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Last Post 11/26/2014 6:44 AM by  silentalbino
New DeathLands movie?
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J.B. Dix
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7/25/2010 9:01 PM
    Do you think they should make a new DL movie?
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    Any idea if, or when they will put in motion another movie based on a DeathLands novel? Homeward Bound was ok, though it did have a few flaws. Such as clothing, weapons, and special effects. - Sorry, I doubt that over a century after the nuking the guns would be brand new looking, the clothes looking like they just came off the shelves, and the special effects are like that of a D class movie - A couple of titles that I think would be most beneficial are, Desolation Crossing, Blood Harvest, and Time Cast Aways. I have read 13 novels of the DL series so far, and I think with the right director and ambition, a movie like this would make the box office explode. I personally would like to see how they would portray Doc, Mildred, and Jak. I think Sylvester Stallone would fit Ryan perfectly. What do y'all think of this? I want to see what the publishers and owners think of this idea.
    Ron Miles
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    7/26/2010 7:24 AM
    Given how badly Homeward Bound did (it got extremely poor ratings even for a Sci-Fi Channel movie), the odds of another DL movie being made are vanishingly small.
    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
    J.B. Dix
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    7/26/2010 3:42 PM
    I do agree that Homeward Bound was poorly directed and under budgeted as it negatively showed. I believe if they can get a good director they can turn a few of their good titles into amazing movies, which would create a lot of revenue if they take the time to do it right. Take the Twilight series. How big is it now? I'm just hoping the fans and the ones in control see this and start thinking about it. With everybody trying to make new movies, DL has 90+ titles to choose from.
    Ron Miles
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    7/26/2010 5:56 PM
    Well, in all fairness the Twilight books have sold several orders of magnitude more copies than any DL title.
    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
    New Member
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    7/26/2010 9:02 PM
    But twilight as a series is rather badly written, and if you look at the way people are rating them, they are still getting really lowly rated, the REASON they are doing so well is because there are hoards of teenagers that love them. Personally I loath the Twlight series, one of the most overrated stories I've ever seen, but, this is a board about DL, and in that regard, I have been thinking that a TV series might not be a bad idea, IF executed properly it could hold a lot of potential, and, on occasion, they can take their time in telling a full story, covering the arc of one book in about 3-4 episodes, I study filmmaking, and one thing ive been noticing is that people are really eager to bash movies, and will look for any excuse to do it. Im not 100% sure that a movie would be the most well recieved, but I believe the series deserves it, so another movie has my vote.
    J.B. Dix
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    7/27/2010 2:11 PM
    I would have to agree, that does sound feesable.
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    8/18/2010 11:06 AM
    A few flaws? Everything about that piece of tripe was flawed!

    Honestly, the people that should be looking into making a DL Series should be Brad Cooper and Robert C Cooper.. of the Stargate Franchises.

    They could make it work!
    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    8/20/2010 6:56 PM
    Posted By J.B. Dix on 25 Jul 2010 09:01 PM
    I think Sylvester Stallone would fit Ryan perfectly. What do y'all think of this?

    Sadly Stallone is several inches shorter than Ryans 6'2" so I guess that makes him less than perfect !
    Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
    Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

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    8/22/2010 3:45 PM

    No disrespect intended,but Sylvester Stallone as Ryan?
    I could not think of a worse choice.

    He is only about 60 yrs old and too short as the British fellow pointed out.
    Gerard Butler is the right height and build,maybe someone like him?
    I thought Vincent Spano was horrible as Ryan,but I would rather see him again than ole' Sly Stallone.haha.
    Maybe Clive Owen??

    Basic Member
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    9/17/2010 11:09 AM
    Would love to see a new movie but Homeward Bound was horrible..i couldn't even watch would hope it could be done better..but i think a movie producer would see our fan base as too spread out to make a lot of $$...which is ad to think about...
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    9/18/2010 1:32 AM
    I don't think there will ever be another DL's movie made.A series is the best hope for us fans to see Ryan and the others.I don't know whats with syfy now a days but they really suck.Farscape was the best series they ever put out.Who watches syfy now?not me.Thers 97 DL's books now?How many books have been sold world wide?How many copys of Sunspot was sold?Then x's that bye 96.Thats alot of fuckin books,and coin.But yet we can't get a fair shake.Kat von dee can write a book on tatoos and it hits NY bestsellin list,are you shitin me?And she has a show?Did that one book outsell 97 DL's books?There is a reason there is all these DL's books,its because ppl like me buy them one after the other.
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    9/21/2010 12:39 AM

    Amen brother.
    Could not say it better.
    A series is the right way to go.
    Also agree about Kat Von D.

    It's ridiculous what sells and what does not and what is picked up by a studio for a film or TV show.

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    9/24/2010 2:42 PM
    i always saw ryan as a cross between snake pliskin and mel from the road warrior series!
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    9/24/2010 6:19 PM
    I think The Road and The Book of Eli have give a 2nd DL movie new life.  I think with the TV Walking Dead they may even look at a DL TV series.  I'm for whatever but it needs to be take seriously and not just given to a director.  Look how MNS messed up The Last Airbender.
    New Member
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    9/30/2010 2:03 PM
    I for one would like to see a Deathlands movie as well. Maybe the time is ripe...who knows. As to a series, remember Jeremiah on HBO and Jericho on CBS? Neither of them had enough mass appeal to sustain them long enough to allow them to finish with any resemblance of a decent ending. I would hate to see Deathlands go the same way. A well directed and produced movie would. Although picking among the novels would be difficult. Any one of whom would leave an opening for a sequel if the movie should prove successful. My vote would be for a adaptation of Plague Lords.
    Basic Member
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    9/30/2010 11:59 PM
    Tell ya what,if I had 12 mil to back a DL's movie right now.I'd go to AP and try to get him to oversee one of his DL's books in the 70's grindhouse movies thats popin now.
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    12/2/2011 1:50 AM
    Prehaps you could take one of the multi book stories and turn it into a 13 part mini series alla Roots? The tough part would be to get one of the TV networks to pop for it . Still it would be great if it happened .
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    12/11/2011 12:38 PM
    i agree homeward bound was done very poorly. doc and lori were missing to begin with. Cliff Saunders who played J. B. looked a pretty good ringer for the character. compared to the cover of some books with J. B. the resembelance is really goo. if a motion picture WAS done, i think these actors and actresses would be good choices... Christian Bale as Ryan, Jenya Lano as Kristy, Cliff Saunders as J. B. Dix, Gina Torres as Mildred, Ian McKellen as Doc Tanner. trouble with an idea for Jak and Dean. any ideas or positive replies are welcome.
    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    12/12/2011 5:43 AM
    Posted By krackmunkee on 11 Dec 2011 12:38 PM
    ...any ideas or positive replies are welcome.

    I would check the back posts on this one, the subject has been flogged to death over the years.


    Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
    Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

    Please check out my FLICKR photos
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    2/20/2012 10:08 AM
    I think a manga series would be the way forward.
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