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Last Post 2/18/2013 5:16 PM by  OneFallenShadow
Deathlands 108 - Nemesis
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Advanced Member
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1/17/2013 6:48 AM
Cheers Jim, like i say absolutly nae idea about guns.
Advanced Member
Advanced Member

1/25/2013 10:35 AM
Wow, this turned up yesterday and I finished it at half two this morning. Fecking great book, a 9 on the Axler scale.
I felt it started off quite slow but it started gaining momentum in the middle and turned into a honest to God avalanche of fun by the end.
Please can we see more off Olympia, Speaker and Morning Glory.Great name by the by.
I normally skim the battle scenes but I devoured the Mad Max esque blade battle on top off the Petrol Tanker.
Please, please can we get more books like this one.
Advanced Member
Advanced Member

1/25/2013 11:24 AM

I totally agree with you Silenalbino.


I loved the action scenes. Having Ryan use EVERYTHING, from Panga to fists and feet, was epic Cawdor action.


But I wanted more answers, insofar as where this mysterious Olympia was trained? Little hints were strewn about throughout the book, but the answer never fully revealed itself. Perhaps, and hopefully, in a near future Milan tome...?

Advanced Member
Advanced Member

2/11/2013 8:51 AM
Nobody else finished this yet?
New Member
New Member

2/12/2013 10:44 AM

Did anyone else notice the error near the bottom of page 269?

"Ryan jumped up, panga in left hand, Steyr in the right."

I love the book so far, but this caught my attention.

New Member
New Member

2/12/2013 9:26 PM
There are a few more errors a bit later as well. One paragraph will say Scout and the next says Steyr. Editor error. Still a pretty good novel!
Basic Member
Basic Member

2/13/2013 3:47 AM
I liked this book it was a great Road story . I felt it ended a bit oddly if you ask me . I would have fire bombed the field to kill off those mutie squirrels , Other than that  a good  read.
New Member
New Member

2/13/2013 2:28 PM

I agree!  Great road story...  Mutie Piranha Ground Squirrels?  You've got to be shitting me.  Mildred said it best.  LOL.

Freelance Editor
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2/14/2013 7:21 AM

OneFallenShadow, Steyr makes the Scout Tactical rifle. So there was no error--at least not with that.


New Member
New Member

2/15/2013 1:22 AM
Oh, thanks, Wordsmith! I did not know that. It was just weird to switch back and forth between the names.
Freelance Editor
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2/15/2013 8:53 AM
It's for the sake of variety. Instead of writing a character's name repeatedly, such as "Ryan,"  some writers switch it up with "the one-eyed warrior" or the disliked "Deathlands warrior." So we have" Scout," "Steyr," sometimes longblaster.
New Member
New Member

2/18/2013 5:16 PM
I kinda just think back to his last sniper rifle he put down when he found the Scout.
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