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Last Post 8/28/2011 5:29 PM by  silentalbino
Krysty/Ryan Baby Birth!
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Author Messages
New Member
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8/28/2009 6:13 PM
We still going to see any more of your writing?
Bury The Sun
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8/28/2009 6:22 PM
Well, I certainly hope so Andy... I think we both know that Dan is a cool dude and it is senseless to bash someone who is (normally) so nonconfrontational... there are two sides to every argument... but either way I would truly appreciate it if the bashing stopped... I come to this site to relax, and I come to this thread to enjoy Dan's writing... as of right now I can't seem to do either without looking over my shoulder...

"Better to have weapons and not need them, than to not have weapons when you do need them." -Trader
Basic Member
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8/28/2009 7:51 PM
no worries will continue....too many people requesting more...i'll add more soon!
Basic Member
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8/31/2009 3:15 PM


New Member
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8/31/2009 6:35 PM
Can't wait for the fight . is it going to be a long fight or a short one?
Basic Member
Basic Member

8/31/2009 8:13 PM
i'm posting the fight tomorrow - not very long..they can't kil leach other becasue of Rain..but i think it came out ok...each gets in some good hits stay tuned!
Basic Member
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9/1/2009 12:42 PM

Bury The Sun
New Member
New Member

9/1/2009 3:32 PM
Excellent! You were made to write fight scenes my friend! I think this was probably your best so far... though I didn't read the smutty parts that weren't posted earlier, I imagine it takes a back seat to this one...

Sonny better be somewhere working out and getting into shape if he's gonna keep up with these hard*sses... lol

"Better to have weapons and not need them, than to not have weapons when you do need them." -Trader
Basic Member
Basic Member

9/1/2009 3:43 PM
Totally glad you liked it man...PM me your e-mail addy and i can send you the racy was hort but the few i sent it to liked it..... in spirit with the books...
New Member
New Member

9/5/2009 7:46 AM
Just read it. You did a good job on the fight. i liked how it turned out.
New Member
New Member

9/7/2009 4:41 PM
The fight scene was well done. Fighting with your standard knife in its sheath is not a bad way to train if you are unable to obtain a good copy of your knife in trainier form. I enjoy sparring with several of my friends and no matter who gets tossed to the mat the most or choked out - we are still friends. You only get better by training with people that are better or at least as good as you are. By sparring with each other we get to know each others strengths and weaknesses. Makes us a tighter unit in the field.
Basic Member
Basic Member

9/7/2009 9:29 PM
thanks guys for the nice comments...figured for the time they live in the sheathed knives made sense...
New Member
New Member

9/8/2009 4:51 PM
The hard part of this kind of training is not injuring your sparing partners. My karate Sensei was sparring with his top student who has trained with him for over 25 years and Sensei accidentally broke three of his student’s ribs. Our Karate Dojo teaches Okinawan, Korean and Japanese Karate and it sucks when you injure a friend. That and it sucks when you get called on the mat by the 1st SGT for injuring a fellow soldier and the dreaded paperwork to follow. “Well you see Top, I was doing a flying roundhouse heel kick and did not pull it enough and fractured Joe’s jaw;” does not fly with the command. I do like the fact that Dan has used several different weapons. You think there would be more G3s, FNFALs, HK91s, CETMEs (cheap Latin G3 clone) etc floating around. I came across a Chinese-contract Inglis Browning Hi Power in near mint condition this weekend at the gun show – instant drool factor!! Too bad it costs as much as a mid-size sedan. According to the provenance papers some Canadian missionary brought it back from China in the early ‘50s – praise the Lord and pass the ammo – eh?
Basic Member
Basic Member

9/8/2009 8:47 PM
I try to keep the weapons part of the story going and interesting...glad you liked it...i've seen some guns at shows that i too have drooled over and realized i would never own..a real Thompson for one...$6000 in mint condition and a class 3 tons of others..really want a desert eagle MKXIX in .44 mag - but $1000+ for one handgun is out of my reach... (sigh)

i've been at home sick with the flu for the past 5+ days..and my latest chapters are at i can't post anything more till i get back to it..will be a while guys..sorry...
Basic Member
Basic Member

9/15/2009 12:39 PM
becasue of the size of this now and some issues i have in this forum i'm gonna take the story to another medium at some point....if people are interested in continuing to follow along let me know here and i'll put a list together and get in touch with you to send story updates...
New Member
New Member

9/15/2009 3:03 PM
Yea I want to keep reading what you are writing.Send me updates please.
New Member
New Member

9/15/2009 8:15 PM
Please let me know where you post the rest.
Basic Member
Basic Member

9/16/2009 11:11 AM
sending private messages to you guys....will give you my e-mail addy and keep you guys updated...please check your messages there...
Girl's Gun's & Guitar's
New Member
New Member

9/20/2009 2:33 AM
I love it.
My favorite character you have created is "Kris".
I bet you based him on a little bit of Ryan and some cool dude you must know huh?
I will send you my E-mail if that is ok?
"What We Do In Life Echoes In Eternity"
Girls Guns & Guitars
New Member
New Member

9/20/2009 11:02 PM
More sir,More!!!!
"What We Do In Life Echoes In Eternity".......General Maximus Desmond Meridius of The Felix Legions
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