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Last Post 10/21/2012 3:08 AM by  When In Redoubt
Why do the female companions not carry blades?
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)3az )3aziah
British Bloke
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6/29/2012 6:08 PM
Posted By silentalbino on 26 Jun 2012 11:20 PM
"Boss" is Scouse for good. Jim aka Baz Baziah is from Liverpool and people from there are known as Scouser's. Lost in translation eh? ha ha

"Boss" in Liverpool has several uses amongst the "hooded back ninja" youth of Liverpool...

#1 "It's boss..."

It's good or really good, a lot like being "the dogs bollocks!"

#2 "OK Boss..."

Used when the ninja low life are talking to anyone in authority such as the Police.

Oh, and I am not being racist when talking of the "hooded black ninja's" they are called that because most of the low life's wear all black "North Face" gear with hoods a must. The bigger the hood the better...

I can't say i am proud of the above either.


Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

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)3az )3aziah
British Bloke
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6/29/2012 6:12 PM
Posted By SP on 27 Jun 2012 12:01 AM

It still amazes me that so many people are from the UK...

Yes, there are about 62.3 million of us in the UK

No seriously, I am suprised myself as the books are not readily available here in the UK. I think some Forbidden Planet stores stock them -but not all, and not all the books either!!


Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

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Advanced Member
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6/29/2012 10:15 PM
To be fair there is only me and Baz and another guy who has'nt posted in age's. Can you buy Dl's and OL's in big Book Store's in the US. Forgive me if i've asked this before.
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6/30/2012 2:26 AM
Posted By silentalbino on 29 Jun 2012 10:15 PM
To be fair there is only me and Baz and another guy who has'nt posted in age's. Can you buy Dl's and OL's in big Book Store's in the US. Forgive me if i've asked this before.

Why yes! Usually there is also a blaster included in every book, while you Brit's get the wheel of missfortune scrath off card in the middle. Every once in a while there is a redoubt code included, but that involves chewing on the back cover until the skydark God's burn this into our retina, with thinly veiled poison. So it is not advisable.

We American chaps get all the pluses!

 Actually No, now that every major new bookstore around here is closed. I usually see if the local K-mart has the newest novel, if not I just order online.


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6/30/2012 4:43 PM

I see mainly all DL for sale in my Barnes & Noble. Never Outlanders.


I have a used book store with all the DL's and OL books for sale.

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7/1/2012 3:32 AM

Every Barnes and Noble, Mr. Paperback and Borders bookstore closed within 100 miles from me, (No shit!) and so now I feel it's just easier to buy them online.


The bookstores as we all knew them in America are slowly going bye-bye. And it's a shame.


)3az )3aziah
British Bloke
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7/1/2012 11:25 AM
Its the same here in England. I think the problem is that book stores are selling books cheaper on line than what they appear in the stores.

Example, I went into our local Waterstone's book store and saw a book I wanted on sale for £8.99, I came home went onto the waterstone's web site and found the same book for £4.50! I ordered it and went for the free pick up from local store option. Went in the following day to pick it up and the staff member walked over to the shelf and picked up the very same book I had looked at and bagged it up.

People are stopping going to book stores (and all other main stream ones as well) as they can get a better deal on line than they can in store -even in most cases with P&P added. Stores need to start matching prices across the board, you pay the same on line as in store, this might get folk back into stores and MAYBE keep 'em open.

I think another big reason is the cost to keep the store open, in these days of saving and cost cutting closing several £250k a month (rent) stores goes a long way to making those all important savings. We the customer count for squat all in these situations.


Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

Please check out my FLICKR photos
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7/6/2012 12:28 AM
Posted By twinsrule26 on 27 Jun 2012 07:34 PM

I think that both of them having knives would be a no brainer as knives are one of the most versitile survivor tools out there . Even if the writers don't go into vast discriptions of their weapons. I feel we as readers should just assume that they do carry some kind of blade ,and when a writer needs to have one of them using a blade then we will read about it .

Funny enough you bring this up, as I am currently reading "Remember Tomorrow". I have not read this yet  so this is new 'evidence' that they carry nothing significant, other then I remember reading countless times that they don't.

Page 35 "Behind him, Doc had his sword blade ready, and JB --Despite his unsteadiness--had unsheathed his tekna knife. The only blasters were those held by Krysty and Mildred, who didn't carry blades."

Page38 "Which left Mildred and Krysty to pick their targets with care. The men had tried to protect the two women, as they had no blades."


I'm actually thinking that Mr. Boot was trying to get the point across.

Hopefully an author will give then some good blades, and everyone else who pens a novel will include something so painstakingly obvious that they should be carrying anyway's will be included.


I'm thinking Mr. Chuck? Hey he gave them new blasters! C'mon Mr. Chuck, give Mildred a switchblade...


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7/6/2012 12:54 AM

SP, unfortunately you are reading another crappy Boot book.


Boy, do you have MUCH better DL's to look forward to! 

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7/6/2012 1:29 AM
Posted By Maximus on 06 Jul 2012 12:54 AM

SP, unfortunately you are reading another crappy Boot book.


Boy, do you have MUCH better DL's to look forward to! 

To be honest, I am enjoying it so far. I'm reading whatever comes my way in amazon and e-bay shipments. As some of them I haven't read before, most I have. All out of order.  I have to say though, I just read Thunder Road yesterday and I absolutely loved it.

See, Andy Boot has some good stuff.



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7/6/2012 3:46 PM

Yes, I agree with you there! Thunder Road was very good. As was his Lost Gates, despite the action sequences being 'meh'.

But then he gives us the Palaces of Light....


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7/6/2012 10:14 PM

Well, I finished it today. And allthough the action sequences are rather "meh" as are a lot of his books, it was very nice to see JB in his own element and make other friends. Not to mention he boinked another woman!-lol

I would of been happier if Mildred bought the farm though and they ended up taking Ella-Mae with them.

The whole inbred idiots thing with Ryan not to be able to mastermind some sort of escape was pretty lame, especially since they retained their blasters for most of the book and only had 5 of them in the wag with them while they went to Druma. It should of been plenty easy for them to chill the lot in the wag and surrender to tell the story to get Xander to mop up the ville and get Krysty and Doc back. After all these people were practically brain dead. And two got chilled in the fight! So 3 on three!

And yes I really hate Mildred...

I think it would have been cool for them to have the other woman in their group as a mechanic.


Freelance Editor
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7/6/2012 11:01 PM
I don't recall the part where J.B. boinked another woman.
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7/7/2012 12:08 AM
Posted By Wordsmith-reprise on 06 Jul 2012 11:01 PM
I don't recall the part where J.B. boinked another woman.

Page 213 and 214. Boinkage...




Advanced Member
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7/7/2012 2:45 PM

See, there neeedss to be more sex in these books, just like it used to be.


And not for the sake to be my masturbate material...

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7/14/2012 6:48 PM
Posted By Maximus on 07 Jul 2012 02:45 PM

See, there neeedss to be more sex in these books, just like it used to be.


And not for the sake to be my masturbate material...


I could have lived forever without knowing this me-thinks.

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7/21/2012 5:01 AM
In Keepers of the Sun, Ryan actually thought of taking it with him, but decided against it and left it with the body of Mashashige. I believe the main reason Mildred doesn't use knives is the same as why she doesn't use a larger pistol. Her hands are the tools of her trade. She's a healer. Granted, she kills with the best of them, but desensitizing her hands isn't something she relishes.
When In Redoubt
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8/31/2012 8:50 PM
Personally, it seems rather obvious that in the DL everyone would carry blades--one of the main tools of humanity afterall--though some might not go for 'battle' blades but just carry the small utility ones. Not a good idea, as you run out of bullets at some point, but maybe another form of weapon might be preferred for the reach out and touch someone moments. Like a baseball bat or a baton.

I think the ladies would take delight in something like Condor Tool and Knife's golok or a Cold Steel kukri--combining a heavy use tool and a hard use weapon, but dropping the weight down from something heavier like say an ax or sword or something. With having to travel by foot most of the time, combining tool and weapon would be wisest.

Of course, just my thought, but I don't think these ladies would really limit their fighting abilities by not carrying some form of weapon other than what runs on bullets--the DL is really unforgiving to females and surviors would be hard, no stand behind the males types because the males would need all the extra fighters they could get.

Stuff like that is fun for plot and male reader ego, but no way would work in a real DL.

But I'm a lady so I'm looking at it from a female slant. My own DL style pack runs three blades--a small utility, good chopper, and a golok. Takes care of chores and chaos. Of course, there is something to be said for a well applied baseball bat.

When In Redoubt
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9/4/2012 7:38 PM

In the series, we see them carry knives off and on--an absence is usually plot needed but it could also be one of those not mentioned but reader assumes they carry.  Like socks or firestarters or gun cleaning supplies, maybe?

Today I am rereading Moonfeast and actually came across a passage where Krysty is mentioned with a blade on page 20:  "A canvas gunbelt was slung low across her hips, a S & W .38 revolver holstered in the front for easy access.  A knife was strapped to one of her shapely thighs."



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9/5/2012 6:49 PM
Ah Moonfeast, flesh eating Rhino's. What a book. I quite liked the "screamers".
P.s it's nice to a Lady other than the lovely Wordsmith on the Forum's.
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