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Last Post 5/1/2014 5:18 PM by  harley1rocker
New gun for a Deathlander crewmember!
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2/12/2014 9:49 AM
Why yes, yes I do. Every October and November. I also just practice at a nearby bow shooting range. Love my longbow!
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2/12/2014 11:07 AM
Have you read any of SM Stirlings the change series. Its Bow and arrow porn. I'm curious, can you own any amount of handguns etc are is there a certain amount.
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2/12/2014 12:05 PM

I actually have the first 7 S M Stirling Change series, but have only read the first one. I liked it, but he blathers on too much about 'good witches' crap. I tried the 2nd book, but got bored. I am hoping to try them again, and hope they get better. Love the concept.


Insofar as how many guns a person can have here in the southwest of the US: as many as you want, as long as they are legally bought. I buy and sell all the time. Had as many as 30 types of guns, to the 6 handguns and 4 long guns I now have. Living on 5 acres outside the city is the only way I'd live. Although i built a berm on my land where I practice my shooting, I also have a gun range not ten minutes away, along with a bow range not 5 minutes way. 


My current favorites are my G3 KA4 automatic rifle with retractable stock. Damn nice piece!

As shotguns goes, my current one is a HK CAWS.

 And my latest hand gun I bought about 6 months ago is a BUL M5 Commander.

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2/12/2014 12:57 PM
The first three were like a guide to witches as opposed to an actual novel at times. He loves to describe his world, which is good sometimes but after the 27th time of "merry met" and "Lord and Lady" gets rather frustrating.
But I'm currently reading the next series which is set 20 odd years after and these are ten times better.

The nearest I ever got to guns was shooting an Airgun. Just watched a video of the M5 on YouTube looks pretty neat. Are you allowed to conceal carry with your license? I was watching another video on YouTube the other day of some Bloke walking down the street with a M16 strapped to his back. When the Cops turned up he told him it was his right to carry unconcealed weapons. You would be sectioned to the nuthouse if you did that here.
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2/12/2014 1:27 PM

Yes, you can carry concealed weapons here, but only as long as you don't have a criminal record or something. You have to sign up and take a class too.

Unfortunately, like everything else, there are too many idiots with guns these days. They make a bad name for guns. Like Pitt Bulls. I have one and its one of the best dogs I've ever had - and I've had all kinds of breeds. He has only 3 legs, every inch a badass when it comes to protecting his home and his family. But he is a major lover too! Sweet and funny as all hell. It is all in the way you treat an animal. Raise them with love and support, train them constantly, and you will NEVER have one on the evening news biting and eating people. 

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2/12/2014 1:37 PM

Insofar as the SM Stirling series: So, you are saying I should continue to give it another try? Like you stated, the author can be very good, but then bogs down with too much over description and knowledge about witches I could care less about, and didn't enhance the story at all. So it does get more action-packed and interesting?


As for my HK CAWS shotgun, if you have seen the Expendables movies, then it is the one the big black merc uses you bail Sly Stallone out of trouble in the 1st movie. He cleans house with it. 

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2/12/2014 1:39 PM
Poor little girl was killed here on Monday by a "Pit Bull type dog", such a shame. My sister has a Rottweiler and it is the biggest softie I have ever met. All depends on the owners.
Yeah there is far too many of these School shootings in the states nowadays. I'm just up the road from Dunblane, which was a day ill never forget where I was. But I do believe in people having the right to gun ownership. Handguns and Rifles only though. Half the street thugs/ned's/chav's would think twice about mugging you if they thought you might be packing.
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2/12/2014 1:47 PM
Yeah by the 4th book its like its written by someone else. It took me about a fortnight to read number two and three because it was excruciatingly hard to get past those bits but from the fourth book on he has got a whole new ball game.
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2/12/2014 1:59 PM
Just seen the HK caws shotgun on YouTube. I think JB should get rid of his ol shotgun and get one of these bad boy's.
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2/12/2014 2:05 PM

Would I totally be lost if I just skipped the next 2 books then, and just start with the 4th? It has been a few years since i read the first one.


Another 'end of the world' series that fans of this site might like is D. J. Molles's The Remaining series. I just read the first one on my Kindle Fire, (which is the only way to read them right now, since the paperbacks don't come out till this June), and it was very good. Lots of action and character driven plot. A different type of zombie apocalypse type read, too!


After i finish this awesome new DL book, Hanging judge, I am going to read book 2 in The Remaining series, titled Aftermath.


I tell ya, when Victor Milan is in snyc and seemingly in a good mood to write a DL - like this one so far - it more than makes up for his mediocre Motherlode.

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2/12/2014 2:10 PM

Oh, absofuckinglutely, Silentalbino! J. B. would LOVE this super shotgun of mine.

 It is literally a blast to shoot.

I don't know about your country, but here you can go into a gun range and 'rent' just about any type of weapon you want, so you can get a feel of the weapon.

I can tell which writers in both of the Axler series are familiar with guns or not. Victor Milan and Chuck Rogers are definitely shooters. If they don't know about the guns they write about, or haven't ever actually handled that type of weaponry - then they are superstar writers to bullshit that good.

But methinks they be shooters...

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2/12/2014 2:11 PM
I don't think you would miss too much. He kind of recaps everyone's story as he goes. looking forward to this new DL. I've not finished the last two DLs which never happens bar Palaces of light which I never even read.
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2/12/2014 2:22 PM

If you have found yourself agreeing with my assessments of each book, then you should save yourself a lot of time and don't bother with the last 2 DL books.

Dark Fathoms was very good. It was different. And sometimes different works. But not the Siren Song different for me. Ron seemed to like it. All a matter of personal taste. Palaces of Light was one of the worst EVER. Everyone agrees on that. And Andy Boot has not written another since, having seemingly gone back to the Bolan universe. (Thank you Lord!)

My fav authors penning this series now is Victor Milan, John Helfers and Chuck Rogers.

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2/12/2014 2:26 PM

I just went to my big pile of 'to read' books and pulled the SM Stirling series out.

So just start again with The Sunrise Lands? I hate skipping, but I have tried the 2nd book twice in the last few years, and I find myself dropping it for something better. But, if i have to...

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2/12/2014 2:27 PM
Without being cheeky if the Bolanites have got Andy can we get Chuck. Ordered The Remaining, I'm not a huge Zombie fan but ill give it a bash. Ill probably finish Siren Song after finishing my SM Stirling novel.
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2/12/2014 2:34 PM
Yeah you should be good to go. Rudy is a good character. Excellent Bowman. Although what sold this series to me was the British contingent. Us Scots are still that wee bit Clannish and love to see some of our fellow Islanders in our novels. even if they are Sassenachs.
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2/12/2014 5:56 PM
Which Stirling book are y poo u reading? The newest in hardcover?
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2/12/2014 6:31 PM
The Sword of the Lady. About halfway through, its good.
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2/13/2014 10:00 AM

So you are not even caught up with the most current book that came out last Sept, then.

I notice a lot of bad reviews for his more current books. I've tried a few of his books through the years, and find him a hit or miss author. But he has a big following for this particular series. 

The Remaining series is not a zombie novel, per se. It is a virus that spreads very quickly globally and turns most people into savage killing machines. They don't even call them zombies.

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2/13/2014 2:04 PM
No still working my way through them. They've thrown in a supernatural element which at first I was a bit funny about. But when you look at the fact that electricity and guns have stopped working magically kind of works.
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