't care for it. I can see Jack taking off on his own again but, just poof and off he goes? And why do they always talk and say thigs like we would now a days? I don't think so.  Ryan saying affirmative,  now he would talk like that.  Chally asking jack"where are you from from anyways, mars?" now I suppose she has a collage education and knows all about starts and planets.  now why after so so so many book, which is what, months? years? in deathland time is Mildred still acting like its her 1st step in "death lands" sorry but after a week I would think you realize its a whole new world, or you just go crazy. and ricky has been with them long enough to not be doing such things. And not sure that's how Ryan would handle Jack leaving. if that's the case he wouldn't care if anyone left except for Krysty,  so if JB said ya know I am out of here you think Ryan would just say, Oke Doky see ya. or even doc or mildred for that if they are getting back to their "old" ways and being bad ass. why not just take the road to the next town, they had a lead , buy and just take a car/truck/ horse and buggy and just get? Jb never checked to see where they are maybe there is a redoubt near?  just not liking it 
Basic Member
Basic Member

4/28/2014 4:08 PM
Hi Kev64,
I think that the way they talk is a reflection of what the editors want ,not what the writer thinks . We as fans think things should be different, but the editors want books that everyone can understand . Having the characters speak in some kind of mixed up post war jargon would be too hard for continuity from book to book . I think it would drive the good writers that we have writing these books mad and they would quit writing DL/OL books forever.

I believe Ryan knows Jak well enough to figure out that he needed some alone time . We have seen Jak leave before and then come back . I think Jak is the only character in the team who has fought or disobeyed Ryan and not been killed for it. To my way of thinking Jak and Ryan are equals both are Alpha males . To my way of thinking all the rest of the team are followers, but not Jak he is with the team only because he had no place else to be when he thinks he has found someplace to be he stay .
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