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Last Post 5/1/2014 5:18 PM by  harley1rocker
New gun for a Deathlander crewmember!
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1/30/2014 3:36 PM
    Ladies and Gentlemen, most of you seem pleased with Ryan's switch to the Steyr Scout rifle. I was given the opportunity to switch another gun in the book I just submitted, in fact, they gave me a few base parameters and were once again kind enough to let me pick it. Today, I asked if I could announce it pre-publication, the GE Powers That Be said "Go ahead, sounds like fun!" (So please think kindly of my Canadian overlords.) Without further adieu, may I introduce Krysty's new best friend. The Glock 18C, to be introduced in "Blood Red Tide." If you want to know how she acquires it? Buy the book . . . In the mean time? Discuss!


    Advanced Member
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    1/30/2014 6:03 PM
    Hell yeah, I'm more excited about getting the name of your new book. Cannot wait. Do we know when this bad boy book will be working its to me?
    Advanced Member
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    1/30/2014 6:16 PM
    Just watched some videos on youtube on it, looks like a good gun. Versatile.
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    1/30/2014 6:32 PM

    New book will be "Blood Red Tide."

    My thoughts were this, given that they wanted it to be a pistol, with the Glock 18C you can have A.) Krysty pulled the Glock's trigger as fast as she could, popping the heads of stickies like cysts. "Ryan! It's getting thick in here!" or B.) The Mucousoid rose up nine feet tall out of its own pool of excretions shedding slime. "Gaia!" Krysty flicked her selector to full auto and put nineteen rounds of 9mm hollow points into the abomination center body goo.

    Advanced Member
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    1/30/2014 7:49 PM
    There seems to be a wee problem with chucks post.
    Yeah and on some of the vids there was 33 and 50 round magazines for the glock as well.Fun time. Unfortunately I can only guess because my government wont let me play with handguns.
    Published Author
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    1/30/2014 8:12 PM
    My thoughts were this, given that they wanted it to be a pistol, with the Glock 18C you can have A.) Krysty pulled the Glock's trigger as fast as she could, popping the heads of stickies like cysts. "Ryan! It's getting thick in here!" or B.) The Mucousoid rose up nine feet tall out of its own pool of excretions shedding slime. "Gaia!" Krysty flicked her selector to full auto and put nineteen rounds of 9mm hollow points into the abomination center body goo.

    Advanced Member
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    1/30/2014 10:04 PM

    Jesus, Chuck! Thank God you are just penning another DL!

    You can use whatever your genius pleases, insofar as I am concerned. 


    See, you not only have been listening to us, but see the BIG reasoning of Krysty needing much more than a peashooter .38 revolver. BRING IT ON BRO!

    Advanced Member
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    1/30/2014 10:11 PM

    Shit, man, I wished you'd tell GE execs that you're gonna place all new weaponry on the companions, just like in the original beginning books.


    That's what made this series not stagnate. Fresh new weapons, or old ones, depending on need. And losing and adding new members. Laurence James had the right idea. Mix it up. Kill off main characters sometimes, then add another one for a while.

    The Phantom
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    1/31/2014 12:27 PM
    Posted By silentalbino on 1/30/2014 6:03:04 PM
    Hell yeah, I'm more excited about getting the name of your new book. Cannot wait. Do we know when this bad boy book will be working its to me?

    In the meantime, there is another GE book with a similar title by a strangely familiar writer you could give a try...

    Basic Member
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    1/31/2014 8:08 PM
    Holy shit, Krysty's getting a new weapon! About time!
    Basic Member
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    2/11/2014 3:13 AM
    WOW!! New Gun !! , Great news ! . I looked up the 18c and I see that it comes with 4 different mags in 10,17,19 & 33 rounds cap.
    Chuck can you tell us which mags she will be using in this new gun?
    I hope its the 33 as I really would like to read about Krysty blasting away with that big mag.
    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    2/11/2014 6:38 AM
    Posted By twinsrule26 on 2/11/2014 3:13:16 AM
    WOW!! New Gun !! , Great news ! . I looked up the 18c and I see that it comes with 4 different mags in 10,17,19 & 33 rounds cap.
    Chuck can you tell us which mags she will be using in this new gun?
    I hope its the 33 as I really would like to read about Krysty blasting away with that big mag.

    I cant really see her wearing this in a hip holster with a 33 round mag . 17 is most likely the most useful and best choice. Trying to carry multiple 33 round mags for "quick" changes would be a challenge?


    Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
    Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

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    Advanced Member
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    2/11/2014 10:16 AM
    Of course Krysty can handle this! She's a bloody mutie powered red-haired badass. I wish she had a sword, huge .50 cal pistol, along with a murderous machine-gun strapped to her back.
    Advanced Member
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    2/11/2014 10:23 AM
    A sub machine gun for the ladies would be a good idea. And Ak's or M-4s for everbody bar J.B and Ryan. Maybe Doc could have an old Maxim machine gun or a gatling gun to make him feel at home.

    Krysty doesn't need any guns,she has her "inexhaustible" Gaia powers to draw on. Yeah right.
    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    2/11/2014 11:43 AM

    Posted By Maximus on 2/11/2014 10:16:50 AM
    Of course Krysty can handle this! She's a bloody mutie powered red-haired badass. I wish she had a sword, huge .50 cal pistol, along with a murderous machine-gun strapped to her back. <img alt="" src="" />

    Calm down son your starting to sound like some sort of hick gun nut !!!:-P

    Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
    Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

    Please check out my FLICKR photos
    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    2/11/2014 11:47 AM

    Posted By silentalbino on 2/11/2014 10:23:59 AM

    Krysty doesn't need any guns,she has her "inexhaustible" Gaia powers to draw on. Yeah right.

    Three times in the last book must be a record surely? Maybe it was a multiple orgasm of earth power !!!

    Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
    Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

    Please check out my FLICKR photos
    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    2/11/2014 11:52 AM
    Forget 33 rounds, what she needs is one of these (or maybe another as a spare in her ass pocket)

    Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
    Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

    Please check out my FLICKR photos
    Advanced Member
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    2/11/2014 12:30 PM
    She definitely wouldn't get that monstrosity in her back pocket. Max, do you own any gun's.
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    2/11/2014 2:13 PM

    Yes, i have collected many throughout the years, including other types of weapons, from bows and arrows of different eras to daggers and swords, along with rifles and pistols. From SIGs to Glocks, to Gladius swords used by Roman soldiers. LOVE my collection! 

     That's why it drives me nuts when these writers pen the weaponry wrong.

    Advanced Member
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    2/11/2014 7:22 PM
    I'm jealous the powers that be over here are very strict on who gets to play with the good toy's. Do you use the Bow to hunt?
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