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One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
Basic Member
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8/25/2009 11:07 AM

Sure thing homeboy!I was not expecting more today my niggaz!

What?you work?that is preposterous!!!You mean you are not a bum on disability like me.(sheesh)

"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
Basic Member
Basic Member

8/25/2009 11:21 AM
i don't work..i just pretend to! after driving 1000 miles this i gotta drive 400 tomorrow down to our warehouse/service facility....ugh! well at least i will get to shoot some F-ed up guns maybe!
One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
Basic Member
Basic Member

8/25/2009 12:14 PM
Cool,Well if you ever need some help I am looking for work.LOL!
"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
Basic Member
Basic Member

8/25/2009 12:33 PM
gotta move to the east coast then bro...but as i said i'm looking for something else too...this place is just stagnant - if not for some hotties i work with i'd really dread coming here...
One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
Basic Member
Basic Member

8/25/2009 12:41 PM

Where exactly on the East Coast?

I live in KY so that is close to you I reckon?

Hell,My house is foreclosed on so I have no reason to stay here anyway!

"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
Basic Member
Basic Member

8/25/2009 1:54 PM
i've told you before scatter brain! Mary-land - but i wouldn't move here if i had the choice...
One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
Basic Member
Basic Member

8/25/2009 3:39 PM
So sue me I forgot ya butthead!!!
"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
Basic Member
Basic Member

8/25/2009 4:47 PM
hehehe...i could't get any $$ out of you..not worth the effort :-)

be nice..or Kris dies in a VERY DUMB WAY! Like by choking on some hair or something lol1
One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
Basic Member
Basic Member

8/25/2009 7:43 PM

True about the money!lol.

I was being nice you ass!hahah.Beside's we had best stick together,all the sudden it is getting a little hairy around here huh Dan?LOL!!!

"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
Basic Member
Basic Member

8/25/2009 9:04 PM
eh...interwebz BS is never worth anything...
Bury The Sun
New Member
New Member

8/27/2009 4:54 PM
Dan, there are some of us here who do truly enjoy your writing and hope that you continue to do so... I'm sorry you got pulled into the crap bucket man... Either way, you are more than welcome to stop writing this junk and make a real story about zombie-ninja-vampire-robots or something... LOLOLOL!

"Better to have weapons and not need them, than to not have weapons when you do need them." -Trader
Ron Miles
Website Owner
Commander In Chief
Commander In Chief

8/27/2009 5:01 PM
"Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
Basic Member
Basic Member

8/27/2009 9:56 PM
Ron..PM me please and explain what went down and why only one person got crapped on for this....i'm done sharing my writing here until i get an explanation...
New Member
New Member

8/27/2009 10:48 PM
Not sure what I missed - but I will miss Dan's posts.
Basic Member
Basic Member

8/28/2009 8:00 AM
you missed people calling you a fake - not who you said you were..that you were the fiction of OEV...and then getting stupid about gun posts on a site where the books are majorly about and related to gun use and play..OEV went overboard for sure...but i don't think the antagonists that set him off were dealt with at all...and that is the issue i i wanted and explanation of what went bad..real bad real quick....but people calling you out was too much for me...i'm glad you missed it really...
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

8/28/2009 9:09 AM
Actually it was more of a calling out to prove that you really are what you claim you are.

It was a very long drawn out and well stated post without resulting in insults or foul language or the like.

Because, when it comes right down to it, the way I understood the post, pretending that a person is one of the American's defenders is illegal?

That's pretty much the gist.
Basic Member
Basic Member

8/28/2009 11:42 AM
Posted By Scourge on 27 Aug 2009 10:48 PM
Not sure what I missed - but I will miss Dan's posts.

Chris is correct.  Here is my original post:

DR made mention of something and I feel I have to mention it as well, that being the possibility of someone stating they are possibly something they are not.

In particular I have to ask about the "elephant in the room", namely "Scourge".

Scourge, the posts you have made regarding your service are truly bold and would indicate someone who has devoted their life to defending freedom and sacrificed greatly for the safety and well-being of all Americans. I salute such service and offer my sincerest thanks to those who have indeed served.

My question is how do we know you are not a hoaxer? Such occurrences are common and widespread. It's even happened here, on this very website, with a member who for a long time posted that he was a Federal law enforcement agent.

Having done a bit of research into the subject of hoaxing, the Stolen Valor Act of 2005, and Ranger posers and also contacting an association dedicated to exposing potential hoaxers, I have learned that it is actually easy to substantiate such information as fact. I have actually read on several sites that most who make such bold claims are actually happy to prove themselves genuine due to the vast amount of hoaxers out there.

This is especially true of Rangers involved with Operation Gothic Serpent as I have learned by contacting a forum run and used by Rangers who participated in said.  There are a
lot of fakers out there.

The info is out there for anyone willing to search. I invite anyone as curious as I was about our friend Scourge to do so.

Bottom line, Scourge can you offer any proof of what you say being true? If so I sincerely apologize and thank you for your service to our country. As I have learned it should be fairly simple to do so. You should understand I would hope.  You should also know of the potential penalties under Federal law hoaxers face due to the seriousness real Vets give this subject, so I would imagine you won't be too offended.


And an additional follow-up:

There are several seemingly inaccurate statements in the above post:

Chalk One
was part of the initial assault and was stationed at the northeast corner of the target house.

The Rangers in this operation were from Bravo Company of the 75th Ranger Regiment,
not the 10th Mountain division.

Indeed, the 10th Mountain does
not include a Ranger Regiment.  The unit of the 10th that participated in the Battle of Mogadishu was the 2-14th Infantry quick reaction force.

Maybe I'm all wet, but these are facts.

Please, prove me wrong!  I'll gladly admit it!



Additional comments can be found in the original thread.

"Courage is not a man with a gun in his hand. It's knowing you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what." - Atticus Finch
Basic Member
Basic Member

8/28/2009 12:09 PM
take your issues to PM mikeclr with Scourge - i'm not interested in your issues in my thread, or tyour posts..and they are not part of this topic - if you do not remove your post i will have Ron remove it...this is the only time i will ask nicely....start your own thread if necessary...
New Member
New Member

8/28/2009 2:41 PM
Well I take a few days to go scout for elk and see what I miss …

Mikeclr is correct – there are a lot of fakers out there – I have no problem with people questioning my service – it goes with the territory. All the SF communities have a problem with fakers – seems the SEALs and Delta especially. While not technically illegal – claiming to be a member of a SF community is covered under the 1st Amendment. What the Stolen Valor Act of 2005 refers to is if a person attempts to gain benefits or wear or receive medals not awarded. Used to cover the CMH only but was expanded to include any medal or service device authorized by Congress. The law prevents people from gaining medals and claiming certain benefits under law and getting preferential treatment in hiring, business loans, etc. Have not been that many prosecutions over the years – most just cease – although Admiral Boorda was supposed to have committed suicide because he wore awards not received.

Mikeclr questions were well written and I applaud his incentive. However he did miss a few facts. I never said that I was part of the initial assault – seems he missed that. Perhaps a little too excited to call BS? Check all the facts as stated – if you are going to question get all facts straight. My chalk was part of the retrieval efforts and yes I was part of chalk one. In the pursuit of brevity – I mentioned that I was part of the 10th Mountain – I misspoke (misstyped?) and should have mentioned that I was with the 2-14 out of Ft Drum of the 10th Mnt. At the time I was a Ranger-tabbed soldier not serving in a Ranger batt. Not all Rangers serve in Ranger batts only. This is a common misconception of leg soldiers and those who always claim BS of anyone who has done something beyond their scope of reference.

From the US Army Uniform Regs: The Ranger Tab is a service school military decoration of the United States Army signifying completion of the 61-day long U.S. Army Ranger School course in small-unit infantry combat tactics in woodland, mountain, and swamp operations.
Those graduating from Ranger School are presented with the Ranger Tab, which is worn on the upper shoulder of the left sleeve of a military uniform, as specified in Army Regulation 670–1, " Wear and Appearance of Army Uniforms and Insignia." Wearing the tab is permitted for the remainder of a soldier's military career, even if the soldier is not actively assigned to an Army Ranger unit.

I also wear the Sapper tab.

As Dan stated this thread is not the place for this discussion we should not hijack his thread. Any further questions PM me or start another thread.
Basic Member
Basic Member

8/28/2009 3:52 PM
thanks Mac...i appreciate your understanding my guys want to discuss what i write - do it here.....all else....well
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