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Last Post 5/31/2015 6:22 PM by  sniper1shot
Gold Eagle is Shutting Down
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Author Messages
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1/1/2015 7:51 PM

BTW, can someone explain to me - or point me to a thread around here - about who Chuck Rogers and Alan Philipson are and why people seem to revere them? Thanks.

Both are  authors of Deathland's novels. And authors of GREAT DL books more importantly

The Phantom
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1/2/2015 12:01 PM
Philipson was writing high quality action books way back when I started reading Gold Eagle stuff in 1984. He established his street cred with the SOB's series long before Deathlands came along.

Rogers has also written for GE for a long time, beginning with the awesome Executioner #208 Death Whisper, which came out in the mid 90's. His books in that series are consistently regarded as among the very best.

Check them out even if you are not a fan of those series, you might find you will enjoy their work on them.
Basic Member
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1/4/2015 1:43 PM
Yeah, a good writer is fun to read no matter the sleeve they put on his arms
New Member
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1/5/2015 10:59 AM

As a long time member, though no longer posting, I too am sad at this news.  I guess it was foreshadowed in my copy of Polestar Omega.  There was no subscription card insert.  No point in soliciting subscriptions when you're not going to be around.

I hope they print enough copies so that we can all get our last ones.  After all these years, I wouldn't want to miss out on the last Deathlands story.

Advanced Member
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1/5/2015 11:37 AM
Pre-order it online and you should be alright.
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1/5/2015 9:41 PM

The Phantom,

Thanks. I wrote for GE for a very long time, off and on since 1982. I'm sad about the closure because it means I won't get to keep working with people who have become dear friends (W-R!). I'm glad that END DAY turned out to be my final book in the series, though. I had a lot of fun with it. Go out with a bang, right?

I'm going to keep writing fiction, but not sure what as yet. I was negotiating a three-book deal with GE when the bottom fell out. One of the ideas was way too good to be a writer-for-hire novel, so I might do that--without the companions in it. GE never saw it. I have another novel half finished--not Slaughter Realms--something different. So, who knows, you might see more books from me in the future.

Hey, it's been a kick to interact with you and everyone else on this site. Best of luck to you all.


The Phantom
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1/6/2015 12:14 PM
It would have been fitting if END DAY would have been the final DL title in the series.
New Member
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1/10/2015 9:02 PM

I started reading Deathlands and Outlanders years and years ago back in early 2000 and I have read almost every single book.

I get online for the first time to look up my favorite book series of all time only to see that it is being shut down. How is this possible? It seems so popular and has a dedicated fan base.

The snake faces are going to win after all.

New Member
New Member

1/10/2015 9:02 PM

I started reading Deathlands and Outlanders years and years ago back in early 2000 and I have read almost every single book.

I get online for the first time to look up my favorite book series of all time only to see that it is being shut down. How is this possible? It seems so popular and has a dedicated fan base.

The snake faces are going to win after all.

Published Author
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1/11/2015 11:17 AM

As far as Kane, Brigid, Grant and the rest of the Cerberus crew are, the snake-faces are NOT going to win.

Basic Member
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1/11/2015 12:47 PM
Insert "Nothing is over" speech from Animal House here.
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1/13/2015 11:20 AM

This might give you a better, if general,  idea of how it came about...



New Member
New Member

1/20/2015 10:15 PM

Hi all...been a very, very long time since I've visited the site. Probably about 7 years or so. Ron, Mark and some of the members from the start may remember me but perhaps not. The site has change much (read as improved) and likely a lot of my content has been pruned. I'm shocked my login still works and I'm back to the ranks of a 1 post newbie

 It had been a long time since I had read a Deathlands or Outlanders book. They both got just too formulaic for one could live up to the work that Mark did on Outlanders and those post-Ellis books in the Deathlands series went downhill for awhile and then dropped off a cliff. I still have every one of the paperback copies in my basement including PTH with the color art insert. I actually read a few DL books recently for grins and while not the crap (sorry, DL got really bad for awhile) that they were a while back, they're still lacking any feeling of spontaneity and the plots aren't very robust or dynamic. Same old, same old. Like a favorite old sneaker, they are fondly comfortable but still stink a bit

Anyway, I didn't drop in to belittle either series nor the authors. I just wanted to say that while I'm sorry both series are ending, I also think it's time. I started reading both at their inception, Pilgrimage to Hell in my late teens and Exile to Hell much later. I'd love to see each series reach some sort of finale to bring closure but based on what I'm reading, it's not going to happen for DL at least. I wrote some fan faction DL stories, some of which I discussed with Mark on this site but never really pursued it...sometimes I wish that I had. Maybe they can live on as fan fiction contributions. I know Ron was big on that - did you ever get anything published? I hope so.

Good to see Mark and others still active here and kudos to Ron for persevering with the site this whole time. A labor of love I'm sure.

I'll probably stop back in here and there to see what's going on and bore you some more with my ruminations.

P.S. It's still hard to believe that the world blew out 14 years ago...

The Phantom
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1/21/2015 12:22 PM
Hiya Joe! Good to know you are still alive and kickin.

Hopefully Outlanders will continue under Mark's control, I agree that its time for DL to end.
Advanced Member
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1/21/2015 2:04 PM
Posted By Jax2 on 12/17/2014 9:28 PM
Kane, Brigid, Grant, Domi, Lakesh and the rest will be back where they belong, too.
 Does the copyright revert back to Mark. If so that would be awesome. Have decided to start reading OL.

)3az )3aziah
British Bloke
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Veteran Member

1/22/2015 2:20 AM
Welcome back Joe, it's been too long.

Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

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Advanced Member
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1/22/2015 3:32 PM
How many more Dl's are there to come. Is Forbidden Trespass a Milan novel in which case we have another two to be revealed?
Ron Miles
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Commander In Chief

1/22/2015 3:41 PM
End Day - Alan Philipson - March 2015
Forbidden Tresspass - Author Unknown - May 2015
Iron Rage - Victor Milan - July 2015
Child of Slaughter - Uknown Author - September 2015
Wrath Child (title not absolutely confirmed) - Victor Milan - November 2015

"Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
Ron Miles
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Commander In Chief
Commander In Chief

1/22/2015 3:43 PM
(I think Forbidden Tresspass is Travis Morgan, but I am not positive on that one)
"Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
Advanced Member
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1/22/2015 4:05 PM
Cheer's Ron. Did someone say somewhere that Milan had the next 4 book's.
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