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Last Post 7/15/2009 8:07 AM by  One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
Just a Death Lands fans take
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3/29/2009 11:45 PM

    I remember the first time I heard any thing about DL.  It was on a road trip for work "Pilgrimage to Hell" on cassette.  From that point I was hooked, the days stopping at truck stops to look for new titles was great.  But after word got out about DL cassettes were harder to find.  That is when I started hitting the books.

    For years now I have been reading the books and I have noticed the changes from the different authors.  Some like it this way, some like it that way.  But for the most part they all stay true to the storyline.  That is why I cannot wait until June for "Eden's Twilight".

    Ron Miles
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    3/30/2009 7:42 AM
    Posted By Diablo on 29 Mar 2009 11:45 PM

    That is why I cannot wait until June for "Eden's Twilight".

    My copy arrived a few days ago with the monthly shipment from GE.  Haven't even cracked the cover yet, but I have a cross-country flight this weekend....
    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
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    3/30/2009 3:06 PM
    My first real exposure to DL came from the old renditions of DHAudio cassettes.  At the time, they were the cheapest audiobooks on cassette.  This was in '96 or '98.  I purchased one of them...I don't remember which title. 

    I thought that DL was an interesting concept and I did enjoy the DHAudio versions even they were horribly edited and compressed to fit into 3 hours.  It took me a while to get over the slang and vocabulary used by the main characters such as "Chill" and "blaster" and "Dark Night"

    It was after listening to several books that I really began to understand what DL was really about.  I listened for several years and then DHAudio went out of business. 

    I used to read some of the books in the sereis.  Eventually I became disenchanted with the inconsistent writing and character portrayals.  About '99 or so I stopped reading them. 

    I recently picked up a copy of Thunder Road to see if things had changed any. I noticed some things had. The beginning of the story didn't begin with everyone in a mat trans chamber covered in puke or something which was a surprise.  The next was the subject matter of a "Super Hero"  I wasn't sure if I really going to be interested in a superhero story set in a post nuke environment. 

    While I haven't finished the book yet, I have found the way the story is unfolding to be quite a bit different then the earlier books that I have read.  The portrayal of the self styled super hero so far has been something entirely different from the way the usual bad Baron is written.

    So far, the Companions haven't destroyed a ville or wasted a baron or his sec force.  They haven't wasted and children yet either.  Of course as I said, I have not finished the book

    I don't find it really surpising that Andy Boot would take the Super Hero route given the spate of super hero movies that have invaded hollywood in recent years.  I wonder if that was a choice made by Mr. Boot or the editors at GE.    

    All in all so far, if  this is a indication of how DL is to continue going, I may take a dip back into the series to see if it's gotten better or worse then the books of old. 
    Millennial Man
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    4/2/2009 11:32 PM
    Let me take some time in describing how I began to be a DL fan.

    I was Gold Eagle subscriber since 1983 and received six books every two months ( I still do in 2009). If memory serves me right I was getting Vietnam: Ground Zero at the time. Then one day Gold Eagle replaced that series with Deathlands.I didn't expect what the series would be about but I was pleasently surpised.

    I waited in ancipation every two months as Ryan, Krysty, J.B. Dix, Doc, Dean, Jak, and Mildred went through a nuke landscape 100 years after a Soviet nuclear surpise attack.
    Contending with creatures fair and foul and and a predark organzition which may have been the catylst for everthing sent chills down my spine.

    I, grant some of Deathlands are lame upon rereading of them and should have never been published and others are classics. But they are now part of the Deathlands universe.

    The books Plague Lords and Dark Resurrection should take the series in a new direction and I approve of that 100%.

    These are my personal thoughts and feelings towards DL. Thank You
    Basic Member
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    4/4/2009 1:54 AM

    You all ready have the new book and haven't started reading it.Why?.I have too wait till June like most fans.Tell you what......Send me the book to read and I'll send it back to you in June.

    Ron Miles
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    4/4/2009 4:46 AM
    Heh. It just arrived earlier this week, and I've been a mite busy between the launching of Slaughter Realms (seriously, go check out!) combined with a major project at work. But as I said, I have a cross-country flight tomorrow so I will probably read it on the plane.
    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
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    4/11/2009 3:31 AM
    Ron.........o buddy........o pal......I'll check out after you peep SendDiablothenewDL'
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    6/17/2009 2:59 AM
    Man did Edans Twilight let me down.I hope Ron you didn't have anything to do with it.
    One Eye Chills
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    6/17/2009 3:38 AM
    No, it was all Nick Polatta.

    Man, what happened to his writing?
    Ron Miles
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    6/17/2009 8:29 AM
    Posted By Diablo on 17 Jun 2009 02:59 AM
    Man did Edans Twilight let me down.I hope Ron you didn't have anything to do with it.

    Hey, I'm just some dude on the internet that runs a fan website. I am definitely not an author, nor am I associated in any way with Gold Eagle (although I have gotten to know several people who work for them). So no, I didn't have anything to do with Eden's Twilight. I started reading it a while back, but never got around to finishing. Been mired in work for the last three weeks. Hopefully I'll get back to the book soon.
    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
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    6/19/2009 8:35 PM
    Thats cool Ron.But I would like to take a sec and thank you Ron for this website of yours.With out this website, we fans of DL's would have not.So "Thank You Ron" for your time.....
    One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
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    7/15/2009 7:59 AM
    Yeah bro,Eden's twighlight LET US ALL down!
    "Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
    One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
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    7/15/2009 8:07 AM

    I Became a Death Lands fan in an interesting way I think.

    My father (R.I.P. 2000) in 1992 had been reading and collecting them since the first one "Pilgrimage To Hell".I was a musician in a Heavy "Thrash" Metal band and on the road alot,so I had alot of time in between gigs to catch up on the entire series.
    After catching up I started reading the new one whenever dad or my little brother bought the new one.After my dad died I was a bit crushed and reading the books actually was painful so I took a long break from them.I came back and even though the writing is not the same at all I still enjoy the books as Death Lands  is still my favorite read and I am sentimentaly attatched to it.

    "Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
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