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Last Post 10/15/2009 3:47 PM by  gumble
Deathlands 87 - Desolation Crossing
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8/19/2009 2:50 PM
Take it from me..writing a book is damm hard..evne when you have developed characters already....trying to balance story and battles and sex and stuff is really tough..AP gave me some insight - 300+ double spaced pages and 87,000 words book is up to 80+ pages and it has been tough...taken me how long? like 3+ months to bang this out..i have more respect for anyone writing these books....i just hope people really like it vs just blowing sunshine up my rear
Bury The Sun
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8/19/2009 5:09 PM
LOL! Nope, no sunshine here... just lots of smoke and maybe a few shovels... now where did I put that roto tiller...

"Better to have weapons and not need them, than to not have weapons when you do need them." -Trader
One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
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8/19/2009 6:04 PM
Look ya douche!(I say that as a true pal)
What do I gotta do to make you believe I am sincere and mean the things I say.I know you made a character for me,but I swear bro,every compliment is genuine dammit!!!No "blubbering"or Smoke ok???
Ok I will give you a criticism to bust your balls a bit Dan so you don't think I am shining ya on ok?
Here it is:I did not like the AK as Ryan's Rifle ok?
I would have preferred a M4 or HK G36.
Know why???
Cause you have an obsession with that heavy ass 7.62 rd(all good though)
and you are forgetting one thing(there is no Stickies or coldhearts w/body armor bro!!!)and that 5.56MM round hitting a human body or a muties(w/out any armor?)would more than be adequate to waste any of Ryan's enemies.
There.I did not wanna critique you Dan,but you made me so I don't feel like an ass kiss ok???LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hopefully still yopur bro.
"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
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8/19/2009 11:49 PM
While I too did not like to see Ryan carrying an AK - I am a fan of the 7.62 caliber round. I would rather see Ryan with a G3, CETME, M1A, HK91, L1A1, L42A1, or even a SMLE. The L42A1 would be my 1st choice (followed by a National Match M1A since there are about a few million M1As out there not counting the ones made by Korea) but they are exceedingly rare and fetch over $6k on the auction sites when any are found. My wife says I am addicted to semi-auto .308 (7.62x51mm for our Euro readers) rifles as I have all the above with the exception of the L42A1 of course. With my favorite hand loads (168gr Scenars set .020 off the lands, Black Hills Match Brass, 44 gr Varget powder, and Bench Rest primers) I can hold the black at 1k yards with iron sights with any of my rifles. My Remington 700 with its special Shilen 30” heavy target contour, fluted, cryo’d barrel and suppressor it takes 23 MOA to get 1k yards but I can hold the 7 ring all day. The 700 is not bad for shooting stationary prone but I would not want to have to hump it in the field. I would much rather carry a NM M1A. I have had to lug that heavy ass 7.62 round in the field and I can tell you that it sucked! But it paid dividends when I did not have to shoot Haji with half a mag to put his sorry ass down for good and send him to his eternal reward of 40 virgins.
One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
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8/20/2009 1:06 AM

Bro I totally agree,I was only saying that about the 7.62 to screw w/our buddy Dan is all.

But my SF friend,you gotta keep in mind,Haji has body armor an layers of shit that a DeathLands baddie or semi naked mutie won't have to impede that .223?

Or am I full of shit?If so bro I can accept it.
I was just going by a quote that a soldier in  "The Gun Digest Book Of Assault Weaopons 7" said about criticism of that 5.56mm rd."While It Is Often Criticisized For Not Being Lethal Enough,After Seeing What It Does To A Human Being I Sure As Hell Would Not Want To Be Hit By It"

"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
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8/20/2009 12:33 PM
If you are on the wrong side of a weapon - even a .177 pellet gun looks like a bazooka!! I will tell you the worse thing about getting shot is that it burns like hell. I thought someone stuck me with a red hot poker.

While Haji does not usually wear body armor they do a "man dress" that is a typical Arab dress but it is made of thick linen. The worse problem with the .223 is we feed it shite ammo which is what Ryan would have a problem with since he can shoot what he finds. When I use a good expanding bullet like a Nosler Partition or Sierra Game King - expansion is near 2x caliber size - it would be deadly on stickies or muties. Shooting someone with the standard NATO steel tipped penetrator is like sticking them with a pencil several times. It is going to hurt and is unltimately lethal - but it is going to take time. We found that leaving our M4 on burst and putting a burst center of mass and a burst to the head ended having to shoot some poor bastard 10-15 times on average to put him down for good.

The 7.62 by its very nature (bigger round) destroys more tissue but you can not haul as much ammo. We use the 7.62 mostly as a sniper and medium machine gun round and it excels at both tasks. Most targets hit with a 7.62 round even glancing die very shortly. Most snipers within 300 yards will take head shots which will penetrate any NATO helmet and surviving even a nick from a 7.62 round to the melon is rare. Although I have seen Marine, SEAL, Ranger and Royal Marine snipers pot head shots out to 800 yards - such skill takes years of practice.

Even better are the .338 Lapua, .408 Cheytac, .300 Win Mag, and my pet .338-378 Weatherby. All these large special purpose sniper rounds are near instant kill but the recoil and weight of the ammo and gun severly limit amount of rounds that can be carried. Even worse is the .50 cal sniper rifles which are awsome and even a glancing blow is instant death.

Most of the Zombie fiction I read tote the .30 carbine as the best zombie killer. Since most of the shots have to be to the head the standard round ball is not a bad round. I like my reloads for the .30 carbine that uses a 110 gr wide meplate lead bullet. While it sucks for range - the .30 carbine is good for up close. I load the .30 carbine and .32-20 (near identical ballistics) with the same lead bullet and with practice can hit the 100 yard gong everytime. However the round just does not have the balls to be an effective killer at that distance.

For up close can't beat a shot gun with 00 buck and slugs. I like the M4 but I prefer to carry a shot gun. As the platoon sgt I am usually 3rd in the door so clean up is part of my job. Anything still moving gets a round of 00 buck center of mass.
Bury The Sun
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8/20/2009 2:42 PM
For up close can't beat a shot gun with 00 buck and slugs.

Completely agree with you on that one my man, in any disaster situation I would happily trade off a rifle for a shotgun... sure, not so many rounds (civilian models) but I'd rather blow a hole in somebody the size of my fist than maybe have to triple tap some not-quite-dead sumbitch twice ya know? Your zombie comment just made me think of a new topic by the way... lol

"Better to have weapons and not need them, than to not have weapons when you do need them." -Trader
)3az )3aziah
British Bloke
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8/20/2009 5:03 PM
Posted By One Eyed Vengance(Leonidas) on 19 Aug 2009 06:04 PM
you are forgetting one thing(there is no Stickies or coldhearts w/body armor bro!!!)and that 5.56MM round hitting a human body or a muties(w/out any armor?)would more than be adequate to waste any of Ryan's enemies.

Your forgetting that true (L.J) Stickies need a shot to the head, body hits will not kill them.

Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

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One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
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8/20/2009 5:06 PM
Mac,Once again man I completely see where you are coming from and I know you are dead on about the 7.62 rd being alot more of a manstopper.I just like the AR type weapons cause to me they are more user friendly and like you said you can hump alot more ammo.(way less recoil too)
I know that You boy's use the M240 in 7.62x51MM and our snipers use it too.
I would prefer the 12 gauge too for CQB going by all I have learned from reading your post's.
They should(IMO) give you guy's better ammo for your M4's or upgrade you to the barret 6.8MM spc rd using rifle?Just a thought?
Oh yeah,since you mention .30 carbine as the best "head shot" rd for Zombies,I recall that Ol' 'Charlie the expert marksmen in "Land Of The Dead" used the M1 carbine in that rd didn't he?
See,I am silly like that but I like the AR cause in case of a Zombie emergency I could place easy head shots w/a good acog or reflex dot sight.LOL!!!!
You are right too Andy about wanting the 12 gauge cause of the "fist sized holes" it causes.Could not agree more bro's.
"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
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8/20/2009 5:17 PM
Posted By )3az )3aziah on 20 Aug 2009 05:03 PM

Your forgetting that true (L.J) Stickies need a shot to the head, body hits will not kill them.

Someone on this board awhile back also said stickies couldn't be killed with a blade.  (If they are cut--or shot, do they not bleed?  And if they bleed, why wouldn't they BLEED OUT?)  Did LJ ever describe or explain this remarkable physiology?  Just curious ...

One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
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8/20/2009 5:22 PM

I honestly do not recall any of the difficulties of killing Stickies?

They seemed easy enough in the book w/"Straw Hair Charlie" the smart UZI toting stickie?

"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
)3az )3aziah
British Bloke
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8/20/2009 7:26 PM
Page 92 of PTH

"...Bullets hurt them, a heart or head shot could finish them... but otherwise their wet rubbery fleash seemed to absorb the heaviest punishment..."

I also recall in several other L J books when the group encounter Stickies that Ryan and J.B tell there companions to always aim for the head or they would be wasting there ammo.
Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

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8/20/2009 8:00 PM
Posted By )3az )3aziah on 20 Aug 2009 07:26 PM
Page 92 of PTH

"...Bullets hurt them, a heart or head shot could finish them... but otherwise their wet rubbery fleash seemed to absorb the heaviest punishment..."

I also recall in several other L J books when the group encounter Stickies that Ryan and J.B tell there companions to always aim for the head or they would be wasting there ammo.
Wet, rubbery flesh "absorbs" punishment, including bullets?  That's damn weak explanation of a remarkable phenomenon (it defies laws of physics and biology).  Bullets easily pass through wet, rubbery substances--in the process poking holes in vital organs other than heart and brain. What I find amusing is that the companions are as incurious as LJ as to the reasons for this.  The hellscape is littered with the bodies of stickies they've dispatched over the years and they never bothered to cut even one open to identify the actual cause of the invincibility? 

If the stickies' wet, rubbery flesh stops all incoming, why isn't Ryan wearing a stickie-skin body stocking and swim cap?  Or at least stickie-flesh-covered armor?  Jock strap?

One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
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8/20/2009 8:02 PM
I sure believe you Jim,I just read "Fury's Pilgrims"(Re-read)and it had Ryan and Jak killing some stickies up close in an abandoned movie theatre and JB ambushing them w/his UZI.Did not mention a thing about any head shots or any ressilience that Stickies may have?
Still,I am sure you are right as well.
Oh yeah,my old original copy od PTH is missing the first 176 pgs so I missed that when I broke it out a few mons ago.
"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
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8/21/2009 11:27 AM
To paraphrase Dutch, "If it bleeds, you can kill it."
"Courage is not a man with a gun in his hand. It's knowing you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what." - Atticus Finch
One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
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8/21/2009 2:01 PM
Good quote Mike.See, we are not that differant after all?I saw that movie when I was 14 in 87' down in Florida on vacation.
"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
)3az )3aziah
British Bloke
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8/21/2009 2:04 PM
LJ had three types of stickies that appeared in his books, read here:

for details

Books in question
Pilgrimage to hell
Homeward Bound
Moon Fate

I have to agree with Alan, you would have thought Mildred of all people would have had at least a little interest in the many forms of mutie they have come across -especially as she has the codex to write !
Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

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One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
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8/21/2009 2:18 PM
Good intel Jim.thanks!
"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
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8/21/2009 3:50 PM
Posted By )3az )3aziah on 21 Aug 2009 02:04 PM
LJ had three types of stickies that appeared in his books, read here:

for details

Books in question
Pilgrimage to hell
Homeward Bound
Moon Fate

I have to agree with Alan, you would have thought Mildred of all people would have had at least a little interest in the many forms of mutie they have come across -especially as she has the codex to write !

LJ didn't write Skydark.  I do appreciate the compliment, though. 
)3az )3aziah
British Bloke
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8/21/2009 3:55 PM
Posted By AP on 21 Aug 2009 03:50 PM
LJ didn't write Skydark.  I do appreciate the compliment, though. 

Well done I wondered how long it would take for someone to spot that one

Glad to see that at least you read my posts
Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

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