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Krysty/Ryan Baby Birth!
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8/11/2009 3:32 PM


One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
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8/11/2009 4:15 PM
Excellent work Dan.Keep it comming man.This is the highlight of my crappy day!I am nervous(scared actually)as hell about "Kris"meeting Ryan.Don't wanna sound like a pussy but Ryan scares the shit outta me.LOL!That is one dude I never want to piss off!Especially going up against him with a blade?LOL!!!
"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
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8/11/2009 4:45 PM


One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
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8/11/2009 4:53 PM
Bravo!bravo!Now that is Charactrization!!!That is how Ryan talks and acts!!!
Too bad you are not working for Gold Eagle man.I swear I am not blowin smoke up your ass cause you made me into a cool character(Eternally greatful)
I honestly think this was the best installment yet man.I still have about 40 pgs of Dessolation Crossing left but I read your stuff instead!(maybe I am a little prejudiced?)Oh yeah,I am same age as you shithead.Not call boy.Jak not like!I get Jak cut off balls.(after you finish your book of course Dan!)Hahahahah!!!!
"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
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8/11/2009 8:46 PM
yea hyeah..well i had to punk you a little bit! lol!

i have a bunch more written..just trying to get way ahead of when the book is actually done you guys will only be half way through it then i can publish with GE and be a real bona-fide James Axler wanna be! To contribute to this series is giving me a joy i haven't felt in forever..thanks for the kind words... i feel smoke
One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
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8/12/2009 12:23 AM

Hahah.Asswipe."smoke" huh?LOL!

Well then here is some more.I am waiting eagely for the next installment Dan.

Later on bro.

"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
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8/12/2009 9:16 AM


One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
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8/12/2009 4:53 PM

Great Dan,now I am getting really nervous.haha.

cannot wait for more!!!

"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
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8/13/2009 9:55 AM


One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
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8/13/2009 5:14 PM

Yes!!!!It is almost to the duel!!.

It just keeps getting better man.Thanks Dan,I am really happy and way stoked to read more!

"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
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8/13/2009 9:19 PM
actually i pushed the duel back...thought of something good instead for now..oh..and i added some decent sex to's gettin graphic and hot! stay tuned....
One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
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8/13/2009 10:02 PM
Kool .Can't wait.
"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
Bury The Sun
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8/14/2009 8:17 AM
Just wanted to say thanks for the good story Dan! Keep it up! I haven't been around to read it all so far, but I'm catching up. Can't wait to see what you do next man!

Talking Mutie Platypus
"Better to have weapons and not need them, than to not have weapons when you do need them." -Trader
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8/14/2009 8:28 AM
thanks man....i'm enjoying writing it...gotta keep it going...i'm up to 60 pages double spaced on the manuscript - with AP's guidance i need at least 300 for a whole book tp pitch to GE - so part way much more to go...i'm trying to decide if i want to blog post the book...i think the font and size of the tex here makes it hard to read...i don't want to take away from the people on here...but i was thinking of cutting it into chapters and posting them on my blog...humm...
One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
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8/14/2009 8:30 AM
Nah bro,you are way more important than a mutie Platypus!!!LOL!
"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
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8/14/2009 9:32 AM
hehehe......i know there are some wierd muties in DL - but i'm not sure how to work in one of those..maybe in a dream? humm..i just might!
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8/14/2009 9:39 AM

“Well, we’ve had a long trip, can we do some trading and get a place to sack out for the night? Ryan asked the Barron. “You know where to go and we’ll fix you up. Any chance you and I can head out in the next day or two in your wag and do a reese? Heard rumor of a new settlement about 15 miles form here. Curious about it.” “Got any gas for my wag we can use that is good quality?” Ryan asked. “Yeah we do, traded for some a few months back, can fill your tank in payment for the ride and the protection if that works.” “Sure, good deal to me, easier to make a run when you got full tanks than worrying about running out.” “Deal” the Barron said. “We’ll talk tomorrow about it?” Ryan asked. “Sure can, I’ll be free after morning drills” Houston said. “See you then.” With that, Ryan and Krysty and Rain and Kris walked back outside and went over to Sonny’s supply shack. Sonny had seen them come in and his door was open wide at their approach.

Sonny came out wiping his hands off with a rag and shook Ryan’s hands. “Glad to see you. No one brings better trade goods than you folks. Come on in!” The quartet came inside and looked around. As usual the place was an organized mess. At least similar items were all grouped together. “Krysty and I need some more seeds or small plants if you have them for our garden. Bastard rabbits got to our stuff. And maybe some type of fencing/barrier to keep the critters out?” “Have you set out snares to trap the little fuckers?” Sonny asked. “Yeah, but the rope we have also is old and they are too mean and end up getting out of it” Ryan hissed, clearly pissed.”Well I got something that might interest you instead of rope.” Sonny went to the back and uncovered a small box and brought it out. What it was turned out to be a small game trap. It looked to have been made recently, but expertly. “Dan made a few of these. Think he traded for one made before skydark that was in bad shape. Got some metal and wire and made like 6 of these. We have 4 out in the woods that we check and the bastard things work like a charm if nothing bigger gets the scent of the trapped animal! We keep 2 as spares but all 4 we have, have worked great and Dan said he could make more. If you got something good to trade I can let one go to solve your rabbit problem” “Damm, this thing is perfect!” Ryan blurted. The trap was made of scavenged metal wire and frame, had 2 compartments and a hinged door. A flat spring held the door open, and a length of tough thin wire led to the trap’s main compartment. The animal had to jump up and then down into the compartment to get the treat inside. When the animal jumped down onto the little ledge it had to stand on, it pulled on the metal wire guide and snapped the door shut. The door had a spring-loaded clasp that hit a retaining metal bar welded on the front. Making it impossible to force open from the inside. The animal could then be killed and removed at will. Ryan showed the trap to Krysty and she whistled. “Damm fine work. Dan knows what the hell he is doing and his craftsmanship is close to J.B.’s” Sonny laughed. “You guys should see when J.B. comes to town. He disappears into Dan’s workshop and doesn’t come out for 3 days. At the end they have some new idea or contraption that makes us all wonder where they get them from or how the fuck they figured it out. Last time J.B. was here, he and Dan worked on the distillery for 3 nights straight. When they were done they made it possible to get some serious high octane alcohol to be produced in half the time. Dan is working on flamethrowers now to shoot the stuff 100 feet to repel attackers. Cheaper and easier than wasting brass. J.B. Should actually be here next week, he is working on the hand pump system so any feeb can use it and be effective.” Ryan was impressed. A ville with a sustainable flamethrower system would be a very tough nut to crack. And if he knew J.B. and Dan well enough he was sure they’d find a way to gel the alcohol and make it stuck to stuff as well. A double bastard hard way to die.

“I definitely want the trap and some spare rope and seeds.” Will a good condition blaster and some brass be enough to pay for it?” Ryan asked. “Sonny shook his head affirmative. “Any blaster you got will be sure to be worth half my store. Whatcha got?” Ryan took off his pack and rummaged around in the side pocket till he found the blaster. He pulled out a wrapped package and held out a Smith & Wesson Model 36 revolver. It was a standard model made for decades by the company. It was a 3 inch barrel, blued by J.B. obviously, and was chambered in .357. The gun also could take .38 special ammo, and in a pinch shoot off 9mm rounds, but the cases would jam eventually. It was one of the better all around blasters you could have in deathlands. Almost anyone could or would have ammo for it. And it was small enough to carry comfortably and big enough to take out some coldheart easily. Ryan produced a box of .38 special ammo for it as well. Brand new by the looks of it. Government issue 130 years ago. “Fuck me Ryan, where do you guys come up with all this shit? You gotta have a cache somewhere that no one knows about. Fuck, I’d give my left nut to see it! How about it? One day you take me there and blindfold my ass so I don’t know where it is and just let me look around?” Ryan and Krysty and Rain smirked. “Can’t do it friend” Ryan laughed out. “Why the fuck not? Sonny retorted. “Because, if you saw some of the shit we had, a little old .38 blaster would not do as a good trade any longer, you would know this is the bottom of the barrel for us!” Sonny looked at them disbelieving, but then looked over Ryan’s shoulder at the wag they drove up in and the grenade launcher and realized he was right. If he saw a space filled with wags and artillery and thousands of rapidfires he would ask for more in trade every time. Greed was not really a part of his personality, but the though of crates of hardcore ordinance sitting in his possession might change that. Sonny sighed in resignation and took the blaster and ammo. He fetched about 50 feet of good rope and a bag of seeds for tomatoes and lettuce he had from last years harvest. For him it was still a good trade but thoughts of naked women in his APC that Ryan sold him danced in his head.
One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
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8/14/2009 9:51 AM
Great bro.I really liked Dan and Sonny being in this one too!If you get the chance,(tell me if I am out of line bro ok?)Could you maybe work our SF buddy Scourge in(Mac)as the J.B.Dix type guy in our little group?
I know it is your story but you seem to be real open minded and ol'Scourge is definetly the 4th guy in our little group of pals consisting of me,you and Andy.I feel that way at least, and I am sure his real life persona is as badass as our fictious ones?(everyone in our gun group is cool by me though)
Just a thought bro.I am happy with everything you are writing.I just really like how you have made us into characters too,I aint gonna lie.
Waiting for the next installment Dan!!!
Your buddy,
"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
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8/14/2009 10:35 AM
ask him if he wants to be in it...I'm sure i can work him in later - but i gotta keep the characters straight in my head...too many mind!
One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
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8/14/2009 3:06 PM
Ok man,will do.I am happy the way it's goimg now bro!It is your story 100 % bro and pls keep bangin' it out.I think you have alot more fans than me by the way,I am just the most verbal cause I think of you Andy and Now Mac(Scourge) as my best pals on this site bro!(and that Kris character is so damn cool too.LOL!!!
Later on Dan!
"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
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