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Last Post 6/7/2012 1:56 AM by  SP
Worst Mutie/ bioweps
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10/27/2011 8:12 AM
Posted By Harry Whittleberry 2 on 26 Oct 2011 04:43 AM
it wuld be a bit stupid if they was like slugs as if they fell out of the tree and missed it wuld take a lot of energy for them to climb back up to try again and by then what they had tried to eat had gone away. they cud stave to death befor another chance came under them. really silly mutie.
There actually were slugs like that in Playfair's Axiom - they have some kind of air sac and can sense heat, so they drift down onto their victims, latch on, and drain blood. Presumably they can slither back up... but yeah, not very evolution-friendly.

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10/28/2011 9:56 PM
Well I found the found the flapjacks lol, the beetle people were not that bad..
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11/9/2011 12:39 AM
There was those mutie gophers that were telepathic and were fighting that armadillo & bear cross breed . I thought they were really weird.
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4/5/2012 1:13 PM
Posted By twinsrule26 on 09 Nov 2011 12:39 AM
There was those mutie gophers that were telepathic and were fighting that armadillo & bear cross breed . I thought they were really weird.

What book was that in? And how much L.S.D had the writer taken beforehand
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4/10/2012 10:13 PM
Posted By silentalbino on 05 Apr 2012 01:13 PM
Posted By twinsrule26 on 09 Nov 2011 12:39 AM
There was those mutie gophers that were telepathic and were fighting that armadillo & bear cross breed . I thought they were really weird.

What book was that in? And how much L.S.D had the writer taken beforehand

Hi the book was" Vengeance Trail" it came out in 2005 . I don't know who the author was or what he/she might have been on.
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4/10/2012 11:14 PM
A Victor Milan novel. Thanks for the info Twins, as to what he was on I think Werewolf Weed or perhaps Joltski.
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4/11/2012 12:46 AM
HAHAHA!! Probably smoking wolfweed and sniffing nightmare to come up with that.  As stated before, I LOVE DEATHLANDS, but telepathic gophers, yeah. That is lame.  Put down the pipe, Joseph Jordan!!! 
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4/11/2012 8:00 AM

I really loved Vengeance Trail.

Yeah, the teddy bear/gopher thingamajigs were kinda stupid.


But, other than that, I really dug that book! 

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4/11/2012 4:28 PM
Vengeance Trail, thats the one where some folks are trying to rebirth the US army, right? ( UBDA, The United Baronies of Deathlands Army)Haha imagine. Man, Deathlands still has a lot of good potential storylines. I was thinking maybe a southern racist gang tring to start up the Klan again, like mentioned in Crossways (Brodys School) although with all the problems that Deathlands has, seriously is racism still an issue? Just one of the many thoughts I have
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4/11/2012 9:33 PM
Nah nae Racism just good old fashioned kill anybody you dont know on sight. Sound's like Glasgow!!
)3az )3aziah
British Bloke
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4/13/2012 5:56 PM
Not wanting to stir things up but isn't the mere fact that most "norms" hate "muties" a raw form of racism?


Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

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4/13/2012 6:30 PM
Posted By )3az )3aziah on 13 Apr 2012 05:56 PM
Not wanting to stir things up but isn't the mere fact that most "norms" hate "muties" a raw form of racism?


But are the muties really the same race as humans? Most seem to be of different species. So maybe, even though the same ignorant butthead drive is in play with "norms," it should be called xenophobia? In Skydark I played around with the idea that "some muties have feelings and aspirations, too." Not that it did them any good ...
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4/13/2012 6:58 PM
I discussed racism in DL with one of the eidtors and she said, and I agree, that save for some weirdo sect or two mostly people are too busy surviving to care about race, creed or color. I played the race card in Hell Road Warriors, but as I envisioned it, up in the Great White North , save for mild ' they're different than me insults,' (Quebeckers being called Frogs, the Manitoulan Islanders being derisively called "Haweaters"), the real racism, (and it came back to bite them in the book), was how far your genetics had veered from 'norm.' The fact that Mildred and the sec man Six were dark skinned blacks was commented on but only because it was a relative rarity. So to quote someone a few posts back, in the DL milieu, I see being xenophobic as far more common than being racist. I like the hypothetical example of the companions stepping out of a redoubt and finding themselves in post apocalyptic Scotland, and finding you can literally set your chron to Clan MacSilentalbino descending from the Highlands and killing anything that wears pants. You know? That's not a bad idea for a book . . . ;P
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4/13/2012 9:08 PM
Hahaha! They kill "sassenachs" with the ancient Scottish Martial Art of "F**k you".
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4/13/2012 11:40 PM

I would love to see more 'out of Deathlands' storylines.


There is so much of the post-holocaust world to explore. 

)3az )3aziah
British Bloke
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4/14/2012 4:27 PM
Posted By Chuck on 13 Apr 2012 06:58 PM
I like the hypothetical example of the companions stepping out of a redoubt and finding themselves in post apocalyptic Scotland, and finding you can literally set your chron to Clan MacSilentalbino descending from the Highlands and killing anything that wears pants. You know? That's not a bad idea for a book . . . ;P

Oh and dont forget the clan McBaz, I have my family roots on the Isle of Skye, I'm a highlander -a real living breathing McLeod of McLeod...




Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

Please check out my FLICKR photos
)3az )3aziah
British Bloke
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4/14/2012 4:33 PM
Posted By Chuck on 13 Apr 2012 06:58 PM
I like the hypothetical example of the companions stepping out of a redoubt and finding themselves in post apocalyptic Scotland, and finding you can literally set your chron to Clan MacSilentalbino descending from the Highlands and killing anything that wears pants. You know? That's not a bad idea for a book . . . ;P

And perhaps they could run into this chap,,, (second post in)



Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

Please check out my FLICKR photos
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4/14/2012 9:39 PM
There can be only ONE!
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4/15/2012 11:02 PM
Oh Baz, t'is a sad state of affair's but i've started a blood feud with one of your cousin's. Let the bloodshed begin.
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4/16/2012 5:53 AM
Bluudfued no good!
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