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Last Post 10/28/2011 9:42 PM by  ShadowTek
And my collection rolls on
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9/1/2011 7:59 PM
    OK, I now have the following graphic audio books:

    1-12 (not listened to 1 or 12 yet as I just got them today)
    17-19 (not listened to yet, I'm stocking up , but did listen to a bit of 17 when there in the space station)
    32 (not listened to yet, I started to but stopped as it seems they went to japan in previous book and sounds important, so will hold off listening to it till I fill the gaps)

    I would kinda like to post my thoughts on each book I listen to here as this is the only community for deathlands, I know many have read these books, especially where I'm starting at 20+ years ago, but maybe I can refresh or bring back some memories of some of those long lost books or stories, but I wont bore anyone if you are not interested (as it would only be my outlook on them and what I think) but I'm so hooked on these books its crazy, bordering on obsession lol If you guys wanna here my irrelevant feelings on each story as I listen to them Ill start next week, as I want to start with book 1 (and I haven't listened to it yet) and do a book or two each week (I drive a truck all week thus the audio versions )

    On a side note, Im not reading the books, I'm listening to the unabridged versions adapted for graphics audio, and there great!! Theres a full cast of actors and sound affects and all and very entertaining, and they (so far) always have the same actors playing the same chrs..

    To the authors that made some of these books that still post here thanks for the great entertainment! Though it may have been a long time since you authored your book, people like me are still finding it for the first time as graphics audio has reproduced all of them and continues to do so, so thanks for that! As though the books may be hard to find or out of print, the GA versions of all the books are everywhere in truck stops (each has a random 20 of so different ones, so you have to hunt for them to stay in order)

    Ron Miles
    Website Owner
    Commander In Chief
    Commander In Chief

    9/2/2011 8:45 AM
    You can also write reviews for the books on their Books page (just click on The Books up top and then browse to the book you want).
    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
    New Member
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    9/4/2011 8:11 AM
    I don't know if any one else has found that reading a novel or in this case a series, you develop the characters voices in your head. Then, upon hearing them either in a "Made for TV version" or "Big screen" seems to ruin the written version by adding voices that are usually so completely different.
    On the other hand, if I have watched the television or movie version of a written work, it does not seem to have the same effect.
    I have every single copy of DL and OL and have re-read DL in particular a few times over (Avid-rabid? reader). Some of the early editions are getting quite worn and pages are coming loose, to the point that if I can find re-releases I'll buy them.
    Sorry, starting to ramble and get off topic.
    I totally understand the need for the graphic audio versions, in particular for those that are visually challenged, but for me there is nothing more enjoyable than picking up a book and reading.

    Cheers, Graham
    Harry Whittleberry 2
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    9/5/2011 4:53 AM
    I've not got all the deathlands books but wouldn't get the ones i need as audio ones as i like to have all the books. I have not listened to any audio books before and think they are a bit strange to me.
    Basic Member
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    9/11/2011 2:48 PM
    Im not visually impaired or anything lol, I just drive 10-11 hours a day and am in my truck close to 24 hours a day 5+ days a week, I tried the graphic audio books to see if Id like them (as I needed something to pass the time driving all day) Id actually never heard of Deathlands til I seen the audio books and I dont have much time in the day to do much of anything when Im not working (driving) other then sleep and eat, so thats why I listen to the audio books, I used to read like a fiend before I started off as a truck driver 16 years or so ago, and a do miss a good novel, but alas I have far more time to listen to a book these days then read one, If I had the books and actually had the time, Id love to actually read them though
    Basic Member
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    9/16/2011 6:45 PM
    Im now only missing 13, 28 and 30.. I have about 6-7 I still have to listen to (not counting the three I havent found yet) oh and I still need to find #0 will be cool to hear stories about the trader, that is the war wag version of The Trader, not the obnoxious version that traveled with Ryan and co. (when Abe found him) for those few books..
    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    9/21/2011 2:54 AM
    These books get kind off addictive i've got about 14 or so books so far with more on the way. The only bad thing about the series is the lack off an easily available back catalog so i have to buy them second hand.
    Basic Member
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    9/24/2011 11:37 AM
    Ive given up for the moment trying to find 13, 28 and 30, Ill just get them when/if I stumble on them, and Im more hooked then ever, so gonna start buying books past 33 by different authors (just finished listening to book 33 today), I'll probably use the rating system this site has for books and write that down (like the top 30) and go from there, would be cool to eventually get all of the GA books eventually.
    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    9/24/2011 12:27 PM
    Yeah getting all the books would be cool even the ones that "stink" but a bit costly.
    The Phantom
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    9/24/2011 12:27 PM
    Posted By ShadowTek on 24 Sep 2011 11:37 AM
    Ive given up for the moment trying to find 13, 28 and 30, Ill just get them when/if I stumble on them, and Im more hooked then ever, so gonna start buying books past 33 by different authors (just finished listening to book 33 today), I'll probably use the rating system this site has for books and write that down (like the top 30) and go from there, would be cool to eventually get all of the GA books eventually.

    I happen to have one extra Deathlands copy in my collection, that being book 13, Seedling.

    The used bookstores in my area wouldn't buy it because it has spine creases, (and spine tilt), but if you are interested let me know and I could sell it for a buck plus enough money to cover shipping.

    It's a nice copy aside from the spine creases/tilt.

    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    9/24/2011 1:13 PM
    Sure, do you have paypal? I can buy it today! And I'll give you more then a buck lol, I wouldnt do that to a member of this community, I'll give you what I pay for a GA audio which is $20 if that sounds fair (I have no idea on the book costs) if that sounds ok with you, let me know what the shipping cost is (or a guess) I live in Greenfield, Indianapolis, US.. But I can only do this if you have paypal..
    The Phantom
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    9/25/2011 1:54 PM
    Posted By ShadowTek on 24 Sep 2011 01:13 PM
    Sure, do you have paypal? I can buy it today! And I'll give you more then a buck lol, I wouldnt do that to a member of this community, I'll give you what I pay for a GA audio which is $20 if that sounds fair (I have no idea on the book costs) if that sounds ok with you, let me know what the shipping cost is (or a guess) I live in Greenfield, Indianapolis, US.. But I can only do this if you have paypal..

    I don't use paypal, but if you might be willing to send a five dollar bill in the mail?
    That  would be easiest option for me, unless that wont work for you.

    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    9/25/2011 2:49 PM
    I'll send you a $20, but dont send the book til you get the $.. If you PM me here the address, I'll send it out when I get a chance, I'll add my address in the letter with the cash
    The Phantom
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    9/26/2011 3:38 PM
    I tried sending a pm, not sure if it worked. The pm system is different than it used to be and it doesnt seem to work right.

    Basic Member
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    10/1/2011 9:46 AM
    Thanks Phantom, I was able to find book 13, in fact, I now have (almost $700 latter) books 1-33  I also have book 97  as I wanted to see how vast the difference (if any) was from the earlier books. But thanks for the kind offer 
    Freelance Editor
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    10/1/2011 12:00 PM
    I just found DL 1-66 on the Net in a PDF format, as well as some Outlanders. Hmmm. Someone is in serious violation of a copyright!
    Basic Member
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    10/7/2011 7:43 PM
    This week, I got:

    Stoneface (listened to)
    Demons of Eden (havent heard yet)
    Cannibal Moon (Listened to)
    Nightmare Passage (Listened to)

    Got these based on the ratings on this site and WOW!! Im not sure how to post on them yet lol, but just.. WOW but I will.

    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    10/8/2011 8:02 AM
    Posted By Wordsmith-reprise on 01 Oct 2011 12:00 PM
    I just found DL 1-66 on the Net in a PDF format, as well as some Outlanders. Hmmm. Someone is in serious violation of a copyright!

    I've seen many copies like this floating around the net and even saw a bloke selling a DVD with about 1000 GE books in PDF format at a book fair! When I asked about them and the problem with copyright he just shrugged and asked did I want to buy one or not?

    I even saw someone selling copies of the GA audio stuff on E-Bay -and not 2nd hand originals but mp3 rips of the discs!!! I sent a link of this one to GA but if they bothered to do anything about it I know not?


    Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
    Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

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    10/8/2011 1:19 PM
    Cannibal Moon is probably one of the best books in the DL series I have heard! I actually felt the company was in real danger! Also Nightmare Passage was so dame good, I was hypnotized by it.. It was 6+ hours long, I had heard 3 hours of it when I stopped for the night, and sat there listening to the rest of the book, staying up way too late (I was screwed the next day) as I couldnt wait til the next day to hear the rest of it..
    The Phantom
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    10/8/2011 1:41 PM
    Posted By ShadowTek on 08 Oct 2011 01:19 PM
    Cannibal Moon is probably one of the best books in the DL series I have heard! I actually felt the company was in real danger! Also Nightmare Passage was so dame good, I was hypnotized by it.. It was 6+ hours long, I had heard 3 hours of it when I stopped for the night, and sat there listening to the rest of the book, staying up way too late (I was screwed the next day) as I couldnt wait til the next day to hear the rest of it..

    Glad you liked Nightmare Passage, you should enjoy Demons of Eden, which is my favorite of the DL novels I read so far.

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    DEATHLANDS, OUTLANDERS, EARTH BLOOD, ROGUE ANGEL, ALEX ARCHER, and JAMES AXLER are all the property of GOLD EAGLE/Graphic Audio LLC, a division of RBmedia, and are used strictly under Fair use guidelines.