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Last Post 8/28/2011 5:29 PM by  silentalbino
Krysty/Ryan Baby Birth!
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Author Messages
J.B. Dix
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6/7/2010 4:07 PM
Every one is reading, I am new to the series of DL, and i find any and all bits of it facintating. From everithing ranging to the lawlessness, crude words (like chill instead of kill, and blasters instead of guns), and the world how it has become.
New Member
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8/18/2010 9:26 AM
I am also new to the books and I enjoy the "bastardized" english that is spoken by the DeathLands characters as well.
Sometimes I wish they would say security instead of "sec",or stupid rather than "stupe".
"Cific" and "Lantic" really irk me as well.haha.
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9/17/2010 11:04 AM
that is part of the allure of the series..and part of the story really..the breaking down of society after a war like this..i enjoy it..and in my book (whose content i've taken out for my own copywrite protection) i've stuck to is fun and interesting to write that way...
New Member
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9/17/2010 4:19 PM
Sorry you took the book down it was a good read.

I take it you are trying to get it published?
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9/21/2010 12:44 AM
Posted By JettaManDan on 17 Sep 2010 11:04 AM
that is part of the allure of the series..and part of the story really..the breaking down of society after a war like this..i enjoy it..and in my book (whose content i've taken out for my own copywrite protection) i've stuck to is fun and interesting to write that way...

Oh I agree 100%.
I was just joking.
I think I read some of your writing before I joined awhile back.
If I remember it was damn good and you depicted the older Ryan Cawdor very well.(if he were older that is)
I have read some older and some newer books and find that the characters are not the same in their personalities,speech and descriptions.
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2/11/2011 11:19 PM
just as an update if anyone remembers....i took out the text for my own copywrite security...the story has morphed way beyond what i had here...i'm up to 60+ pages of single space...probably the equivalent of 3/4 of a full book..i plan on getting to 100 pages and finishing the story in the next year..and then possibly pithching to GE..i've tried to keep the original spirit of the characters alive with some twists...evev i'm happy with the results so far...writing this has not been easy...we'll see where it leads me.

is anyone even in here anymore?
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2/22/2011 7:13 AM
Yea still here
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6/15/2011 4:50 PM
i'm hangin around every once in a is still being written....i can send snippets if people want...
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8/28/2011 5:29 PM

Hey fella, unfortunately only got to read one part off your story. whatever happened to it?

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