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Last Post 5/27/2012 11:38 AM by  lexa
Ideas for new characters
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10/1/2011 5:10 PM
    Ok, here is a idea I have for characters for both Deathlands and Outlanders.. this is actually more of a idea I had. It starts in Outlanders, and in a crossover finishes in Deathlands.. 

    This idea revolve around project Genesis, the gene manipulating part of the Totality project... just a fantasy idea or concept I think would be cool..

    Three persons, all part of the Genesis Project, there genes were manipulated to have specific abilities, they were created as weapons to serve the 9 main Barons. However the three persons were also slaves and tightly controlled, they eventually fought back and escaped the Barons (outlanders) and started a new rebel move to destroy the 9.. they are captured, but due to there powers, it is ascertained that it is best to Troll them BACK in time to get rid of them...

    Ryan and co stumble into a time facility and see that there are three persons that are trolled from the future, to the past, they use the controls and bring them to the present, however it has been 40 since the time they were trolled to.. so the computers having nothing else to do for 40 years but perfected the troll.. When they are trolled into there past by Ryan and co. They suffer no ill affects as Doc had.

    1. Talon, 20 years old.  He has telekinesis, moving things with his mind, he also has the ability to create a force field, protecting him from bullets (But its not automatic, he has to raise it before hes shot at)

    2. Cassie, 16 years old, She can put her body in a phased state that she can walk through walls, it also allows her to manipulate electronics, for example open sec doors that have code locks..

    3. Tera, 18 Years old. She is a partner of Talon, she can teleport to line of site distance, she is good with a sword, and teleports to enemy's and attacks them..

    Some common things about them could be..

    1. They hate being refereed to as muties, though they are,  they see themselves as porously created (there genes manipulated at birth), thus not muties.

    2. They have the ability to merge there powers to have sight to see any living thing(s) in a 1 mile radius)

    3. They can merge there power to heal, but it can be potentially very dangerous to them to do this based off how difficult the healing is.. 

    Anyway, just a idea I thought of that would be kinda cool

    (Use for free, no charge if any author likes lol)

    Advanced Member
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    4/5/2012 1:31 PM
    Not bad maybe better for outlanders than dl
    New Member
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    4/19/2012 11:20 AM
    The idea of adding new characters to the series is a good one but be careful. Those characters sound too much like they belong in the X-Men.
    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    4/19/2012 7:32 PM
    Posted By lexa on 19 Apr 2012 11:20 AM
    The idea of adding new characters to the series is a good one but be careful. Those characters sound too much like they belong in the X-Men.

    Yep, thats what I thought to but was too kind to say.



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    Advanced Member
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    4/19/2012 9:55 PM
    Lesbian Mermaids with hand grenades.
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    4/20/2012 12:46 AM
    Posted By silentalbino on 19 Apr 2012 09:55 PM
    Lesbian Mermaids with hand grenades.

    Weren't they in the sky dark chronicles?

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    4/20/2012 3:18 PM
    Posted By Suspectdevice on 20 Apr 2012 12:46 AM
    Posted By silentalbino on 19 Apr 2012 09:55 PM
    Lesbian Mermaids with hand grenades.

    Weren't they in the sky dark chronicles?

    Sheesh, now I'm getting really confused. I thought Skydark Chronicles featured the hermaphrodite swampie skinners with Claymores.

    Advanced Member
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    4/20/2012 4:04 PM

    Lesbian Mermaids? In DL?!


    Please point me in THAT direction! 

    New Member
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    4/21/2012 3:49 AM
    Your talking about the muties with the forked tongues, right?
    New Member
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    4/22/2012 12:13 PM
    Posted By darkravenangel on 21 Apr 2012 03:49 AM
    Your talking about the muties with the forked tongues, right?

    That's who I was referencing, I was just joking about the connection to lesbian mermaids with hand grenades though. I wonder if those female muties on the Marshall islands were successful in wiping out the humans? Probably, after the gang left things were in shambles. 

    Basic Member
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    4/23/2012 4:19 AM
    Those weren't muties - they were genetically engineered clones.
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    5/9/2012 12:22 PM
    Since the baronies have fallen, could there be other mag commanders who share similar ideas like Lakesh? If so could they form another branch fighting for earth's independence? To focus solely on Kane's bunch is to confirm the general thought that all mags are mindless drones no different then the nephalines. Plus the nephalines do have some higher cognitive functions!! Please do not make these individuals like TEAM PHOENIX!!
    Basic Member
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    5/25/2012 10:49 PM

    How about a new character named Boopie Cawdor?


    1/3 Bio-wep 1/3 whoopie pie 1/3 Ryan's DNA.


    JK, I only say this after reading the most insane bio-wep thread. And seriously was feeling the same way.towards it.


    I would very much like them to perhaps uncover another freezie and possibly kill off Mildred.


    New Member
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    5/27/2012 11:38 AM
    Let's keep that character in the Deathland's Series only. The new characters should be more "realistic" to the Outlanders. I doubt that there are any plans to merge or have a cross over session between the two series.
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