JettaManDan Basic Member Posts:252  
JettaManDan Basic Member Posts:252  
5/4/2009 3:29 PM |
i'll add some more if people ask 
BKSFLDR8RMAN New Member Posts:43  
5/6/2009 7:54 PM |
OK since nobody will ask.I'm asking for more.What happended to Mildred that JB has a new woman.
JettaManDan Basic Member Posts:252  
5/7/2009 8:55 AM |
my next little chapter i wrote was about rain and the gun...i was skipping over Mildred for a little intrigue....i'll work that angle later..i know what happened ot her in my head :-) i have a 8 month 1 week pregnant wife at the gonna be a little while till i get the next chapters in for you guys....
JettaManDan Basic Member Posts:252  
Millennial Man New Member Posts:34  
5/9/2009 6:19 PM |
Posted By JettaManDan on 22 Apr 2009 08:40 AM i think i can keep this going if people wanted.... And you will. For a Spoof of Deathlands its not bad .But, I don't see GE picking up your story anytime soon.
Millennial Man New Member Posts:34  
5/9/2009 6:27 PM |
I like it because you are trying to put DL in a comedy format which is a totally differenent world -view that the story is usually set in.
JettaManDan Basic Member Posts:252  
5/11/2009 11:09 AM |
not comedy really..but maybe a little more settled and not as rag-tag hardcore death and destruction...i was going to get to that..but this for now was sort of a "they finnally settled down" type of deal..
JettaManDan Basic Member Posts:252  
5/19/2009 1:47 PM |
sorry i haven't posted more wife is ready any second to have our 1st the Rain story has been put on hold for the time being..give me a week or so and i'll have some more...850+ views! Wow...very cool :-)
)3az )3aziahBritish Bloke  Veteran Member Posts:1060  
5/19/2009 5:36 PM |
Good luck to you both. You hope to be writing again in a week -you won't sleep for the first 3 months let alone find time to write another chapter ! Jim
=============================== Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.
Please check out my FLICKR photos
JettaManDan Basic Member Posts:252  
5/20/2009 8:10 AM |
hehe..thanks..and probably true!!!
)3az )3aziahBritish Bloke  Veteran Member Posts:1060  
5/20/2009 1:24 PM |
Oh believe me its true. I don't know whats worse the first six months or the teenage years ?
=============================== Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.
Please check out my FLICKR photos
JettaManDan Basic Member Posts:252  
5/21/2009 12:53 PM |
guess i will find out!!!
JettaManDan Basic Member Posts:252  
5/27/2009 8:55 AM |
sorry still hasn't come i'm spending all my time with the time to write more yet..but 1000 views? i'm tickled!
JsArmyWife New Member Posts:1  
6/4/2009 2:44 AM |

only problems are Ryan and Krysty don't kill for the sake of killing nor would they tie a sticky, even though it is just a sticky, to a chair to just to let their kid shoot it. a sticky would do that to a norm meaning torture or kill just to kill. target practice i could see them doing with their kid at actual targets. but sorry, not at living things but rest is good love the name and that first child together is a girl
JettaManDan Basic Member Posts:252  
6/29/2009 11:59 AM |
Well i just had to do something for some cold blooded action! teach her right! i'll try to come up with a small adventure for her soon and add some more...
JettaManDan Basic Member Posts:252  
One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas) Basic Member Posts:337  
7/18/2009 9:22 AM |
Haha,excellent topic!
I have to give Author AP props for knowing his shit when it come to kill tactics.Something I was taught by someone I won't mention who was recently banned is something AP described involving a SAS and other special forces tactic of the double tap to the chest and one to the head (mainly if using a 9mm weapon).
It is called "Mozambique Style".And he is also right,a 9mm pistol while not being hard for me or you to handle would be impossible for a little girl.LOL! Maybe a .22?(mouse gun of course sucks)  
"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
JettaManDan Basic Member Posts:252  
7/20/2009 9:55 AM |
i disagree...a good 9mm is controllable by a girl if she was taught properly - and a daughter of Ryan and Krysty would be taught properly 
One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas) Basic Member Posts:337  
7/20/2009 1:06 PM |
No.I did not say a girl can't control a 9mm Just that a 5 yr old girl could most likely not,I don't care if it's Ryan's or Jesus Christ himself's daughter. Alot of women,particularly cops learn to use the 9mm and the way more difficult to handle .40 caliber. You can disagree bro,it's a free country, but I have been firing 9MM guns for 10 yrs and I stick by what I said that no little girl is gonna be able to handle a 9MM pistol. Dean was an 11 yr old boy if you recall and it seemed to give him some trouble?
"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"