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Last Post 4/16/2013 1:34 PM by  silentalbino
Were have you been in the US compared to group?
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New Member
New Member

4/15/2013 4:36 PM
Best book in the series "Hell Road Warrior's" was set in Canada. Read this now. You'll thank me later.

Thanks, I will see if I can find this one. If it is an older book they are quite hard to find here!
Basic Member
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4/16/2013 3:01 AM
Posted By Melian on 4/15/2013 4:36:30 PM
Best book in the series "Hell Road Warrior's" was set in Canada. Read this now. You'll thank me later.

Thanks, I will see if I can find this one. If it is an older book they are quite hard to find here!

The book came out last year so it shouldn't be too hard to find . I agree it is one heck of a good book with lots of great action and it is set in my country which makes it even better .
Advanced Member
Advanced Member

4/16/2013 1:34 PM
Is available on for CDN 5 plus postage second hand. T'is truly a gem.
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