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Last Post 10/28/2011 9:42 PM by  ShadowTek
And my collection rolls on
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10/8/2011 1:58 PM
I have that I look forward to listening to it next week!
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10/14/2011 3:08 PM
This week I picked up 5 new GA books, I now have 1-40, 77, 91 and 97..

Ok, there were three that seriously stood out..

1. Demons Of Eden was awesome, however I'll need to re-listen to it to fully get what the pyramid was.

2. Mars Arena was Great!! from the moment that the actual "Arena" part started I was on the edge of my seat.

3. BLOOD HARVEST!!!!!!!!! OMG!!! This was hands down the best DL book Ive heard so far!! I cant even begin to mention what all I liked about this book!! I'll go more into it when I review that book here on the site, but DAME!!! I was bummed when it ended, and actually can't wait to hear it again, its a 12 of 10!!!!
The Phantom
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10/15/2011 12:29 PM
Posted By ShadowTek on 14 Oct 2011 03:08 PM
This week I picked up 5 new GA books, I now have 1-40, 77, 91 and 97..

3. BLOOD HARVEST!!!!!!!!! OMG!!! This was hands down the best DL book Ive heard so far!! I cant even begin to mention what all I liked about this book!! I'll go more into it when I review that book here on the site, but DAME!!! I was bummed when it ended, and actually can't wait to hear it again, its a 12 of 10!!!!

If you liked Chuck's work on that one, you might want to check out some other stuff he has written if you have a mind to.

Most of his work has been on the Executioner series, and his books are consistently regarded as among the best of them.

)3az )3aziah
British Bloke
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Veteran Member

10/15/2011 1:55 PM
Why do folk on here keep typing DAME? A Dame is a woman, I believe you mean DAMN (Dam)
Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

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10/15/2011 2:49 PM
Haha, you sir are indeed correct, I stand corrected
)3az )3aziah
British Bloke
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Veteran Member

10/16/2011 3:27 PM
Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

Please check out my FLICKR photos
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10/21/2011 4:41 PM
Well I got 2 new Outlander books this week.. and book 41 and purchased book 0 from GA's website (so I now have 0-41) I didn't listen to many DL books this week, as I needed a break.. been listening to them non stop, M-F for months.. so took a time out.. but did listen to Bitter Fruit (The book when they goto England and fight plant man) and listened to again book 5 Homeward Bound as now that I have 0-41 I'm listening to them again in order.. up to book 6 now.
Basic Member
Basic Member

10/28/2011 9:42 PM
Hi guys, well this week I got 42,43,46 and 47

And I listened to books 41, 46, 3/4ths of 47 and book 0.

I need to find book 48 as its part three of the baronies trilogy, I like it so far, in fact.. I like all the books so far, I haven't hit this bad streak of bad books yet as I like them all thus far.. and most do in fact seem to continue where the last left off, however there was one that didn't in the 40's, and it was obvious that nothing was known.. 

book 41 took off right after book 40 did.. and it was obvious that the author knew his deathlands, as many references from earlier books were made.. same with books 46 and 47.. I listened to another book as well but cant remember off hand what number it was..

Book 0 was simply awesome.. anyway thats my update on my new advances in deathlands this week
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