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Last Post 6/10/2012 3:39 AM by  Kerrick
A Few Small Question about the Series.
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4/26/2012 8:49 AM
In the book where the companions re-encounter Donphil more do they ever give a name for the fish/lizard men enemies?
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4/26/2012 11:24 AM
When the Commander took Ryan on short tour of the Anthill's bioengineering facility he saw stickies. The Commander told Ryan that the Anthill had begun a program of genetic engineering known as pantropy "over a century ago."

Later the old darlin' said:

"Pantropy is a form of bioengineering, primarily theoretical, to produce a strain of humanity designed to live in different environments...the challenge was to adapt and modify humanity to survive in the new environment shaped by the holocaust. We experimented with human and animal subjects to create entities that could thrive in any physical condition, immune to radiation and other adverse environmental factors."

Basic Member
Basic Member

4/27/2012 12:39 AM
Oh. Must've missed that part.
Basic Member
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4/28/2012 7:30 AM
wow this was one fun topic to read...Dls or Ols,whos a good author and who sucks,who made the boots and how have they lasted?...keep it up
Basic Member
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4/29/2012 1:40 AM
Posted By twinsrule26 on 26 Apr 2012 08:49 AM
In the book where the companions re-encounter Donphil more do they ever give a name for the fish/lizard men enemies?

Ooh, missed this one. No, they don't. They're probably a freshwater version of the ones that appeared in Florida (Deep Empire) and Georgia (Watersleep); those ones are called Dwellers.
Advanced Member
Advanced Member

4/29/2012 3:59 PM
Yeah, those were all good books.
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5/30/2012 12:47 AM
Anyone know the name of the ville that was built from an old penitentiary, and the inhabitants had numbers instead of names? I've got it listed on the wiki as Novaville, but I don't think that's right. OTOH, Novaville is from Pandora's Redoubt, which I haven't read (not even sure I have it), so maybe?
Basic Member
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6/5/2012 4:11 PM
Posted By Kerrick on 30 May 2012 12:47 AM
Anyone know the name of the ville that was built from an old penitentiary, and the inhabitants had numbers instead of names? I've got it listed on the wiki as Novaville, but I don't think that's right. OTOH, Novaville is from Pandora's Redoubt, which I haven't read (not even sure I have it), so maybe?


Yes It was, I read it this weekend. Allthough there was only 1 mention of the numbers being used IIRC. Page 177 Shard introduces himself as prisoner 224474.It doesn't state that the inhabitants have numbers though. Allthough they are treated as slaves.


Basic Member
Basic Member

6/6/2012 11:29 PM
Oh. Huh. I don't know where I got that idea, then... kind of a cool concept, though.
Basic Member
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6/7/2012 2:14 AM

And you should read it, it wasn't a bad book. Allthough the new technology involved was sort of a milestone to the companions which wasn't explained very well. And it never really explained who built Leviathon or who put the hell cats in there?


Basic Member
Basic Member

6/10/2012 3:39 AM
I did read it, years ago... I was about to say I didn't have a copy, but I looked in my box and found it. I guess I'll have to reread it.
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