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Last Post 5/27/2012 1:23 AM by  SP
Deathlands 100 - Prodigal's Return
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11/10/2011 12:57 AM
I thought that some parts of this book were done well the collecting of weapons from the dead the spiking of the barrels. but there was so many things wrong with this book it made me sad. Cougars are basically untrainable as war cats . Mildred running off to see a battle that the companions were not involved in was out of character if you ask me . I could go on almost forever.
All in all this wasn't one of the better books in this series. Still I will buy the next one and lose myself in the struggles of my heroes of Deathlands.
The Red Baron
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5/15/2012 6:10 AM
This is the first DL I've read in a few years. I really enjoyed it. I need to go back to whenever Dean left though because I have no clue how he came to leave the group.

I really liked: The malfunctioning trans-mats, the tarantulas and Predark tech, the mention of satellites in space that "may" still be plotting war

The bad: What is with the ridiculous typos throughout the book? This thread mentions a few times about line editors at Gold Eagle. There's nothing worse than stumbling across typos that tear you away from a good story. Is Gold Eagle not doing their job or what?

I look forward to seeing where the Dean story goes and if anything more gets mentioned about Predark satellites (even if it won't be until the same author writes his next book)

I give it like a 7.5 - 7.7 out of 10. Good stuff.
)3az )3aziah
British Bloke
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5/15/2012 6:44 PM
Posted By The Red Baron on 15 May 2012 06:10 AM
This is the first DL I've read in a few years. I really enjoyed it. I need to go back to whenever Dean left though because I have no clue how he came to leave the group.

I really liked: The malfunctioning trans-mats, the tarantulas and Predark tech, the mention of satellites in space that "may" still be plotting war

The bad: What is with the ridiculous typos throughout the book? This thread mentions a few times about line editors at Gold Eagle. There's nothing worse than stumbling across typos that tear you away from a good story. Is Gold Eagle not doing their job or what?

I look forward to seeing where the Dean story goes and if anything more gets mentioned about Predark satellites (even if it won't be until the same author writes his next book)

I give it like a 7.5 - 7.7 out of 10. Good stuff.

They are mat-trans units

If you want to know about satellites still in orbit read Outlanders, Kane and co. use them to communicate with each other.

Don't hold your breath on the continuation of the Dean story, the goldfish amnesia sets in again with the next book along...

"Dean, who's Dean?" Said Ryan

"Your lost Son Ryan"

"I have a SON!! Don't sh!t me J.B"





Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

Please check out my FLICKR photos
The Red Baron
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New Member

5/15/2012 8:04 PM


     That's funny; I actually paused while typing "trans-mat".  Hmm... is it mat trans or trans mat.  I chose wrong. 

Basic Member
Basic Member

5/16/2012 7:45 PM
Dean disappeared in Separation, about 6 years ago real time (3 in DL time). The summary's up on the wiki; I wouldn't bother reading the book unless you need something to put you to sleep at night.
The Red Baron
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5/16/2012 11:22 PM
Thanks for the info Kerrick!
Basic Member
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5/27/2012 1:23 AM

I really didn't care for this book. I liked the overall plot and the plight of Dean and his following story, but I felt that it should have really included more of a meeting with his father afterward's. Telling him to go to hell was just sort of assinine to me after not seeing his dad for 4 years. I think their should of at least been a few pages of dialogue between his father and him. Even if he did wax his old lady...


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