A good start, JMD. Tenderness is fine for an opener, but DL readers want ACTION. How about jumping forward in time and showing Mommy and Daddy teaching Little Rain how to chill stickies? Using a live one for target practice, of course.
"No, honey, you can't kill them with knives," says Mommy.
"But why, Mommy? Don't they have hearts and lungs and livers like us?"
"Rain," Ryan says, "do like Mommy says and use your hand blaster. Just like we taught you: two in the chest, one in the head."
"But I want to stab it, Daddy. Why can't I stab it?"
"Because stabbing won't chill it, Honey," Krysty says.
"But why, Mommy, why?"
"Because it won't work."
"But why?"
"Because LJ said so!" Ryan replies. "Now, put that pistol to its radblasted head and pull the trigger!"