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Krysty/Ryan Baby Birth!
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One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
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7/31/2009 2:51 PM
Well of course I am pumped to be in it,but I honestly do find it a hell of alot more interesting and entertaining than the last 2 DL books!
"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
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7/31/2009 3:36 PM
really? one has really given me any feedback per se..a few suggestions but not if they actually like it or not..but 2200 views makes me think they do..always good to know the work is being appreciated! so thanks for the thoughts! And no worries man..when all done i'll send you the full copy as my 1st true fan! )
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7/31/2009 4:45 PM


One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
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7/31/2009 6:17 PM

F**king Excellent Dan!Keep it coming!!!!

I put down Dessolation crossing,but you have me hooked bro!Very,very good work.It would be the shit if you could get it published!!!

Great job getting Andy(I should say "Sonny"in it to!)

"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
Bury The Sun
New Member
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7/31/2009 9:23 PM
HAHAHAHA!!! AWESOME! -Totally unbiased here :p - I think that was the best yet Dan! Really though, the story is definetly flowing and taking on a life of it's own... very good, you had me sucked in man! I like the fact that I'm an old, fat and slightly smelly stockguy with a rough exterior and a good heart... LOL! For the record though, I'm 5'8, 160 lbs, blond haired and blue eyed... you hit the nail on the head with my personality though! lol... thank you Dan for including me, very cool!

"Better to have weapons and not need them, than to not have weapons when you do need them." -Trader
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7/31/2009 9:50 PM
thanks guys....the story really is starting to flow....i have an hour drive home from work every night and tonight i was thinking about it and i have the next chapter already thought out....i'll try to get it down this weekend some time....

i just like characters with some memorable twist or feature or personality...and both these characters work for me...really inspires me to keep going...thanks...really...
New Member
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8/1/2009 1:38 AM
It keeps getting better and better. Can I get a copy also when you are finished with it?
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8/1/2009 3:42 PM
sure...i may have to charge a few $$ for printing and shipping though...
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8/1/2009 3:43 PM
anyone who has some graphc skills want to make up some artwork for a possible book cover? Rain on her horse looking over a desolate horizon with her gun on her hip? Kind of a young Jessica Biel look alike
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8/1/2009 6:16 PM
Posted By JettaManDan on 01 Aug 2009 03:42 PM
sure...i may have to charge a few $$ for printing and shipping though...

I have no problem with that.

Basic Member
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8/2/2009 6:54 AM
cool cool....just to cover the materials and shippings cost..not to make any $$...
One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
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8/2/2009 11:00 PM
Yeah Dan,I want to help on the cost too for printing, shipping and even a profit for ya.You are not just writing a killer story,but you have made on of my dreams come true,and you were way cool to use the very minor suggesrtions I had about the "Kris" character,as well as Andy's suggestions for the "Sonny" character.Coincidentally I own a 17 and 3/4 inch gerber gator serrated back edge machete and I practice with my large leaf bladed style throwing knives and arkansal toothpick style boot knife using an underhanded technique I read about J.B. using in Way of The Wolf.
"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
Basic Member
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8/3/2009 7:59 AM
heh...too much life imitating art for you bro! lol! it's all good....i didn't get a chance to write any this weekend....had baby duty..but i have the next 2 chapters at least in my head...someone told me to back off on releasing all i have written so no one could jump in and steal the story..i don't think that would happen..but if i want this to be a whole book i do have to think about i may get ahead and write a bunch and set out a paragraph or 2 here and there...and anyone who wants the bigger story can e-mail me direct and sign a confidentiality agreement! hehehe! we'll see...i'm glad people dig it..has been fun to come up with the story lines and include people who have a love as deep as i do for the story...
One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
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8/3/2009 9:56 AM
Yeah,hahah,guess you are right about the whole life imitating art thing Dan.I probably did get my Sig and machete because of Ryan.It's just since I have only one good eye,have combat exp.and my dad (r.i.p.)gave me the books when I was a kid that I have a sentimental attachment to my fictional hereo is all.
Keep on feeding us tidbits if thats all you are comfortable doing my friend.Let me know your address when you are ready an I'll send ya the cash for my copy whenever you are down w/that!
Thank's again.Like I told Andy,despite the few bad run ins I have had with a few,you an him are my 2 "best friends"(and fellow gun experts)on this site.
"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
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8/3/2009 10:05 AM


One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
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8/3/2009 10:22 AM

Bravo Bravo!!!!!

Yeah,I have  a smile that is gonna last all day now man!
Pls keep it coming man!!!!!And thanks!!!!Your #1fan.haha

"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
Basic Member
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8/3/2009 11:40 AM
i'm trying to decide if you are going to die or not ;-) and if bad it will be lol! hehehe - sorry....glad you like it...
One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
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8/3/2009 3:37 PM

Nah,you ain't gonna kill me off.Kris needs ta be a regular member of Rains groop???Dontcha think???LOL!PLS dont kill me!!!!!hahahaha

"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
Basic Member
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8/3/2009 3:46 PM
hehehehe...maybe....we'll see...i do take bribes! :-)
One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
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8/3/2009 3:54 PM

Hahahah,just tell me what ya want bro??

Dammit you can't make a lifelong dream come true then waste me?

Side's I am a badass for real,you can really have "Kris being a combo of Ryan and Jak right????LOL!!!!!!!

"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
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