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Last Post 6/7/2012 1:56 AM by  SP
Worst Mutie/ bioweps
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)3az )3aziah
British Bloke
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4/17/2012 7:15 PM
Posted By silentalbino on 15 Apr 2012 11:02 PM
Oh Baz, t'is a sad state of affair's but i've started a blood feud with one of your cousin's. Let the bloodshed begin.

Tell me you are not a Campbell or a bloody MacDonald...


Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

Please check out my FLICKR photos
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4/18/2012 1:06 AM
Neither, I was actually nearly fighting with a Mr Macleod the other day.
)3az )3aziah
British Bloke
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4/18/2012 9:20 PM
Posted By silentalbino on 18 Apr 2012 01:06 AM
Neither, I was actually nearly fighting with a Mr Macleod the other day.

Are you sure it was a MacLeod as we don't "nearly" fight...




Sorry to keep hijacking the threads with our cross boarder banter folks.

Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

Please check out my FLICKR photos
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4/19/2012 11:27 AM
Yes, i know him well as he used to be my boss and he has "Mcleod" tattooed on his arm.
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4/26/2012 8:56 AM
Flapjacks seem to me to be less than spectacular muties I guess I never really understood how they attacked their prey. what was its predark ancestor?

The Drinker is another one that I don't get how did something like that evolve and what was its predark ancestor?
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4/28/2012 8:10 AM
(looks over at AP and shrugs)
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4/28/2012 8:46 PM
(looks over at Diablo, rolls eyes, and discreetly adjusts woolly sporran for comfort)
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4/30/2012 9:47 AM
Did I say something wrong guys? I just was hoping for some info on those two muties .

In I think it was Savage Armada Mildred threatens to cut off I think it was Ryan's hand after he touches a dead poison dart frog, I thought those were only found in south America not in the south Pacific ?
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4/30/2012 11:10 PM

I actually loved Savage Armada.


One of the last few that Polatta did well.


After that, he seem to've fallen off the writers menu.

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5/25/2012 6:26 PM
I've also got to add that the "Flap-Jacks" were absolutely a horrible idea. I can't remember what book they were introduced but I remember laughing every time the author made Ryan say the name.

On the flip-side I actually liked the idea of the "demons" in Labyrinth I believe it was. A Flea/Scorpian/Bullfrog/Human that moved at terrifying speed with stingers and leg blades that vomited acid on peoples faces kinda creeped me out...
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6/6/2012 11:33 PM
Flapjacks first appeared in the Baronies trilogy. Pollotta has used variants of those in several books since - feeders (creatures that look like cactus but have blood-draining tentacles), and something in Savage Armada that took down a whale with (you guessed it) blood-draining tentacles.
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6/7/2012 1:56 AM
Posted By Kerrick on 06 Jun 2012 11:33 PM
Flapjacks first appeared in the Baronies trilogy. Pollotta has used variants of those in several books since - feeders (creatures that look like cactus but have blood-draining tentacles), and something in Savage Armada that took down a whale with (you guessed it) blood-draining tentacles.



I remember 'Drinkers" in I think it was Perdition Valley. Same Idea. They really should halt it with the 'new' muties and decide on just the norm. I remember strictly stickies,scalies and cannies. At least until the author's get a pow-wow and decide upon the norm...

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