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Last Post 8/1/2011 6:07 PM by  Kerrick
original deathlands promo pamphlet
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5/30/2011 8:12 PM
    I'm wondering if anyone remembers this (or has one).  I remember before deathlands came out, a friend of mine showed me a promo pamphlet for it.  I don't remember it exactly, but I seem to remember it was about half sheet size. 

    It had the center picture and map from the first book as well as some additional information about the series.  I can't remember but I think maybe it had an excerpt from the book or maybe just general information.

    Just wondering if anyone had one or scans of it or something. 

    )3az )3aziah
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    6/27/2011 5:39 PM
    Posted By kgreene on 30 May 2011 08:12 PM
    I'm wondering if anyone remembers this (or has one).  I remember before deathlands came out, a friend of mine showed me a promo pamphlet for it.  I don't remember it exactly, but I seem to remember it was about half sheet size. 

    It had the center picture and map from the first book as well as some additional information about the series.  I can't remember but I think maybe it had an excerpt from the book or maybe just general information.

    Just wondering if anyone had one or scans of it or something. 

    Now that is something I would like to see. I have never read of these before and I guess unless someone has one tucked away someplace, something we may never get to see now.
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    7/26/2011 8:15 AM

    The old archive ( has scans of that foldout. The picture on the front page is part of it, and this page: ( has the map of the US.

    (What is up with the BBcode? I can't use [url] tags anymore...)

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    7/30/2011 8:35 AM
    Posted By Kerrick on 26 Jul 2011 08:15 AM

    The old archive ( has scans of that foldout. The picture on the front page is part of it, and this page: ( has the map of the US.

    Are you talking about the insert in the first book?  This is something different.  While I believe it does have the same picture and map, it had additional pages of info about the series (or maybe just an excerpt).  It was a promo pamphlet released before the series came out.

    My friend's sister was working for a book store at the time and I think she noticed it.  I can't be sure if it was something that they had out for people to see in the store or if it was something sent to the store itself to get the store's book buyers to get the series.

    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    8/1/2011 6:07 PM
    Oh, a pamphlet? Huh. Never heard of such a thing, let alone seen it. It would really cool if someone could get their hands on it - I'd love to add it to the wiki.
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