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Last Post 7/5/2015 11:13 PM by  Rusty
Things that bug me.
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11/20/2012 4:03 PM
Will you be writing reviews on these books here after you read them?
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11/21/2012 1:10 PM
I wish I had the time. I will say though that recently everytime I finish a DL book that I really like and look up the author it seems to be Alan Philipson. There is something very fresh about his tales. The other thing I like about Alan Philipson's DL stories is that he seems to know the world and stories place themselves well within the companion's history. I feel like I'm reading part of a bigger story and not a throw away "monster of the week" filler book. He has even addressed one of my main complaints (That I think I forgot to mention in the initial post) 100 years is nowhere near enough time for all these muties to have "evolved". He comes a cross as an author who cares and therefore I care more about the characters and plot when I read them. People tend to put down pulp as not real "literature" but the fact is that good story telling is good story telling. I have a 4 year old and watch her shows with her even in cartoons you can tell the difference when the people who make them care. Now if only we can get the publisher to care. I swear they published the last two Alan Philipson books I've read out of order. 80 & 82. (maybe they care now, I don't know since I am still in DL's past.)
The Phantom
Basic Member
Basic Member

11/21/2012 2:32 PM

You are right. 82 was written first.

Ron Miles
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Commander In Chief
Commander In Chief

11/21/2012 2:38 PM
Yeah, what happened there was they wound up with two Doc-centered stories back-to-back in the pipeline, so they flipped the release order of those two books to break it up. Unfortunately they did not do the necessary rewrites to make that make sense.
"Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
Advanced Member
Advanced Member

11/22/2012 1:18 AM

And another and most big of unfortunates is : Alan doesn't pen DL anymore.


But he left with a HUGE finale! 

New Member
New Member

11/22/2012 2:41 AM
Well that sucks.
)3az )3aziah
British Bloke
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Veteran Member

11/22/2012 6:42 AM
Sorry for the delay folks but RL got in the way once more...

so what did Laurence want to do with the series and GE didn't? Well from what I can recall him telling me all those years ago was this...

The group would have settled down on the ranch where Jak met Cristina and the child would have lived. J.B & mildred would have had a child also !!
Ryan and J.B's wander lust would have kept them busy as they checked out each of the redoubt codes they discovered on the hand written list found in one of the early books, some would prove useful whilst others would lead on to adventures new. Mildred would discover a way of extracting the gateway codes from the redoubts computers giving them even more places to visit.
Each book would have some but not all the group involved -they would have to leave someone behind to look after the kids!

Sadly GE didn't want to go with any of this as they prefered the book for book "jump into the unknown" method -which makes me now think they had plans to move to a multi writer series ala Bolan, long before Laurence had to put down his pen!

Sorry its not more exciting but I (and in my opinion only) think DL would have been a far better series had it not gone the way it has. Then again who is not to say that a future writer would not have done the whole rider, Reaper tale and moved the group back to what they are doing now?


Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

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11/22/2012 12:10 PM


Thanks for the kind words. As to my leaving DL after ten years and GE after 25, all things good and bad must end. Before I wrote the Xibalba books I was feeling burned out and trapped (ghosting for GE is a hand-to-mouth situation because of the low pay), and rather than write books I didn't care about—or worse, books that might shame me—I decided to pull the plug after the duology and find another job, which I did in short order. I've never felt sorry about the decision. I'm making a solid (not borderline) middle class wage, and the work (developmental editing other people's books) is much easier: I can even do it while listening to Sportstalk radio (Go 'Hawks!). I have a lot to be grateful for today.


Happy Thanksgiving to all.

New Member
New Member

11/22/2012 9:10 PM

Hawks, eh? You wouldn;t happen to be in the Seattle area would you? I'm about 30 miles north of there but moving closer next month.

It's a shame they didn;t have the companions working from a base of operations. Had the series been mine to run that's one of the first things I would have done. It would have given them a purpose, also instead of killing off every nice/useful character they come across they could have started their own low key, high functioning hidden ville. Maybe like the one John Galt had going in Atlas Shrugged, of course a DL version.


New Member
New Member

11/22/2012 9:11 PM

Hawks, eh? You wouldn;t happen to be in the Seattle area would you? I'm about 30 miles north of there but moving closer next month.

It's a shame they didn;t have the companions working from a base of operations. Had the series been mine to run that's one of the first things I would have done. It would have given them a purpose, also instead of killing off every nice/useful character they come across they could have started their own low key, high functioning hidden ville. Maybe like the one John Galt had going in Atlas Shrugged, of course a DL version.


Basic Member
Basic Member

11/23/2012 11:26 AM
So basically, it would've been like Outlanders? There certainly would have been better continuity (the bane of Gold Eagle books)... I can see the companions in the "war room":

JB: "So where are we going this week?"

Ryan: "Mildred's uncovered a new redoubt in Pennsylvania, near our old stomping grounds. Thought it might be worth checking out."

Jak: "I go this time. Jenny teething, can't sleep."

Krysty: "Oh sure, leave the women behind."

Advanced Member
Advanced Member

11/29/2012 9:45 AM

Although after over 25 years of DL, I still like the mystery aspect of the unknown jump factor.


I suppose that by now they could have figured it out, and developed a base of operations, (perhaps the blueprint of Cerberus?), but I'd like either a spin-off series or just a HUGE leap to the gigantic elephant in the room - chron jumping.


This could be utilized until the cows come home.

New Member
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12/6/2012 9:55 PM
JB's pockets...Capacious: Capable of containing a large quantity; spacious or roomy. Pick another word! Really!
Advanced Member
Advanced Member

12/6/2012 11:30 PM
Yeah, and my eyes glaze over when the writer starts telling us that Mildred was once an olympic shooter, yada, yada, yada for the millionth time.
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12/7/2012 3:22 AM
Posted By Maximus on 12/6/2012 11:30:38 PM
Yeah, and my eyes glaze over when the writer starts telling us that Mildred was once an olympic shooter, yada, yada, yada for the millionth time.

Well, every new book has got to be someone's first experience with the series, right? I don't mind brief torrents of back story, so long as it's not too long and doesn't detract from the scene at hand. 

And while I've got the floor, so to speak, I have to know which novel the whole "Doc sexing pigs" thing is from. That's just too bizarre to ignore, though I'm sure it was added for a legitimate plot reason, and not just an experiment in exploitation. (I'm fairly new to Gold Eagle, and my collection doesn't have missing pieces so much as it has cavernous black holes, vast expanses of nothingness just waiting to be filled, which is why I don't possess a more encyclopedic knowledge of past novels.)

New Member
New Member

12/7/2012 3:24 AM
Posted By Maximus on 12/6/2012 11:30:38 PM
Yeah, and my eyes glaze over when the writer starts telling us that Mildred was once an olympic shooter, yada, yada, yada for the millionth time.

New Member
New Member

12/7/2012 3:24 AM
Posted By Maximus on 12/6/2012 11:30:38 PM
Yeah, and my eyes glaze over when the writer starts telling us that Mildred was once an olympic shooter, yada, yada, yada for the millionth time.

Well, every new book has got to be someone's first experience with the series, right? I don't mind brief torrents of back story, so long as it's not too long and doesn't detract from the scene at hand. 

And while I've got the floor, so to speak, I have to know which novel the whole "Doc sexing pigs" thing is from. That's just too bizarre to ignore, though I'm sure it was added for a legitimate plot reason, and not just an experiment in exploitation. (I'm fairly new to Gold Eagle, and my collection doesn't have missing pieces so much as it has cavernous black holes, vast expanses of nothingness just waiting to be filled, which is why I don't possess a more encyclopedic knowledge of past novels.)

New Member
New Member

12/7/2012 3:25 AM
Posted By Maximus on 12/6/2012 11:30:38 PM
Yeah, and my eyes glaze over when the writer starts telling us that Mildred was once an olympic shooter, yada, yada, yada for the millionth time.

New Member
New Member

12/7/2012 3:27 AM
Posted By Maximus on 12/6/2012 11:30:38 PM
Yeah, and my eyes glaze over when the writer starts telling us that Mildred was once an olympic shooter, yada, yada, yada for the millionth time.

Well, every new book has got to be someone's first experience with the series, right? I don't mind brief torrents of back story, so long as it's not too long and doesn't detract from the scene at hand. 

And while I've got the floor, so to speak, I have to know which novel the whole "Doc sexing pigs" thing is from. That's just too bizarre to ignore, though I'm sure it was added for a legitimate plot reason, and not just an experiment in exploitation. (I'm fairly new to Gold Eagle, and my collection doesn't have missing pieces so much as it has cavernous black holes, vast expanses of nothingness just waiting to be filled, which is why I don't possess a more encyclopedic knowledge of past novels.)

New Member
New Member

12/7/2012 3:27 AM
Posted By Maximus on 12/6/2012 11:30:38 PM
Yeah, and my eyes glaze over when the writer starts telling us that Mildred was once an olympic shooter, yada, yada, yada for the millionth time.

Well, every new book has got to be someone's first experience with the series, right? I don't mind brief torrents of back story, so long as it's not too long and doesn't detract from the scene at hand. 

And while I've got the floor, so to speak, I have to know which novel the whole "Doc sexing pigs" thing is from. That's just too bizarre to ignore, though I'm sure it was added for a legitimate plot reason, and not just an experiment in exploitation. (I'm fairly new to Gold Eagle, and my collection doesn't have missing pieces so much as it has cavernous black holes, vast expanses of nothingness just waiting to be filled, which is why I don't possess a more encyclopedic knowledge of past novels.)

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