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Last Post 2/18/2013 5:16 PM by  OneFallenShadow
Deathlands 108 - Nemesis
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Advanced Member
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1/7/2013 1:06 AM
So, you're saying its much better than the last one?
New Member
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1/7/2013 10:06 PM

Yes it is.  

BTW: Jak is now an adult.  Finally!


Basic Member
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1/9/2013 8:04 PM
That wasn't an error - he upgraded to a more modern replica that uses catridges a few books ago.
New Member
New Member

1/10/2013 9:56 PM
Really?  I must've missed that.  I kind of thought that might be the case so I did a quick web search to see if the Lemat has any kind of conversion kits offered--like the Remington 1858.  I didn't find any so I figured this was just an error in the book.
Advanced Member
Advanced Member

1/11/2013 11:48 AM

At this point, I am just really tired of the stupid LeMat.


Or Krysty still carrying a mere pop gun .38, along with Mildred's ZKR.


They have had and passed up far superior hardware, but still carry these crappy peashooters.


That's why I really love and appreciate a bold and intelligent author who gives them better ordnance...even if it is for a single book. These women, and Jak, should all be carrying assault rifles and automatics. At the very LEAST - twin pistols and assault rifles. And a good knife for EVERYONE!


Oh, don't get me started. This is a losing bitchfest.  

New Member
New Member

1/12/2013 12:32 AM


I agree with your sentiments.

Over and over Doc has commented that he would take a blackpowder firearm over a modern firearm. The authors could easily have him change out the Lemat for a remake Reminton 1858. Go here: This video show a guy speed loading his .44 with multiple cylinders. Doc could then keep true to his character but would be able to be much more effective in combat.

The guy in the video could've fired much faster if he used his left thumb like the cowboy action shooter do. Because that firearm can be loaded to 35 grains/220 gr conical it can produce .45acp performance. Plenty to take down all sorts of baddies.

)3az )3aziah
British Bloke
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Veteran Member

1/14/2013 6:41 AM

This is my own view on the subject of changing weapons etc from one name to another for characters.

What we all have to realise is that these are just stories, not the real world, so no matter if a character is carrying a .38, a .45, a bazooka or a bannana they will hit and kill their targets each and every time if the writer so wished. Llike boots, coats and any other items the character have they are just crutches to help the story limp along. If the names attached to these props bothers you so much have several options availalbe:

i) stop reading the books and take up a subscription for gun digest instead.
ii) ignore the names of the weapons and just think of them as "guns".
iii) each time you read "Le Matt" or whichever other gun or item you dislike train yourself to replace the word(s) with a name you do like.


Would readers really be that bothered by the weapons the characters carried if LJ in the early books of the series had decided to equip Ryan and co. with made up weapons like a "Zappo 1.3 MW sniper rifle", "Kappow Gyrojet pistol" and a "laser switch blade". Would folk now be posting "I think they should replace the zappo with a 2.3 MW version as it is more powerful, has a longer range and kills cold hearts with blue flash of holy fire" etc? I doubt it very much!


This is an edited version of my original post so a number of posts from fellow members posted after this will make no sense at all now...

Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

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Advanced Member
Advanced Member

1/14/2013 12:58 PM

British Bloke, what may seem like an old and tired conversation thread to you and I may not be for newer members. Let them duke it out.


You and I can just not comment on what we already have discussed in the past.


And Grantbo: I have the last 90 pages of Nemesis to read until I am finished. You were pleasantly right! This DL is a surefire winner! Milan's best of the last 4.

New Member
New Member

1/14/2013 11:57 PM

)3az )3aziah

You may not realize this but comments that have been made on this site in the past have been incorporated in the series.  TPTB do review comments we make to improve the overall experience better for the reader.  I'm suprised you didn't realize this.  While you may not find this particular topic interesting, because it's been discussed before, you don't have to comment--worthless comes to mind.

)3az )3aziah
British Bloke
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Veteran Member

1/15/2013 4:16 AM

Ok, I guess I should have realised after all this time that new members couldn't be arsed reading back posts to see what had been talked about ad nausium in the past before posting and my mear mention of this would be a spark that ignites the flames I have edited my above post in a way that I hope new members (and a few of the older ones) will not find offence in.

Switches on memory block...

Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

Please check out my FLICKR photos
Advanced Member
Advanced Member

1/15/2013 11:32 AM

British Bloke - I was not mad at you - or offended - at what you wrote. Sometimes this typing thing may be misconstrued towards others. You can say and write what ya want, of course.


But there are a few new members here nowadays. And to them, this may be somewhat of a fresh topic. 


Grantbo - I am beginning to see that what we discuss and bitch about here IS making a difference to future books coming out. I have the last 50 pages of Nemesis left to read, and it is, without a doubt, a surefire winner of a DL book!

)3az )3aziah
British Bloke
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Veteran Member

1/15/2013 4:31 PM
Just call me Jim.

I guess its an age thing, as I get older I believe everything I say is true and damm you if you dare to disagree! My father is like that so I guess the old.saying of like father, like son is true.
Now I'm off to change my incontenance pad...

Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

Please check out my FLICKR photos
)3az )3aziah
British Bloke
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

1/15/2013 4:36 PM
Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

Please check out my FLICKR photos
New Member
New Member

1/15/2013 10:30 PM
Posted By )3az )3aziah on 1/15/2013 4:16:40 AM

Ok, I guess I should have realised after all this time that new members couldn't be arsed reading back posts to see what had been talked about ad nausium in the past before posting and my mear mention of this would be a spark that ignites the flames I have edited my above post in a way that I hope new members (and a few of the older ones) will not find offence in.

Switches on memory block...

Fair enough. 


Even though this (and many other) topic(s) may have been discussed at length in the past, a new perspective by a newer member might be helpful/useful.  In this example I brought up the idea of a Remington 1858; which is the world first quick reloading blackpowder handgun.  The authors may learn something new and incorporate this improvement into the story.  They might, for example, make up a situation where JB modifies the LeMat to change cylinders or something similar.  I think this would not only make the story more believable but would allow them to keep the same firearm from book to book.


In a small way we, all of us, give inspiration to the story tellers who in turn improve their stories which give us all enjoyment. 


Freelance Editor
Basic Member
Basic Member

1/16/2013 5:40 AM
Grantbo, nice thought about J.B. changing cylinders, but that scenario will never happen. Gun changes have to be okayed by the senior editor at GE, so that the gun specs can be dug up and forwarded to the various writers of the series. Then the Deathlands writers' "Bible" has to be updated. What a time we had getting Ryan's Steyr updated! One writer can't decide to make a gun change, as the very next book--and a couple thereafter-- will not have the new change, thus generating an inconsistency. Several books are in various stages of production at all times, so a change implemented by GE will take about nine months before it appears in print.
)3az )3aziah
British Bloke
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Veteran Member

1/16/2013 6:37 AM
I seriously doubt Nick P reads anything on here. I once asked him via E-Mail about the research he did prior to writting his first DL books, did he read any of the books already out there for example? He did reply -several weeks later, telling me in no certain terms that he was paid to write books not read them and would only do so as and when GE paid him to do so!

Hence we got such delights as petrol powered gateways etc. from him.

Few and far between are/were the authors that bothered to check in here.

Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

Please check out my FLICKR photos
Basic Member
Basic Member

1/16/2013 10:19 AM
Good points, Baz. I just want to add a few of my own:

People (and characters) can get attached to certain weapons, or types of weapons, for any number of reasons.

Doc prefers his old Lemat because he's stuck in the past. His upgrades have revealed his (very) gradual acceptance of his inability to return to his own time; changing to an honest-to-god modern weapon would be like slipping over the edge into full-blown insanity. Krysty probably likes her revolver because it doesn't jam. Sure, it's only got 5 rounds (what's up with that, anyway?), but she's hardly ever in a long-range gun battle anyway. Same with Jak - not only does it not jam, but it's a freaking .357. Mildred prefers her target pistol because she's familiar with it and can shoot a fly at 50 paces.

And speaking of familiarity... that's why people prefer certain weapons. Give me an M16 or an M4, and I'm perfectly fine with it; give me an AK, and I'll say "huh?" It takes time to get familiarized with a new weapon, which they don't often have. In life-or-death situations, you want something you know and can trust - that's why militaries issue and train their soldiers the same weapons; in combat, you don't have time to think, just react, and if you've trained so long with a weapon that it's become an extension of your body, you're more likely to survive.

In the end, a gun is a gun - aside from things like ammo type, they're all largely interchangeable. I read somewhere that 90% of gun battles occur at 30 feet or less, which is well within the range for your average pistol.

Re: Blades: Most of them do already. JB used to have a Tekna combat knife, but that's somehow disappeared; Mildred has a scalpel (of course); Krysty... I just can't see her using a knife. A hatchet, maybe, but not a knife.
Advanced Member
Advanced Member

1/16/2013 12:43 PM

Let's get this thread back on track: Just finished Nemesis last night.


Truly amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 


Read my review here. Victor Milan blew it out of the water in this one. Classic DL.

Advanced Member
Advanced Member

1/17/2013 6:28 AM
Can't wait for this one to turn up then! As to the video, is this how Doc does it in the novels or does he just have the one Cylinder(?) thing?. I know next to nothing about guns so sorry if this is a stupid question.
)3az )3aziah
British Bloke
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Veteran Member

1/17/2013 6:38 AM
I'm about 70% of the way through this one and have to say I am enjoying it, i hope the last part continues in the same vein as the previous pages.

@silentalbino - The LeMatt has a fixed cylinder and has to be loaded a round at a time, you can't exchange a loaded cylinder for a n empty one. The black powder version took even longer to load each round into the cylinder.

Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

Please check out my FLICKR photos
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