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Last Post 6/10/2012 3:39 AM by  Kerrick
A Few Small Question about the Series.
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4/11/2012 12:33 AM
Probably in 6 more years, Haha! Say, I have read about 65% of DL books and Im curious if these villians have creeped back up and if they did have they been destroyed?  Admiral Poseidon in Watersleep, Lars Hellstrom Stoneface, and the villian at the end of Edens Twighlight who was in contol of those evil cat-dog muties( sorry I cant find the book right now for a more accurate description.) By the way Bloodlines is the best!!!! My opinion of course. I dont scare easy but I just happen to be in a cajun infested swampy area when I read that thing.  AHHHH!!!! SSSCCCAAARRRYYY!!!!  LOL!!! What is your favorite novel and you will probably hate me but I like all DL authors and I LOVE Andy Boot, Nick Pollata, Rik Hoskin( loved Alpha Wave) and man what happened to good ol Edo? I know you guys hated Skydark spawn, I however thought it was decaying and barbric( remember this is Deathlands, this place is supposed to make Sodom and Gomorrah look like Chucky Cheese, man. Bunch of perverted sexuality, both among mutie and human was greatly portrayed and also for years I was thinking in a land like the Deathlands who is going to take over the jolt trade. Ahhah Black Harvest.Superb. Yes, Gold eagle srews up editing and weapons, that does not take from the story TO ME!!!! But man, I love the evolution and era of this series.  It reminds me of the evolutions and eras that KISS, pro wrestling, and South Park have gone through and I have been supporting ALL THOSE through thick and thin.  Now if I can JUST get into Outlanders. Jim, you said the first 2 books wetre not good but the 3rd is?
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4/11/2012 12:38 AM
They need to go to Eastern Europe( can you imagine how war torn that place would be) the jungles of Africa, Australia, Hawaii, or how about they jump into space again or that shadow alternate world again?
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4/11/2012 7:59 AM

I dunno. But I sure hope Chuck pens it.


He has my HUGE vote for not fucking it up like a certain other recently did.

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4/11/2012 11:43 AM
Bravo Harry! Outstanding in every way! Brilliant! Author! Author!

Kudos to the young acolyte as well! Well played!
"Courage is not a man with a gun in his hand. It's knowing you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what." - Atticus Finch
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4/11/2012 1:48 PM
Posted By mikeclr on 11 Apr 2012 11:43 AM
Bravo Harry! Outstanding in every way! Brilliant! Author! Author!

Kudos to the young acolyte as well! Well played!

Who was that Masked Man?
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4/11/2012 9:37 PM
One here in Scotland I think. We could have Nessie on steroids, or by the God's mutie Midgie's.
)3az )3aziah
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4/12/2012 6:58 PM
Posted By silentalbino on 11 Apr 2012 09:37 PM
One here in Scotland I think. We could have Nessie on steroids, or by the God's mutie Midgie's.

I'm surprised Mark didn't add a few of the local "Mersey Trout" when he wrote about Liverpool in the OL books? They can be quite nasty if you get close to them.


Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

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4/12/2012 7:10 PM
Posted By darkravenangel on 11 Apr 2012 12:38 AM
They need to go to Eastern Europe( can you imagine how war torn that place would be) the jungles of Africa, Australia, Hawaii, or how about they jump into space again or that shadow alternate world again?

In other words, every place the OL crew has already been.. 

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4/12/2012 7:12 PM
Posted By )3az )3aziah on 12 Apr 2012 06:58 PM
Posted By silentalbino on 11 Apr 2012 09:37 PM
One here in Scotland I think. We could have Nessie on steroids, or by the God's mutie Midgie's.

I'm surprised Mark didn't add a few of the local "Mersey Trout" when he wrote about Liverpool in the OL books? They can be quite nasty if you get close to them.


I thought about it, but there were already enough turds in the Axlerverse.

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4/12/2012 8:58 PM
Hey JUST LETTING YOU KNOW AND THAT IS IT! Im backing off this as soon as soon as I say it.  Its passive agressive comments like that that start the OL DL wars, and "BOTH SIDES" have started this elementary school game (just like now!) Digressing  Its funny because I had 2 questions concerning Outlanders: now remember , I do not know a lot about Outlanders, but THANKS TO YOU GUYS, I have an idea. 1st Question: What year is Outlanders( 100 years after Deathlands)What year would this be? 2201? I think DL is currently in year like 2101, Im guessing? Because PTH came out based in 2096 and Im just trying to do some math here. ( I know it seems the DL group doesnt age like Jak and Dean, but remember digressing). Also I am aware that Kane and co SEEM to travel around the world a lot AND FAST. Now, it seems like technology has evolved very well in the Outlands, Im not saying its great but its a lot less primitive than DL and that makes their travels not easier , more efficient?
Ron Miles
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4/12/2012 9:41 PM
I don't remember the exact years, I'll let Mark address that if he likes. I know he did in fact set the stories in a specific timeline and was very deliberate about how time passed on the OL series.

Regarding speed of travel, bear in mind that comparing technological levels from DL to OL is much like comparing technological levels between the pre-WW1 era and today. Same basic difference in years. By the time that OL takes place, for the most part human civilization has stabilized and formed a much more modernized society. This is aided by the involvement of alien technology. In OL the lead characters travel in a multitude of ways - through properly functioning gateways, through the interphaser (kind of like a portable gateway), plus through other traditional vehicles and aircraft. (Well, ok, the Mantas are not exactly *traditional* aircraft, but from a story perspective they are super-fast flying vehicles that can get a certain number of people from point A to point B).
"Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
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4/13/2012 12:12 PM
Posted By darkravenangel on 12 Apr 2012 08:58 PM
Hey JUST LETTING YOU KNOW AND THAT IS IT! Im backing off this as soon as soon as I say it.  Its passive agressive comments like that that start the OL DL wars, and "BOTH SIDES" have started this elementary school game (just like now!) 

JUST LETTING YOU KNOW that "Mersey Trout" are fecal matter...poop...shite...turds. Jim was having a bit of a laugh and to be polite, I joined in.

Also JUST LETTING YOU KNOW...the "Axlerverse" encompasses both Outlanders and DL. Anybody who takes partisan offense is reading INTO the comment, not out of it.

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4/13/2012 12:30 PM
Posted By Ron Miles on 12 Apr 2012 09:41 PM
I don't remember the exact years, I'll let Mark address that if he likes. I know he did in fact set the stories in a specific timeline and was very deliberate about how time passed on the OL series.

You are right...the internal timeline is five years. So between publication dates 1997-2009, five years (give or take a couple of months) passed for the characters. My own system was that ten "real time" years translated to five "series time" years. 

Outside of Gold Eagle, such a method is referred to as plot and character development.

As for ways of getting around...I didn't want to rely on the mat-trans units as the sole method of travel...there were just too damn many of the things to make sense...that's why I came up with the concept of the mass-produced modular gateway units.

So I added the different models of interphaser and the Manta ships.

The interphaser only worked in junction with the intersection points of ley lines (Victor Milan totally misunderstood its operation and had it function like a pair of ruby slippers in his non-canonical offerings) and the Manta ships are two-person craft, so travel still isn't simple.

However, I've said this before and it bears repeating--my plans for the next stage of the Outlanders series was to take the group Nibiru/Nemesis where they really would be Outlanders and leave post-apocalyptic Earth to Ryan and Company.

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4/13/2012 2:56 PM
Thank you for answering my question, Mr. Miles!
)3az )3aziah
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4/13/2012 5:52 PM
Posted By Jax2 on 13 Apr 2012 12:12 PM
Posted By darkravenangel on 12 Apr 2012 08:58 PM
Hey JUST LETTING YOU KNOW AND THAT IS IT! Im backing off this as soon as soon as I say it.  Its passive agressive comments like that that start the OL DL wars, and "BOTH SIDES" have started this elementary school game (just like now!) 

JUST LETTING YOU KNOW that "Mersey Trout" are fecal matter...poop...shite...turds. Jim was having a bit of a laugh and to be polite, I joined in.

Also JUST LETTING YOU KNOW...the "Axlerverse" encompasses both Outlanders and DL. Anybody who takes partisan offense is reading INTO the comment, not out of it.



Your knowledge of all things Scouse amazes me. Any plans to return here?



Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

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4/13/2012 9:28 PM
Is one of the Outlanders Novel's set in Liverpool?? Man, that would be the SH*T.
If so where the local's in Red or Blue shirts.
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4/17/2012 12:57 AM
There's a timeline on the wiki that covers both series pre-Skydark, then splits apart to cover events unique to each one separately.
)3az )3aziah
British Bloke
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4/17/2012 7:14 PM
Posted By silentalbino on 13 Apr 2012 09:28 PM
Is one of the Outlanders Novel's set in Liverpool?? Man, that would be the SH*T.
If so where the local's in Red or Blue shirts.

Oh yes, check out Hell Rising. New London is Liverpool and not a red or blue shirt in sight.


Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

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4/18/2012 1:10 AM
New London? What would Cilla say!!!!!
)3az )3aziah
British Bloke
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4/18/2012 9:17 PM
Posted By silentalbino on 18 Apr 2012 01:10 AM
New London? What would Cilla say!!!!!

A up fukkin ell lad, yev gorra be joe-kin. Bye us a key-bab...



 Oh dear, that reads like HW2 typed it 

Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

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