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Last Post 7/7/2009 10:49 AM by  Another One Eyed Chiller
Narrow the Authors down.. who would you choose??
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6/17/2009 12:15 AM
    This topic is in no way meant to put any of the authors down.. but with so much talk about consistency and a sense of order to the Deathlands books, I thought I would put out the question "If you had to choose 3 Authors to take over the series, who would you pick?" If you care to give reasons why, feel free. I will start... 1) Alan Philipson... with his work on the Shadow World books and then the recent duology PL/DR I feel he has cemented a great legacy in the Deathlands realm, it is unfortunate that he is no longer going to be writing for them though 2) Laurence James.... you have to give props to the longest, hardest author of the series.. I don't think anyone has a greater knowledge of the series then him.. Chill Factor being one of my Favs 3) Andy Boot.. I am going to have to give this spot to Andy, probably based mainly on the fact that Thunder Road.. Hellbenders and Rat King were some of the last books I read.. Hellbenders being the one I finished last night Ok folks lets get this debate under way!!!!!
    Another One Eyed Chiller
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    6/17/2009 12:43 AM
    I would have to say Laurence James as I am re reading all the books from Pilgramige To hell on(currently on Blood Lines)and he IS the quintessantial Death Lands author(best by far)in my opinion.As far as the other two,to be honest,I can't say as I have only been reading the series again since the last 2 books after an 8 yr absense(Rat King was my last read back in 2002,till now)As soon as I get into the later books I will figure out who does the best job of keeping the characters consistent,etc....
    By the way,excellent topic!
    One Eye Chills
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    6/17/2009 3:37 AM
    Alan Philipson did a bang-up job.

    Wish and hope that he may come out with another one every great once in a while.
    Insofar as other authors to pen DL: I hear that Victor Milan is coming out finally with another one.

    He did much better writing Dl than OL.

    Love to see Jim Butcher or John Maddox Roberts pen one.

    Great question, BTW!
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    6/17/2009 7:56 AM
    Alan Philipson, Mark Ellis and Laurence James
    Ron Miles
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    6/17/2009 8:05 AM
    "If you had to choose 3 Authors to take over the series, who would you pick?"

    Given that the question is not "name your three favorite authors from the series", but rather "who would you pick to take over", that rules out Laurence James what with him being seriously handicapped by his current status of being deceased. I would have to go with Alan Philipson (ain't gonna happen, he's turned in his last book), Mark Ellis (ain't gonna happen for a multitude of reasons), and Victor Milan (setting aside his OL work, his DL books have been excellent by any measure). Going slightly outside the box, Briane Keene would make for an interesting contributor to the series, and I know that he is a fan.
    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
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    6/17/2009 5:46 PM
    Unrealistically...James Rollins, Matthew Reilly, and John Ringo.

    Realistically...from the GE stable...Chuck Rogers, Doug W, and Gerald Montgomery.

    N' Victor Milan too...
    "Courage is not a man with a gun in his hand. It's knowing you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what." - Atticus Finch
    Another One Eyed Chiller
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    6/17/2009 5:50 PM
    Yeah Ron,we all know Laurence is dead,It's just that since it's a hypothetical situation,I say(and others) I would pick him because it's my honest vote(even though he is dead)
    I did love how you said he is"seriously handicapped"!Freakin funny!!
    But you are right,we probably all did misinterpet the question.
    I have to go with Jericho girls choices(Laurence James aside I supose since he is gone)
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    6/17/2009 6:55 PM

    That's an easy one:

    1) Not me.

    2) Definitely not me.

    3) Trey Parker and Matt Stone. (They can light their cigars with the payment checks.)

    New Member
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    6/17/2009 7:24 PM

    Realistically...from the GE stable...Chuck Rogers, Doug W, and Gerald Montgomery.

    N' Victor Milan too...

    This is exactly what I was thinking except maybe add Mike Linaker to the list. 

    What I would really like to see is a group of writers that share their ideas and make the series seem to progress.  It would be cool if in each book a new descovery was made that impacts books in the future like what Outlanders used to do.

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    6/20/2009 12:30 AM
    Laurence is dead?!?!? When the Hell did this happen, who was that returning all my phone calls last week? Hold on a second, the sarcasm is dripping down onto my keyboard and shorting it Thank you Ron for pointing out the flaw of my question I meant to say what 3 Authors, living.. dead.. or holed up in an isolated underground bunker somewhere in the deep forest of Guatemala living off of nothing but spam and the recalled jars of peanut butter... ( this would be Alan during the PL and DR books) lol Sorry Alan but the masses have spoken and you know what you said about the focus groups held at GE.. you made to big of a name for yourself, and now you will live on in grocery store Tabloids about secret rendevousz with Laurence who really is living on the down low in the outer limits of Vegas.. with Elvis..
    On a completely different note, just had my second kid, another boy.. not named after a character but if an author wants to name someone Knox in their next book, that would ROCK!!!!!

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    6/27/2009 11:57 PM
    Victor Milan, Alan Phillipson, and Mark Elis...hands down the three most imaginative minds and IMO, talented story tellers of the lot.  I know I'll take a shot for this but I even enjoyed VM's OL installments albeit as stand alone stories or as others have stated...a alternate casement.  Just thought they were well done in as the Si-Fi genre goes and prejudices in relation to cannon, may have clouded some peoples judgment resulting in jaded opinion of them. Doug's stuff is entertaining but as a Rookie to the series...I'll save my judgement for later.
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    6/27/2009 11:59 PM

    P.S. I really don't know how Andy Boot was retained after Strotium Swamp.  Thunder Road was a minor redemption I guess.

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    6/28/2009 1:53 AM
    My favorite authors in the series are Laurence James, Alan Phillipson, and Victor Milan. Maybe Victor Milan will write another one. I'd like that. In the meantime I'll finish reading Alan's books and reread the Laurence James ones I read so long ago I can't remember everything that happened in them.
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    6/28/2009 3:33 AM
    I would have to say Alan Philipson, Mark Ellis and Laurence James in that order to, but as AP said he doesn't what it.
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    6/30/2009 8:16 AM
    Alan for sure...Mark, and James.....but maybe i'm in the minority that has liked every book no matter who has written it...
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    7/4/2009 5:42 PM
    Realistically...from the GE stable...Chuck Rogers, Doug W, and Gerald Montgomery.

    Be careful what you wish for . . .

    Chuck Rogers
    Another One Eyed Chiller
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    7/4/2009 10:35 PM
    Well,after finally finishing (READING AGAIN) the last book by Laurence James,I have to say that Stone Face,the first book in the series that Mark Ellis wrote is probably one of the best non Laurence James written books in the entire series.
    I know something happened to cause a rift between Mark Ellis and Gold Eagle,but that is a shame as I think Mark Ellis is/was the best man to take over the series as I think he may have done an even better job than Laurence James at making Ryan and the group come off the way they should,as well as writing a great story and keeping the past few books continuity intact.
    I salute Mark Ellis and his great writing.
    The Phantom
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    7/5/2009 3:35 AM
    The last quarterof Stoneface is one of the most memorable endings in the series. Demons of Eden, along with Mel Odom's Mars Arena, were back to back my favorite two DL novels of all.
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    7/6/2009 6:12 PM
    Posted By Chuck on 04 Jul 2009 05:42 PM

    Be careful what you wish for . . .

    Chuck Rogers

    Oh no!  Now we're going to have a tale where Ryan will probably be running a fruit stand, Krysty won't put out unless Ryan marries her, Doc will be teaching History at an all girls school, J.B. will be coaching Little League baseball, and all the companions will get together in the end for tea and Bible study.  NOT!!!

    I look forward to one of the great Bolanverse authors bringing his unique brand of ass kickery to the Deathlands universe.

    Published Author
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    7/6/2009 6:36 PM
    Oh no!  Now we're going to have a tale where Ryan will probably be running a fruit stand, Krysty won't put out unless Ryan marries her, Doc will be teaching History at an all girls school, J.B. will be coaching Little League baseball, and all the companions will get together in the end for tea and Bible study.  NOT!!!

    I look forward to one of the great Bolanverse authors bringing his unique brand of ass kickery to the Deathlands universe.

    Welll, Chair-Master, you are remarkably prescient . . .
    Ryan does indeed end up running something but it's not a fruitstand. Krysty refuses to put out but not to Ryan, and she's NOT the one that gets a marriage proposal. Doc does give someone a history lesson, more of a history schooling, but it sure ain't in a girl's school. J.B. does end up coaching a team but it's big league and it ain't baseball. That's about all I can say without incurring the wrath of my editors.
    Thank you for your kind words.
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