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Last Post 8/26/2014 8:09 PM by  Madnei
A newbie question
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8/26/2014 8:06 AM

    I am still early in the series but wanted clear somethings up. During the beginning of Homeward Bound when the group passed by NYC didn't they say the area was still hot and that there was no signs of life besides the muties they encounters. In Seedling they are in the same area but everything is hopping with street gangs and open air markets. Maybe it is my misunderstanding the geography of the area but it soured my enjoyment while reading Seedling. Anyway my question is am I remembering things wrong or is this a slight continuity hiccup?

    The Phantom
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    8/26/2014 12:19 PM
    I would say passing by a place would give a different perspective than going into it.
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    8/26/2014 2:01 PM
    If my memory is any good way back then the Author was still building up the Deathlands story lines.

    So the companions might have honestly thought that NYC was a Radioactive mutie infested hell hole. Lots of people make guesses about what a place is like and then find it is nothing like they imagined it was when they get there . LJ wrote the first 30 or so books himself then it went to a bunch of good writers to write the next 90+ books. LJ set up story lines in the series and ideas that only he had any idea where they were going to go sadly with his passing those ideas never got written.

    There are lots more instances of things not being consistent later on in the series it comes from there being more than one author writing the books . Over all most of the books are goodreads filled with lots of fast paced action.
    I hope you keep reading the series as there is a heck of a lot of great stories in it.
    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    8/26/2014 5:35 PM
    Welcome aboard Madnei.

    New York is a big city even by todays standards and covers a lot of square miles. 90 odd years after the collapse such places had become a wonderland for traders and those who risked all to collect past tech. I'm guessing that a lot of these stories being the result of an overactive imagination on the part of the teller or created to keep other folk from going in and looting your find?

    I'm sure either Ryan or JB make comment about having been into the city with Trader and finding it inhabited by folk both good and bad -mostly bad?

    Homeward bound was book five in a series where we had been told from the outset that all the cities in the US had been hit by nukes, neutron weapons, earth shaker bombs and plague bombs of various kinds. Would it have soured your pleasure whilst reading HB to find that New York was described as a thriving community, although hit hard during the war was now filled with gangs and flea markets?

    Its been too long since I read either book, I may have to revisit them and refresh my memory?

    I was more shocked to think that having a football team called "The Vikings" resulted in a whole culture developing where everyone lived like the good old Norse folk of old! Laurence got a good laugh out of that one when I mentioned it but refused to elaborate when I asked why?

    A nod to the Endworld series by David Robbins maybe?

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    8/26/2014 8:09 PM
    I continued on with the series even with the small hiccup I seen. I am half though book 14 now.

    I get that things are in flux at the start of any series and things need to be changed to better tell a story. It would not been as jarring to me if was the case of they were to far away to see any life at all or was a different part of the city they floated pass. The thing is they travel on the same river in both books but the area around the river was way different in both telling. In HB they travel along the whole length of the river from the interior of the state to the ocean. I can let it all slide but the fact of the group acting like it was the first time they were in the area soured Seedling for me. That is not even talking about how "Peaches" that was introduced in Book 11 Time Nomads was said by Ryan to have been killed by some muties after the events of the story but in the book he was killed by Indians during the main story.

    Seedling had parts I enjoyed like the nature of the street gangs and the mystery of what was going on with the Scalies and why they were so organized. I thought they were working for Larry in some way but was not enough info given to see if that was true.

    In the end I got pass the jacked up continuity of the book and move on with the series.Thanks for the help provided )3az )3aziah
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