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Last Post 4/17/2012 1:07 AM by  Kerrick
DL Covers
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4/10/2012 9:39 PM
    What DL Novel had the best cover and why.
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    4/11/2012 12:04 AM
    Twighlight Children.  Creepy and colorful with a good vivid imagery that Mr.Herring could provide.  Second, Shockscape, the breath drizzling out of the bears mouth along with the predator red eyes make it a dead on DL cover.  I will also throw this out there, Alpha Wave Was AWESOME!!!!! And the cover was great as well, look at the idol-statue on the train. Beautifully macabre.
    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    4/11/2012 5:53 PM
    Dectra Chain -its got the best portraits of J.B and Ryan on it and its also one of those covers that sums up the story within.

    Bloodlines -just the colours really (oh and its one of my favorite books too)

    Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
    Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

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    The Phantom
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    4/11/2012 6:36 PM

    I agree with Jim, but also would like to mention Chill Factor. Just something about the blue color that separates it from the usual and I love the Lynx cat and the energy coming off the tower. Herring brought his A-game on that cover.


    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    4/11/2012 6:53 PM
    Posted By The Phantom on 11 Apr 2012 06:36 PM

    I agree with Jim, but also would like to mention Chill Factor. Just something about the blue color that separates it from the usual and I love the Lynx cat and the energy coming off the tower. Herring brought his A-game on that cover.


    Despite almost all of them having a leg as the central theme, all the Herring covers do the business. The post MH covers just lack that "ping!" and have instead a less natural "plastic" feel to them.

    Am I just talking cr_p here?


    Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
    Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

    Please check out my FLICKR photos
    Advanced Member
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    4/11/2012 10:03 PM
    What is the best cover off Jak, i know Downrigger Drift has him on it but to be honest he looks like a Nazi Elf with the short weird blond hair.
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    4/11/2012 10:14 PM
    Somebody drew a good picture of Jak in the art section. It says on it " Dont call me kid" but as for covers well ummm gee he looked so different in Downrigger Drift( your right Nazi elf, JUST LIKE IN THE MOVIE! A nazi elf who wore an athleic jersey, remember, those of you who suffered through it like I did?) from Sunchild. I guess Sunchild is his best although you couldnt see his face and that sucked too.. Hey Alien from Sunchild also looked like a Nazi elf
    Advanced Member
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    4/11/2012 10:17 PM
    Art section???????
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    4/11/2012 10:19 PM
    BLOODLINES RULESSSSSSS!!!!!! My First DL book I ever read( and by the way if you do not read DL and you would like to start, DO NOT START WITH BLOODLINES, it will backward mind screw you) anyway, good story and yes, the artwork with the dark colors mixed in with "vampiric blood red" made that book just a classic. The "icy sky " blue color on CF rocked as well. Zero City is good but man its burry( On purpose.)
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    4/11/2012 10:22 PM
    Just seen it in the Archive, not bad. Where and when did he get the mars bar to his pus (scar on his face for you people that speak English and not drunken Scotsman)
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    4/11/2012 10:23 PM
    Yes art section go to the Deathlands Survival guide in the Archive section and the you go to OL DL shared page and look for fan art A guy named Eduardo Cindino drew it. Its ok I mean hey Better than the latest books.
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    4/11/2012 10:25 PM
    Not seen the Movie, im almost tempted to buy it just to see but i'm led to believe it is rather shengite(bad)
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    4/11/2012 10:26 PM
    Haha! Yeah, I think thats a little inaccurate but he might have received it somewhere. Dude, is Scotland as beautiful as my friends have told me and that the movies are good but you have to be there?
    Advanced Member
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    4/11/2012 10:26 PM
    Who's your favourite character?
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    4/11/2012 10:29 PM
    Scotland is the most beautiful country in the world IMHO, in some parts. But then we all think that about our countries. Where are you from? The State's? If so what state?
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    4/12/2012 1:26 AM
    Sorry I had to do some errands.I live in USA I live in a suburb of Dallas Texas. My favorite character good guys Ryan, Jak, Doc, and Rick Ginsberg(Hells Bloody Bells). Bad guys Strasser, Priest Ezekial Hearne, the crazy hermit who stuffed people and dogs in his ghost town in Road Wars, the friar tuck priest in Circle Thrice, and of course my favorite villians and in my opinion the most evil foes that the group has faced THE FAMILY!!!! Melmoth was awesome. I imagined a darker more sadistic looking Rhett Butler when it came to Melmoth. And by the way, we were all wondering when Doc was going to flip out and how. I thought Joseph Jordan was an AMAZING creation and hilarious as he not only confused the companions but the stoic Inuit as well. Wasnt Joseph Jordan a Scottish hunter or actually a trapper Silent Albino. Sorry, my DL books are temprarily away from me. And man, no I bet your country is AWESOMMMEEEE!!!!! Green as can be huh And mountains?
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    4/16/2012 3:41 PM
    Posted By )3az )3aziah on 11 Apr 2012 06:53 PM
    Posted By The Phantom on 11 Apr 2012 06:36 PM

    I agree with Jim, but also would like to mention Chill Factor. Just something about the blue color that separates it from the usual and I love the Lynx cat and the energy coming off the tower. Herring brought his A-game on that cover.


    Despite almost all of them having a leg as the central theme, all the Herring covers do the business. The post MH covers just lack that "ping!" and have instead a less natural "plastic" feel to them.

    Am I just talking cr_p here?


    I agree, I have the complete series up to ritual chill, and a small handful sporadically after that. Covers like plague lords and cannibal moon seem like they were illustrated with a computer. They don't have the same "feel". Pilgramage to hell sets a good tone for the series. Does anyone know of examples of other work herring has done?

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    4/17/2012 1:07 AM
    Posted By silentalbino on 11 Apr 2012 10:22 PM
    Just seen it in the Archive, not bad. Where and when did he get the mars bar to his pus (scar on his face for you people that speak English and not drunken Scotsman)

    He's had it for awhile (I think since before he met the companions). It's hardly ever mentioned, though.
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