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Last Post 11/14/2014 8:45 AM by  Ron Miles
Polestar Omega Contest
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Ron Miles
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9/13/2014 11:11 AM

    Alan Philipson has returned to the Deathlands, and to celebrate we are giving away three autographed copies of Polestar Omega. For contest rules and instructions, visit the Polestar Omega Contest Page.

    Good luck!

    The Phantom
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    9/13/2014 12:38 PM


    Welcome back Alan!!!!


    Published Author
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    9/13/2014 1:20 PM

    Sank you, sank you, sank you.

    And good luck with the contest! An autographed book from me who never autographs books should increase immensely in value after I take the last train west. Say from 1 cent to a whopping 2 cents. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, brothers and sisters.

    New Member
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    9/13/2014 4:42 PM

    AP, what an honor for DL fans to be treated not once but twice to two new adventures of our favorite post-apocalyptic Companions as no one else can write!  This DL fan is ecstatic that you have resurfaced with new novels instead of someone finding your last long lost unfinished DL manuscript molding away in some dank, dark far away dungeon.

    Published Author
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    9/13/2014 5:46 PM
    Thanks, S-E. Last sentence makes a great start for a contest entry. How did I escape? Who imprisoned me? And why is that dragon looking at me funny?
    Basic Member
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    9/13/2014 9:42 PM
    AP' s BACK !! :clap: Cool !!, now I know the series is safe for the foreseeable future .
    Advanced Member
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    9/14/2014 10:25 AM
    Tell us you're staying around to write more than two! I've read all your DL books apart from Damnation Road Show and you are very welcome to be back to the series.
    Published Author
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    9/14/2014 10:38 AM

    At present I don't have any more contracted books, but GE said they would buy two DLs a year from me as long as I'm alive. (Apparently they are prejudiced against dead authors. Go figure.) I anticipate negotiations on a new contract will start in the next week or so. I come from long-lived stock. Barring accident or nuclear holocaust, I think we're looking at a lot of books.

    I was gone from the series for four years. I had fun with Polecat Omega. Even more fun with the time travel DL, End Day. Really like the cover for that one.  Way classier.

    I'm not going to reveal the real story of my coming back until after the lucky contest winners are chosen. 

    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    9/14/2014 10:47 AM
    Two a year will do me. Two from Chuck and two from Milan. Jobs a good un. They need to get you to do a trilogy or duology(?)
    Now if I send you a fiver can we fix this competition...........................
    Basic Member
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    9/14/2014 2:03 PM
    Posted By silentalbino on 9/14/2014 10:47 AM
    Two a year will do me. Two from Chuck and two from Milan. Jobs a good un. They need to get you to do a trilogy or duology(?)
    Now if I send you a fiver can we fix this competition...........................

    Hey! ,It'll take more that a fiver to fix this comp. 

    Things can only get better I'm sure .

    Hey AP. did GE give you permission to upgrade the companions weapons & gear like they did with Chuck ???

    Are we going to see anything  new for them? 

    Published Author
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    9/14/2014 9:57 PM

    I write stories, not gun catalogs. Sorry.


    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    9/15/2014 1:59 AM

    Posted By AP on 9/14/2014 9:57 PM

    I write stories, not gun catalogs. Sorry.

    Well said, I'm glad you think that way.


    post edited by Ron Miles for formatting
    Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
    Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

    Please check out my FLICKR photos
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    9/16/2014 7:03 PM
    I have to admit Alan that I'm surprised that you're writing for them. I won't say anything else however as it would not be proper.

    Still, at least you will bring some continuity to the series and I hope that they will be a little more respectful this time around.

    One last thing... is it just me or does Ryan on the cover look more like Jon Snow and less like Ryan?

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    9/17/2014 12:21 AM
    Posted By Outlanders on 9/16/2014 7:03 PM

    I have to admit Alan that I'm surprised that you're writing for them. I won't say anything else however as it would not be proper.

    I have no idea what you're talking about or what you think you're talking about. I suggest you put a sock in it. Preferably one the dog's been playing with.

    Veteran Member
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    9/17/2014 8:42 AM
    Alan -


    How nice.
    Published Author
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    9/17/2014 12:44 PM
    I knew you'd enjoy the taste. Stay out of my business.
    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    9/17/2014 3:40 PM
    Please folk stop acting like the kind of people we don't want around here. Let's keep private lives just that, PRIVATE. if you want to trade shit take it to PMs

    Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
    Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

    Please check out my FLICKR photos
    Published Author
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    9/17/2014 4:07 PM
    I don't want to trade shit on the site or PMs. I want my life private. If people want to talk about the books I'm perfectly willing to do that. If it isn't fun here why would I effing bother?
    Advanced Member
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    9/17/2014 4:13 PM
    Lets all just take a step back and a deep breath and relax. It's a website about books so let's talk about books. I'm sure we've all got enough BS in our "real" lives to be falling out on a site where we come to chill and hopefully converse with likeminded people.
    New Member
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    9/17/2014 5:52 PM
    A single paragraph seems far too little, considering the amount of vitriol Mr. Philipson has spewed in the direction of Gold Eagle in the past. I believe it would take a full-length novel to explain the motivations behind such a turn of events. That being said, would a longer paragraph, consisting of between one and two-hundred words be acceptable?
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