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Last Post 7/3/2010 6:54 PM by  Kerrick
New to the series and I have some questions.
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6/11/2010 8:49 PM
More like a deep-freeze combined with an insane asylum.

Frankly, the answers to most of the questions you ask aren't going to be found in DL, but in Outlanders.
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6/11/2010 11:41 PM
I take it the inbreeding problem again. Ok I am getting there but I wanted to listen in order and near as I can tell it goes Deathlands then outlands.
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6/12/2010 2:25 AM
Stoneface (I think that's the one) explains some of what happens to the inhabitants of the Anthill.

I have a question: Why was the gate program named Project Cerberus? I thought it would've made more sense for that to be the program that developed the actual "watchdog" mist creature that guarded Redoubt Bravo...

And... what does Overproject Whisper encompass? For example, is it programs related to weapons R&D, space travel, COG, etc.? I've been trying to wrap my brain around this, and the inherent contradictions in all the information I've been able to piece together are enough to make me bang my head on the desk in frustration.
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6/12/2010 3:29 AM
Lmao....That prison remark was funny....The sockpuppets wasn't.So what are you doin?Callin out everyone who called "the banned one" a buddy?Talk about startin &$it.This is a DL's forum right.Yall need to take that OL talk to its forum.
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6/12/2010 3:54 AM
I cant let this go.Everything Jax is saying about us should get him banned also.Just because I call "that guy" a friend doesn't mean I and we should be called sockpuppets.
)3az )3aziah
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6/12/2010 6:54 AM
Posted By Kerrick on 12 Jun 2010 02:25 AM
I have a question: Why was the gate program named Project Cerberus? I thought it would've made more sense for that to be the program that developed the actual "watchdog" mist creature that guarded Redoubt Bravo...

And... what does Overproject Whisper encompass? For example, is it programs related to weapons R&D, space travel, COG, etc.?

It was called Project Cerberus because thats what either Jack Adrian or Laurence James decided to call it ! Its not real and just a figment of the writers imagination. I guess he chose Cerberus as that like the gateway project is multi headed (many gates) and as Cerberus guards the gate to Hades (the unknown so to speak -only the dead can go there )so the gateways guarded the entrance to many unknowns themselves.

And Overproject Whisper I guess the answer is Yes to all of the above...

Just my thoughts on it.

I think the guardian is named in one of the OL books -but I'm not 100% sure (perhaps Mark can assist here?)
Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

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)3az )3aziah
British Bloke
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6/12/2010 6:59 AM
Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

Please check out my FLICKR photos
Ron Miles
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6/12/2010 8:01 AM
Posted By Diablo on 12 Jun 2010 03:54 AM
I cant let this go.Everything Jax is saying about us should get him banned also.Just because I call "that guy" a friend doesn't mean I and we should be called sockpuppets.

sockpuppet: (noun) A sockpuppet is an online identity used for purposes of deception within an online community. In its earliest usage, a sockpuppet was a false identity through which a member of an Internet community speaks with or about himself or herself, pretending to be a different person, like a ventriloquist manipulating a hand puppet.
(ref. Wikipedia)

In other words, every time Chris Dyer comes in here and creates a new account and begins posting (almost invariably with a first post that says something along the lines of "hey, I'm new here, be nice to me, I don't know my way around"), he has created a sockpuppet account.

Sockpuppet is not a reference to you, Diablo, it is a reference to him.  I believe the term you are looking for is Stalking Horse.
"Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
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6/12/2010 9:39 AM
Posted By Kerrick on 12 Jun 2010 02:25 AM
I've been trying to wrap my brain around this, and the inherent contradictions in all the information I've been able to piece together are enough to make me bang my head on the desk in frustration.

Welcome to the world of the post-LJ DL writer. I wore a crash helmet to work.

That said, Mr. James was an intelligent man and a seasoned professional writer—he was smart enough and experienced enough to give GE exactly what it deserved. Because I never had personal contact with him, I don’t know what his feelings were about passing the series and its many unresolved contradictions and inconsistencies over to other writers—Baz might be able to fill us in on that. Perhaps he put them there on purpose? Perhaps it was “Apres moi le deluge”? Translation: "I'm going to screw this up so much no one can straighten it out." If so, the seemingly never-quite-over discussion on this site “Who among you is fit to carry his banner?” must bring a smile to his ghostly lips.
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6/12/2010 10:15 AM
Posted By Kerrick on 12 Jun 2010 02:25 AM
And... what does Overproject Whisper encompass? For example, is it programs related to weapons R&D, space travel, COG, etc.? I've been trying to wrap my brain around this, and the inherent contradictions in all the information I've been able to piece together are enough to make me bang my head on the desk in frustration.

Overproject Whisper encompassed Project Cerberus, Operation Chronos and various other sub-divisions. Space travel fell under the Overproject Majestic umbrella and included Mission Snowbird and Project Sigma.

The guardian of the Cerberus redoubt was a forcefield powered by particles of antimatter.

The creator of Project Cerberus was Mohandus Lakesh Singh.

As I posted earlier, most of the answers to the questions you're seeking have been addressed in the Outlanders series.

The information isn't really all that contradictory. I took pains to make it consistent, at least insofar as my own work in the Axlerverse was concerned. If you check out the Outlanders Archives link here on the site, you'll find a pretty solid overview of the whole thing.
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6/12/2010 10:33 AM
Posted By Diablo on 12 Jun 2010 03:54 AM
I cant let this go.Everything Jax is saying about us should get him banned also.Just because I call "that guy" a friend doesn't mean I and we should be called sockpuppets.

I didn't call you a sock-puppet. You don't post often enough in here to even register in my awareness...although I do find it significant you've returned to do so after Chris Dyer has been banned for the fifth or sixth time...
And he was banned again for doing the same thing over and over again and apparently thinking he was going to get a different result.

That's Einstein's definition of insanity, y'know.

All I did was call him out--and I didn't even really do that.

I just made an oblique reference to my very strong suspicion that Ryan's Stupid Bastard --I mean Ryan's Bastard Son-- was just Dyer's latest incarnation.*

So, he skulks back in here under an alias after being banned multiple times, compulsively starts the same crap that got him banned before, is found out and banned again--twice within 24 hours.

He also makes threats against Ron and me (again)--

And now you're on the muscle because I was the first one to mention who I thought Ryan's Stupid Bastard--I mean Ryan's Bastard Son--really was?

That's a very interesting set of ethics and values you have.

Instead of muttering about why I wasn't banned for daring to expose him, you should ask Dyer why he couldn't exert some control over his ego...

Why he couldn't man up, email Ron, apologize for last year's hostile excesses and threats, and ask for his membership to be reinstated?

That would have been the straightforward, honest, mature and manly thing to do.

*A tip o' the hat to Cerberus Man for that euphemism

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6/12/2010 11:38 AM
Can I ask the powers that be to split off the discussion about captain butthead out of my thread? It is kinda off topic and I am really not interested in reading about captain butthead.
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6/12/2010 12:25 PM
@AP:  Thanks.

Posted By Jax2 on 12 Jun 2010 10:15 AM
Overproject Whisper encompassed Project Cerberus, Operation Chronos and various other sub-divisions. Space travel fell under the Overproject Majestic umbrella and included Mission Snowbird and Project Sigma.

The guardian of the Cerberus redoubt was a forcefield powered by particles of antimatter.

The creator of Project Cerberus was Mohandus Lakesh Singh.

As I posted earlier, most of the answers to the questions you're seeking have been addressed in the Outlanders series.

The information isn't really all that contradictory. I took pains to make it consistent, at least insofar as my own work in the Axlerverse was concerned. If you check out the Outlanders Archives link here on the site, you'll find a pretty solid overview of the whole thing.
Sorry, I was referring solely to the DL books. I've only read the first few OL books, but I have seen the archives - they're pretty comprehensive, though sadly out of date (and the Overproject Whisper section is missing). The DL site has some bare-bones info on Whisper - it mentions the same projects you did, and that's about it.

I didn't know that about the Cerberus construct. Did it have a name besides the one Doc gave it, or did the whitecoats not bother? I suppose calling it Cerberus would be mildly confusing, all things considered, but it is a rather appropriate name.

Thanks for the reply and the information.
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6/12/2010 4:42 PM
Posted By Kerrick on 12 Jun 2010 12:25 PM
Sorry, I was referring solely to the DL books. I didn't know that about the Cerberus construct. Did it have a name besides the one Doc gave it, or did the whitecoats not bother?

The official desigination of the Cerberus Redoubt was Redoubt Bravo.

Like I said, solid and consistent information about the Totality Concept projects, the mat-trans, Operation Chronos, "muties", et. al. is extremely rare in the DL series.

All that stuff is dealt with much more frequently, much more upfront and in-depth in Outalnders.

Cerberus Man
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6/15/2010 9:33 AM
Posted By Jax2 on 12 Jun 2010 04:42 PM
All that stuff is dealt with much more frequently, much more upfront and in-depth in Outalnders.

Not to mention much more intelligently with a grounding in speculative science and not what amounts to magic.
"It's better to have a blaster and not need it than to need it and--" "Oh, spare me," Brigid said irritably. (Kane and Brigid Baptiste from Armageddon Axis)
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7/3/2010 1:50 AM
Man whatever...I'm lettin this Chris crap go.Jax your the man and cant no one mess with ya............
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7/3/2010 1:45 PM

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7/3/2010 6:54 PM

Sounds like someone's drunk posting. It's the 4th of July weekend, after all...

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