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Last Post 8/25/2009 10:54 AM by  One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
Deathlands 86 - Eden's Twilight
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One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
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8/8/2009 1:17 AM
Amen bro!And Aoec is still here in spirit so we have not really lost him at all.
"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
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8/18/2009 2:38 PM
Posted By JettaManDan on 29 Jul 2009 11:43 AM
back on Topic!!! I just got and read this book as i do with all DL about 2 hours! And i was very happy with it..a good story and i like the fact the companions are now's a little puzzling why the hellhounds were instantly loyal to the Sheriff...and i'm sure it was a way to have another story be written later..but what happened to their kill instinct they were running 100's of miles for? could have been done differently..but on to the next book! I only dislike the fact i devour the books so fast and they only come out every few months..i could read a new one per day! Guess it is too much to ask

The hellhounds seen his badge and remembered it from the place of pain that they was trained at.

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8/18/2009 2:51 PM
oh i know why they were..seems strange their bloodlust was gone in an instant...was not the ending i had hoped for...
Bury The Sun
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8/19/2009 5:17 PM
I also had wondered about that, but I wasn't going to complain... the battle sequences were great in my opinion and I actually enjoyed this one for the most part... Sometimes you've got to just go with the flow on these newer ones ya know? Maybe one of these days somebody will get ballsy enough to change a weapon -OR- (God forbid) kill off one of the companions finally! LOL! Nah, probably not gonna happen...

"Better to have weapons and not need them, than to not have weapons when you do need them." -Trader
One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
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8/19/2009 5:54 PM

Andy I was slammin' on this book at first but it ended well.That being said I still was mostly disapointed w/a Deathlands book until the end when back in the good ol'LJ or Mark Ellis day;s the whole book was freakin amazing.

I am gonna go on and mail you those first books for free man so you can see for yourself how much better they were.You will have to read it to believe me man!Then these new books will be a bit tougher to swallow bro.Trust me,one gun nut DL fan/Kool guy's club member to another ok???lol!
It actually was ok,but I hold DeathLamds to a very high standard cause I was spoiled with the best writers in 86-97(or so)Allan Phillipson is great too.(his "Plague Lords)only good DL books in a while (IMO)

"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
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8/25/2009 10:11 AM
OK, so I know I am a bit behind in reading this book , but I just want to post a few comments of my own on this - they may have been covered already, but what the hell !

1. Is the author really trying to say that JB had to be told about the uses of Bird crap in the making of something he should have known about ?

2. I would like a $ or a £ for every use of the UCV ! (must have been atleast 200 ! or 5 a page in places)

3. Is it really possible to have such a powerful flamethrower that Ryan was using in Cascade - I mean firing it from the wall to the fields ?

4. How did Roberto's hatred or Ryan change so fast from his wanting to chill him on sight at the beginning of the novel ?

5. I do not remember a Kraken from prior books, but the companions all knew what it was, how come ? Also why did it not kill Pete's crew when planting the mines in the muddy stream ?

6. Not quite sure of what happened with the droid fight in the building at the beginning.

7. Why didn't Roberto chill all the inhabitants of Cascade for being cannies - keeping of long pig for emergencies ?

8. Why try to insinuate that Pete's comrade was a little like Krysty and not use it more ?

There were more but I am suffering a dose of the oozies and write them later !
Take care all.

One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
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8/25/2009 10:54 AM
All I can say man is that book had so many inconsistencies as well as being a dud in the DL series.Hope I did not ruin anything for you.The next on eis alot better.Not great,but pretty good in comparison bro.
"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
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