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Last Post 4/4/2009 3:11 PM by  Mapex21
New reader question
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3/12/2009 12:10 PM

    I glanced through the threads to see if one has already been made like this and I didn't see any, so hopefully this is alright. 

    Anyway, I was browsing Amazon the other day looking for some good post-apocalyptic books to read in the near future, since I am somewhat obessed with the subject :), and I came across the Deathlands series.  I had never heard of it before and started looking into and quickly realized the massive amount of books in the series.

    My question is, are there any specific books from the series that would be better to start off a new reader, or can I just pick some from random and start reading?  I've looked around for the first book in the series, Pilgrimage to Hell, but that one seems to be a steal if you can find it for $15-$20, while the rest seem to go for a couple dollars at most.  Are there certain books from the series, besides the first , that give a good feel for the series as a whole, or ones that would be better for a new reader?  I appreciate any help!

    New Member
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    3/12/2009 1:18 PM

    Hey Mapex21, Welcome aboard. Some pretty good stuff on this site. The Deathlands series is Awesome.  Pilgrimage to Hell is the beginning but there is another book (Encounter, I hope thats the name) I think it is. It came out as like book #20 or so (I'll probrably get torn apart by the websites Guru's) but that book explains more of the characters and how things came about. Then go and start the series from the beginning.        I'm a big fan of the post-apocalyptic stuff and be real interested in hearing what else you read.  I picked up a Deathlands book from a pile in kuwait on my way to Iraq in Feb 2002 and can't stop.  Contact me at and we can converse about the series and I'm anxious to get ideas on other books you read.  Hope this helps. Look forward to hearing from you.

    Dean Deathlands
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    3/12/2009 7:11 PM

    Hi Mapex21. The best thing to do would be to start  with Pilgrimage, but if you can't , start with the most recent books you can find in order and look for and read the older books in between the new ones when you can find and get them, as a lot of us know its sometimes hard to find the older books , but sometimes that's half the fun, and a lot of the books are separate from one another  so you don't have to worry about missing any big plot lines. Good luck.

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    3/13/2009 3:01 PM

    Thanks for the feedback.

    I will keep my eyes out for a copy of the first book in the series that doesn't cost too much, but I'll probably end up grabbing the earliest book I can find and going from there.  Thanks again!

    New Member
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    4/4/2009 12:22 AM
    I remember first getting introduced to this series about 10 years ago and the first one I read was Rider, Reaper.  I don't think it really matters what one you start off with, obviously the first would be best, but i never got around to reading Pilgramage until finding it about 5 years ago.  I have tried numerous times to read from the first to the latest but always get swept up when a new release is put out.  Slowly but surely I am getting the full collection and maybe on that one day when I finally have books 1 - whatever.. maybe then I will start reading from begining to end.
    Ron Miles
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    4/4/2009 4:43 AM
    Posted By Mapex21 on 12 Mar 2009 12:10 PM

    Are there certain books from the series, besides the first , that give a good feel for the series as a whole, or ones that would be better for a new reader? 

    The series is designed to be accessible to new readers, so that you can pick up pretty much any book and start there.  For me, it was Deep Empire all the way back in '94 and I was lucky in that I only had to find 17 books to fill in my collection.  These days it's a wee bit more daunting...

    One thing that might help is that if you go to 'The Books' section of this website and browse the Deathlands titles there you will see reader reviews for the books and an overall average.  The top ten highest rated books for both Deathlands and Outlanders is also listed on the  home page. Honsetly, you really can't go wrong with the most recent books in the series.  Apocalypse Unborn, Thunder Road, Plague Lords, Dark Resurrection, they're all good books.  You should *not* read Dark Resurrection unless you have already read Plague Lords, btw, since those two books together are really a single story broken into two volumes.
    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
    New Member
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    4/4/2009 3:11 PM
    Thanks again for the feedback.

    I managed to grab a copy off the first book, Pilgrimage, off of Ebay about a week ago. I love the book so far, and can tell I will really enjoy the rest of the series. I've been on the lookout online for the next few books in the series and will probably try try to obtain them in order as I go. It's not hard to find them for sale in lots of 5, 10, or 20+, and they end up costing like 2-3 dollars a book, sometimes less.

    Can't wait to get farther into them!
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