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Last Post 8/25/2009 10:54 AM by  One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
Deathlands 86 - Eden's Twilight
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7/24/2009 9:26 PM
After readin the latest post and seein that my buddy AOEC got banned for going personal in im,I can see that.But as far as postin his thoughts on a free forums fan friendly sight ( fan friendly) I saw nothing wrong with what he posted.I like readin post among "gun nuts".Hell we all own guns,isn't that part of the reason we read the DL's books?Can't no one here say that AOEC doesn't know about guns.....I also think that an active member we lose hurts all of us.
One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
Basic Member
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7/25/2009 3:23 PM

Thank you my friend.The reason I joined this site is because of AOEC.Him and I are very close.Anything you say He will hear from me.I can tell you man that hearing one person say what you just said will make his day!!!(He say's hey bro!).He should not have insulted Mr.Miles or Jim(that was wrong!)They are both good people.He made a big mistake and took out his frustration with alot of not so friendly a-holes who were calling him names and insulting him on a regular basis.(I know,I read the post's)on these two gentleman.One of the people on here who insulted him quite badly and even got pissy with me is an actual author!What the hell is that about?
By the way,AOEC made enemies real fast because he said 2 things that got hom attacked by an author and a few Outlander's fans:That Laurence James was the best author Death Lands had(2 authors ragged him and insulted that man who is deceased)and he made the terrible error of saying he liked Death Lands better than Outlanders!

"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
Bury The Sun
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7/26/2009 1:57 AM
...wait... somebody actually thinks that Outlanders stands a snowballs chance in hell when propped up beside DL? I say propped up because that is all I ever used my 1 (count it, one) copy of OL for... a door prop...
Sorry OL lovers we will just have to agree to disagree on this one...

"Better to have weapons and not need them, than to not have weapons when you do need them." -Trader
)3az )3aziah
British Bloke
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7/26/2009 7:59 AM
Lets not start another OL v DL cat fight here.

Remember you may say "Tomay-to" but I say "Tomart-oh" ! It matters not one jot which series YOU enjoy just as long as YOU do enjoy them.

Me I read both series, DL since book one and OL since a second stab at the series about 6 years back. Both series have there good tales and there bad ones its just like life.

Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

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7/26/2009 8:14 AM
Ahhh to see the site regress in time and go back to the way it was years ago...hold on to your belt buckles...gonna be a heck of a ride....and to think, things had been so enjoyable for the last year....

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7/26/2009 11:05 AM
It's only going to go back to the old days because of a select FEW posters, both from the DL only and OL only camp.

Comments like the ones made by bury are done so to DIRECTLY INSTIGATE the fights.

Remember, the troublemakers do get booted eventually, and yes some come back under thin disguises, but they always do something stupid and get banned once again and usually after the second or third time, it sticks and it's permanent.

Heed the warnings people, and lets keep things civilized and not start pointless flame wars.

Ron's got enough to deal with without having to put up with childish behaviour like that from adults that post here.

Bury The Sun
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7/26/2009 12:01 PM
"grunt" UGH! *waves club menacingly* Yep... that's me, the troublemaking caveman! I have not made a single post that didn't bash OL... lol... Seriously though, do I look like I just crossed the Rubicon with an army of Romans behind me? I make one comment (that was meant as a joke) and now I'm an instigator and also stupid? Jeez... some of you guys have less of a sense of humor than my drill instructers...

Also, please notice me apologizing at the bottom of the aforementioned post, which I am now thinking about rescinding due to some people's lack of humor... I hope that Ron can look back and see that I am NOT a troublemaker... To Ron, I am sorry if I have caused you more work... I refuse to apologize to "Outlanders" -the person, not the books- until I am through throwing my temper tantrum and I get a fresh bottle of milk and some cookies...
"Better to have weapons and not need them, than to not have weapons when you do need them." -Trader
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7/26/2009 1:21 PM
...wait... somebody actually thinks that Outlanders stands a snowballs chance in hell when propped up beside DL? I say propped up because that is all I ever used my 1 (count it, one) copy of OL for... a door prop...
Sorry OL lovers we will just have to agree to disagree on this one...

That's funny, this quote is a bash against the series - and thus will be taken by the fanatics of the series as the start of a flame war.

I don't post much for the simple reason I have nothing to say, and I don't come around the site all that much as real life tends to keep me busy with work and family.

I post when I see situations that crop up that can be the start of a flame war to warn both the instigators and those who would participate in such an attack.

An apology isn't required as simply put I just don't care. I'm putting out the warnings, simple as that.

I've been around for about 15 years, and I'll be around well after most people have gone from the site. Who do you think created the Deathlands web survival guide and the Outlanders page that Ron hosts here?

Lets drop the statements that will start flame wars and keep things civil here.

Bury The Sun
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7/26/2009 2:35 PM
this quote is a bash against the series - and thus will be taken by the fanatics of the series as the start of a flame war.

I think it's funny that you are the only one "flaming" anyone here, those "fanatics" haven't said a thing to me... only you Chris!
I have not made a single post that didn't bash OL... lol...

Just in case you couldn't see the context of this quote I will explain it to you Chris, see what I was doing there is something called "sarcasm" and from now on when using sarcasm I will make a note for your benefit at the bottom of my posts...

Lets drop the statements that will start flame wars and keep things civil here.
I agree, from now on I will censor myself. I apologize if I have hurt anyone's sensibilities. I am a man with pride, and I do not appreciate being thrown under the bus, but I will make sure to keep such comments to myself from now on.

"Better to have weapons and not need them, than to not have weapons when you do need them." -Trader
One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
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7/26/2009 4:58 PM
BTS,I gotta side with you at the risk of getting my ass chewed like you are.I think you are wasting your time here even talking with this dude.He (IMO)is being a tad hypocritical as all they do over in Outlanders is constantly bash DeathLands.Outlanders is a cheap knockoff, geek, sci fi, nerd fest copy of DeathLands and you and I know that.Now having said that(too make a point only not to start a war)let's see how my post is responded too as it seema fair game to bash DL,but it is wrong to bash OL?I have read both.OL is ok.BUT DL rules!!!
"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
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7/26/2009 6:44 PM
I have to agree with recent comments. I find the gritty post-apocalyptic DL scene more entertaining. OL is (or at least was) brilliantly written but the Roswell alien/ground based space opera/fantasy theme just doesn't do it for me.
)3az )3aziah
British Bloke
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7/26/2009 7:14 PM
I believe that when DL first started GE had them listed as either "Adventure" or "Men's Adventure" I can't remember which and I'm too damn lazy to go into the library/spare room/study to check.

In the LJ period of DL how much science-fiction was in the stories (Mat-Trans, Space station -briefly, Muties -although never scientifically explained until post LJ and cryo freezies) not a lot really. Then it was changed DL became Sci-Fi and the post LJ authors got told it was such, since then we have had all sorts of wacko sci-fi mumbo jumbo thrown into what is an Adventure series. In my opinion (AND MINE ALONE) DL should have always stayed as "Adventure" no Sci-Fi other than what was already established.

OL on the other hand was Science-fiction and written as damn good Science fiction (IN MY OPINION) from the outset -even Marks original idea had NO DL connection and he has said so here in the past.

So we have two different series of books, two groups of readers and each fight and argue over one of them yet BOTH of these series are marketed at both groups. Yet in reality each series only appeals to around 45% of the total readership (10% like me read and (used to) enjoy both.

It appears that GE themselves have set there own readers at one anothers throats in order to have two successful () book series in the same section of the book store.

Just my two pennies worth folks !!
Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

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7/26/2009 7:38 PM
I think you hit the nail right on the head with that one. DL should definitely have retained the original "adventure" theme.
One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
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7/26/2009 8:13 PM

Yeah,I think you make some very interesting points Jim.It is kind of sad that their is a war raging between adults that is causing so much fighting on the site.I believe though this is not a new phenomenon but an old problem?

Perhaps we would all be better served if the forum topic "Whch is Better Outlanders or Deathlands" was just pulled altogether?

"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
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7/27/2009 12:23 AM
Eloquently and as usual well said Jim.  This is ridiculous and If I was Ron I'd really be tired of this crap.

I, like Jimbo, read both series and enjoy them both immensely.  If the two "one series" fanatics can't talk and discuss things in an adult and civilized manner it should be enforced strictly that they don't discuss it at all. 

I, personally after being here for at least 6 years, am positively sick of seeing it rehashed over and over again.  There are those in both camps ( I can't believe there is two Factions" personally), that do tend to be over the top and IMO quite silly about the whole thing. 

There were legitimate issues in the past caused by 1 author and a couple of totally insane fans that took the devotion thing way to far but the key in that is its IN THE FREAKING PAST!!!!! leave it the frack there for the love of gawd!!!! 

I'm sorry but I'll go out on a limb and give Alan as an example...he discusses issues and answers questions with little or no sarcasm and when he does add a little wit its usually meant in good humour.  I've never seen a vindictive post from him at all except when he was discussing the Publishing situation. And hey...who here hasn't felt the same way towards the pinheads? 

Too bad we all couldn't take a lesson from him in making this place fun instead of a verbal outhouse.   Sheeesh.
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7/27/2009 3:06 AM
I consider myself a fan of anything good that is written.  I've been a Mack Bolan fan since the late 70's and that helped introduce me to OL.  I've read 14 OLs and in my opinion it is a far superior series than anything GE has put out.  I own the whole series but am rationing myself.

I've read hundreds of Bolanverse books and the first 11 DL books.  I enjoy them all for what they are.  All of them have their faults, and some are stinkers, but the bottom line is that I am entertained and I keep spending my money on all of these series.

I look at these books as "pulp" and not in a bad way.  They're fiction and probably cranked out in a fast way by many different authors, some better than others but I'm usually entertained.

When I crack one of these books I leave reality at the door and try to enjoy them for what they are.  This is fiction and "pulp fiction" at that, it's not some pulitzer prize winning novel that has some kind of massive impact on society.

As long as these larger than life tales give me an enjoyable, brief break from real life, I will continue to read them and accept them for what they are.  I don't care what kind of guns they do or do not carry.  In my opinion the stories are about the people not what they shoot.
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7/27/2009 7:47 AM
Posted By Chair-Master on 27 Jul 2009 03:06 AM
I consider myself a fan of anything good that is written.  I've been a Mack Bolan fan since the late 70's and that helped introduce me to OL.  I've read 14 OLs and in my opinion it is a far superior series than anything GE has put out.  I own the whole series but am rationing myself.

I've read hundreds of Bolanverse books and the first 11 DL books.  I enjoy them all for what they are.  All of them have their faults, and some are stinkers, but the bottom line is that I am entertained and I keep spending my money on all of these series.

I look at these books as "pulp" and not in a bad way.  They're fiction and probably cranked out in a fast way by many different authors, some better than others but I'm usually entertained.

When I crack one of these books I leave reality at the door and try to enjoy them for what they are.  This is fiction and "pulp fiction" at that, it's not some pulitzer prize winning novel that has some kind of massive impact on society.

As long as these larger than life tales give me an enjoyable, brief break from real life, I will continue to read them and accept them for what they are.  I don't care what kind of guns they do or do not carry.  In my opinion the stories are about the people not what they shoot.

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7/27/2009 10:01 AM
Posted By Chair-Master on 27 Jul 2009 03:06 AM
I've read 14 OLs and in my opinion it is a far superior series than anything GE has put out.

Double amen to that...I started out as a DL fan and I've read them all up to around Salvation Road. I read every series GE has put out since the 80s and I agree...OL is the superior series to anything else GE has published. At least it was.

The whole DL Vs. OL thing was basically settled years was dredged up recently and NOT by OL fans. It wasn't started all those years ago by OL fans either.

The last couple of years of "Old" there wasn't anything like the recent uglness at all.

There might not have been as many posts as recently but notbody kept taking cheap shots at other members or used profanity or made threats or instigated flame wars or kept baiting people either. It was civil...maybe a little boring but still civil.

This is an old and ridiculous arguement and should be put back in the cornfield where it laid for years--or the "New" is going to be no different than the "Old" and by "Old" I mean around 2004 & 05. After Michael Goodwin was banned for the final time things became a lot more calm and nicer.
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7/27/2009 10:44 AM
All this has happened before, and all of it will happen again.
"Courage is not a man with a gun in his hand. It's knowing you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what." - Atticus Finch
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7/27/2009 11:03 AM


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