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Last Post 10/15/2009 3:47 PM by  gumble
Deathlands 87 - Desolation Crossing
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8/11/2009 5:51 PM
Yeah know what you mean. I remember learning what an AK-47 sounds like from Heartbreak Ridge. You will never forget the sound it (and the RPG) makes in combat either!! I learned to enjoy shooting on the farm with my father, uncles, brothers and assorted other family members. We would routinely shoot coyotes, ground hogs, feral pigs, nuisance deer, jack rabbits, starlings & pigeons (both shit on machinery & make a mess in the barns). When I was cross training in Norway with the Nord's arctic forces I got a chance to hunt moose. I borrowed my host's spare 9.3x74R Mauser and I was surprised to see it had a suppressor mounted. I noticed almost every rifle we used had a suppressor attached. When we asked the answer was "no avalanche eh." With all the shooting that Ryan and company have been engaged in you would think they would be deaf as posts. We have lost a few SAW gunners because of hearing loss. We can't wear hearing protection in combat because then we can not hear the enemy. Army still has not solved good hearing protection with being able to hear the enemy and the commands from the CO. In Norway, Sweden, Germany and a few other countries suppressors are classified as a safety device. Here if you want one they look at you suspiciously like you are going to climb a clock tower!
One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
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8/11/2009 7:31 PM
Yeah man that makes total sense.I am stone deaf in my left ear from playing in a band all these years.I remember HeartBreakridge,My dad took me to see it when I was a kid.I specifically remember Eastwood saying "This is the AK 47.The prefered weapon of the enemy.It makes a distinctive sound when fired."
I also recall the gunner in BlacHawk Down going deaf from the Saw gunner next to him.Very good point about Ryan and the crew too.Remember though,Ryan's Sig has a "built in (bullshit) baffle silencer".lol
"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
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8/12/2009 1:23 AM
Yeah that built in silencer is total BS. I have used a 9mm several times with a suppressor and will tell you that you can not just use any ol' ammo. Depending on the style and make, some will only take FMJs or TCTMJ (truncated cone total metal jacket) which is what we are shooting now rather than round-nosed FMJs. Since Ryan et all can not be choosy about ammo and have vary limited chances to procure or load their own subsonic ammo - that silencer would be toast!! I have used a SAW with a suppressor made by Barrett and it was awsome but only with FMJ ammo. Even when heated cherry red the thing still worked. At one time all SF units were going to use suppressors all the time but got too costly. We now use them during "hush" operations like approach & departure although the snipers use them all the time. My dad owns a .45 ACP MAC10 with a suppressor on it that is filled with grease. We can only shoot FMJ in it (hollow points will detonate inside if they hit grease) and you have to be careful that the hot grease does not pour out and burn your legs (ooops!). Even my suppressor on my AR15 I have to use subsonic ammo or I will burn up the inside baffles.Even then after about a thou or so rounds I have to order a rebuild kit. I have used suppressors for the .50 cal and .338 Lapua sniper rifles in training and they are huge and long to take care of all the gas and heat and they do not last too long before being rebuilt because they quickly burn out inside and get louder. Still quieter than a bare gun but louder than you want. Some of the best suppressors in the world take some water in the first baffle but you have to be careful about tipping the weapon and watch out for steam burns.
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8/12/2009 1:27 AM
BTW I was in Somalia - we were part of the fiasco rescue force. I guess you are getting old when things that you did becomes a movie. We got 22 of our brothers out with the help of the Pakistani's armor using what would later be very similar to our Stryker today. Somalia was the first place I was wounded. I took a round between the 1st & 2nd knuckles of my right hand. Went straight through and other than a nasty scar and some stiffness my hand is fine.
One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
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8/12/2009 4:56 PM
You must have red my mind man!I was just going to ask you if you were in the "Somali Mile"(I knew you were somehow)I met a Marine the last week who lost a thumb in that shit.Another notch on your coolness meter bro.
"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
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8/12/2009 6:53 PM
Yes I will never forget that god awful mile long torture run. Several of us had suffered minor injuries and all of us were in full battle rattle. I was still humping a M16A3 with a 203 on it back then although I was out of rounds for either. The two SAWs were out of linked ammo and useless except as a club. One guy had a side arm but I do not remember if it had rounds or not. I still have nightmares about that run from the city in 100 degree heat and 90% humidity with no water and an angry city chasing us. We put all the injured in the APCs driven by the Pakis and we hoofed it back to the air base. Of the three brothers that I was with in that platoon - I am the only one still serving. One got out a year later and another retired on disability after being critically injured in Bosnia.
One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
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8/12/2009 10:12 PM
I don't know what to say man to that.I feel lame for saying I have Post Traumatic stress syndrome because of all the bad shit I have seen when a guy like you lives through that and don't complain.It aint my biz man,but can i ask if you have PTSS too?I would just think anyone who has seen the sheer amount of shit you have would is all.No offense meant brother!
"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
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8/12/2009 10:43 PM
Yeah I suffer some pretty bad PTSD. I can not drink to excess any more. I used to be the life of the party when drunk. Give me enough booze and I was swinging from the chandeliers with some broad's panties in my teeth. Now if I get drunk I get really maudelin for a while then I get really angry and want to fight everyone. Not a pretty picture - so I do not over-indulge in booze or any thing else. One of the main reasons we do not complain is that we are scared some one will take us off the line and kill our career. I love what I do and I do not want some well meaning shrink who has never seen the elephant down check me. I think the shrinks were more taumatized than we were with our morbid jokes and matter-of-fact way we described what happened. All of us came out as either likely to be suicidal or have abuse issues at home. Did not help when most of said we were more likely to be homicidal than suicidal. God help us if we ever showed them the pictures we have! I believe part of the problem is that not everyone is affected the same way. We have a job to do and it is not very pretty or nice but we get it done and march on. That is mostly the attitude of a professional soldier - I know what I am and what I am supposed to do - and I do it the best of my ability. Speaking of PTSD you would think Ryan and co would be all messed up with all the crap they have seen - especially Doc as he is not the most stable person anyway. Using my weapon on the enemy does not adversly affect me I have found - you shoot at me or mine and I am gonna kill you - simple and I am going to use a bigger and better weapon. What haunts my dreams is seeing my friends hurt and killed.
One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
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8/13/2009 5:39 PM

Yeah man,you confirmed what I assumed.

I have no problem with hurting/shooting or stabbing someone who has tried to attack me or my home or my loved ones,so I get you on that part too.

I also have my PTSD because of my dads suicide/brothers OD/Moms slow death/and alot of other really horrible things that have happened to those I love or call friend.So I understand you there as well bro.
I also cannot drink much anymore for exactly the same reason you said.I too have always been the life of the party and was the one entertaining everybody else.Now I feel like I am alone even when I am in a room full of people.

"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
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8/14/2009 3:02 PM

I have been reading Deathlands books since about 1985. So I have read a lot of silly things in these stories that strained my ability to suspend my disbelief and just enjoy an adventure yarn.  I was even enjoying this book,  that is, until page 385. 

Here we have a story that centers around J.B. Dix and his past, as well as how he handles the events of the current convoy to which he and his friends become associated.  And then ... and then the author apparently drops all pretense of caring about his work because at the bottom of page 385, Jak, who has been described as having keen sight and hearing, somehow becomes superman, and from a distance of "more than two hundred yards" in the dark throws a knife and hits his target in the back of the neck!!!!!!

On top of which he also from said distance was able to hear every word of Eula's harangue against J. B.!!!!!  BULL!!  BULL!!  BULL!!

One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
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8/14/2009 3:22 PM

North,I am not gonna say one word to contradict you.I just finished up Desolation Crossing last night and thought the same damn thing!!!

Jak making that super long didtance throw is a bit shall we say "Retarded" to put it mildly!I also had a beef with the authors continuing use of SMG to describe the heavy or medium machine guns used during the main convoy battle too!

I have said this alot and I will say it again,I weep for my favorite series and I think Laurence James is rolling over in his grave.These authors with the exeption of Allan Philipson and maybe Mark Ellis really suck hard at  trying to do the DeathLands writing.
You should Read my Buddy Jetta Man Dan's fan fiction story about Ryan and Krysties Daughter 'Rain".It really is great and alot better than the last 2 DL books ny a longshot man!!!

"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
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8/15/2009 12:55 AM
Now I am a fair hand with a nife but was never much good at throwing one although I like to fool around with some of the cheap "throwing knifes" just to screw around. But if you have ever tried throwing a knife you know this is BS, hell even the Ghurkas who are some of the best knife fighters in the world do not throw much past 20' or so due to lack of penetration and chance of kill. I hope that was a editing error and it was supposed to be 20 yards. I also had issues with constant use of SMG. I hope we get some better writers in the fold - or I am going to quit buying these too and just borrow them from the library or get them from the thrift store at .50 a piece.
One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
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8/15/2009 3:27 AM
You know you are the only person besides me who also had a problem with the constant use of "SMG"?I guess That make's me feel better cause you noticed this too and for the most part whenever I mention a colossal scewup on the gun terminology it does not seem to be a big deal to other's?Well,it is to me.(no offense to anyone as I am sure Dan and Andy caught it too)I am just a firm believer of the whole "God is In The Details " saying!
Also I am into using a decent pair of throwers and an Arkansas style toothpick boot knife for very short range cardboard tarhet practice(I am ok at best)so I agree that Jak is way to skilled to be a human being with his blades!
"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
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8/15/2009 12:30 PM
yeah i did....but i just let it go....some people put in details and some do not..nature of the writer i guess...
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8/15/2009 2:12 PM
As a soldier whose very profession requires skillful use of arms - I find it irritating when book (and movies) screw up gun facts. With the internet and any good library there is no excuse for not being able to research the facts. I see it as pure laziness and no excuse. A writer within this genre should know his target audience is monstly gun-ethusiast males and should be more careful. I would also like to see a wider selection of guns other than Uzis and MP5s. It would even be better if they used a weapon that is not very common and would require some research such as a Bren or FN MAG 58. I am also surprised there are not more home-made varients of such guns as the Ruger 10-22 which can be easily converted to full auto and there are a few million of them floating around not to mention a few trillion of the .22 ammo. Even with so many kits on the markets to build your own Port Said (Carl Gustaf Kpist M/45 my preference is for the Soumi mag varient), Sterling, STEN, etc why are there not more decent home built weapons? I have always find it hard to believe that there are no skilled metal workers that can not cobble together a decent gun. I am amazed what one dedicated Afghani can fo with a pair of car batteries (welder) and a drill press!
One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
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8/15/2009 11:03 PM
"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
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8/18/2009 2:32 PM
Only about half way done with this book. What I didn't like was the begining of the book. The last book they had a state of the atr UCV and in this one they have a piece of shit school bus.What happened to the UCV?
One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
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8/18/2009 5:07 PM
I actually have to say I retract my earlier statement that this book sucked.It was ok after all.Not great,but not horrible.
"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
Bury The Sun
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8/19/2009 12:42 PM
Yet again, I would like to interject a statement on behalf of the authors... We don't write the books! lol... intense firefights, gun facts and sex scenes... that is just about all I can see myself writing if it were me! Maybe a few jokes here and there... lots of blood and explosions... but c'mon guys, at least somebody is writing the books right?! I did not necessarily enjoy this latest book, as there were many vital mistakes... but it did give me a little DL high for about 2 days anyways... lol...

"Better to have weapons and not need them, than to not have weapons when you do need them." -Trader
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8/19/2009 2:22 PM
I have fooled around with some ideas of my own for a DL novel - but I think I would have less sex and more action scenes. I find that I tend to be over-descriptive of the weapons and have chosen quite a few that would be unfamiliar to readers. I have been told this would put readers off as they have no frame of refrence for these weapons and would leave them thinking huh? For this reason we see so many of the MP5s, Uzis, AK47s, M16s, etc. I have been told that I need to add more graphic sex in my writing as that is what is selling hot to the tweenies and young teens.
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