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Last Post 5/1/2014 5:18 PM by  harley1rocker
New gun for a Deathlander crewmember!
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Advanced Member
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2/13/2014 3:09 PM
Yeah, I know what you mean. After several books, all the sudden a new element is suddenly thrown in. That can sometimes come off bad, like some DL authors have done in past books.
New Member
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3/2/2014 8:50 PM
LOL.....Some of you are obviously new to guns.

Having Krysty swtich to a 9mm isn't a bad idea, I would have preferred something in .40 caliber range. A lot more stopping power then the 9mm. Ammo should be available in any redoubt or could be reproduced by JB. Still a good upgrade. Glock 17's aren't bad, I traded mine for a Dan Wessom .357.

I personally have numerous fire arms, just added a Springfield M1903 to my arsenal.
Advanced Member
Advanced Member

3/3/2014 12:48 PM
Dan Wesson is an awesomely made handgun. Had one way back in the 80's.
)3az )3aziah
British Bloke
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3/3/2014 5:49 PM

Posted By kvndoy on 3/2/2014 8:50:45 PM
LOL.....Some of you are obviously new to guns.


Oh and welcome aboard.

Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

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New Member
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3/13/2014 11:29 AM

Early in the series Krysty carried a H&K P7-M13 in 9mm before being handed the S&W 642 .38 by JB.

The 642 has a concealed hammer, not possible to cock the hammer by thumbing it back as written in some books.


The Glock 18 is a far better choice over the 642 but she should keep the .38 as a hide out back up gun.

It does fire rather rapidly in auto contributing to a waste of ammo if not diligent.

A common long gun for everybody would be a good idea. Like an M4 type with ammo and magazine commonality.



New Member
New Member

3/13/2014 12:32 PM

Also, How about more ammunition details?

IE.. Instead of military 9mm FMJ, have the group find some Federal 115 grain +P ammo or Remington .38 Special 158 grain +p lead hollowpoints?

Federal Gold Medal Match .308 Win. with 168 grain Matchking bullet for Ryan's Styer?

Winchester Super-X OO Buck for the 12 GA M-4000?

Advanced Member
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3/13/2014 1:07 PM
I think it would probably be gobbledegook to most of us.
)3az )3aziah
British Bloke
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3/13/2014 1:47 PM

Posted By silentalbino on 3/13/2014 1:07:27 PM
I think it would probably be gobbledegook to most of us.

I agree, its pointless bloating that eats into the max word count and does nothing for the story. Why can't we also have the group discover some new underwear and then spend two pages telling us about the colours, sizes and styles available? Maybe even have Mildred wax lyrical about the superiour qualities of one type over another. This would add as much to the story as one type of ammo over another!!
We are reading an adventure story not guns digest.

Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

Please check out my FLICKR photos
Basic Member
Basic Member

3/13/2014 3:56 PM
I'm liking the idea of other types of ammo the +p ammo hits harder than regular stuff and you get more stopping power from it . Also I like the Idea of JB getting excited and carrying on about how great the ammo is, Ricky would just eat the knowledge up and idolize JB even more LOL. The rest would just roll their eyes and get on with living .

Besides any new ammo could be worked in as a plot point in the story.
The Phantom
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3/14/2014 11:10 AM
Posted By )3az )3aziah on 3/13/2014 1:47:31 PM

Posted By silentalbino on 3/13/2014 1:07:27 PM
I think it would probably be gobbledegook to most of us.

I agree, its pointless bloating that eats into the max word count and does nothing for the story. Why can't we also have the group discover some new underwear and then spend two pages telling us about the colours, sizes and styles available? Maybe even have Mildred wax lyrical about the superiour qualities of one type over another. This would add as much to the story as one type of ammo over another!!
We are reading an adventure story not guns digest.


JB gets new glasses. Ryan gets new boots. Krysty gets new underware in... Fashionlands! 

)3az )3aziah
British Bloke
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3/14/2014 1:36 PM
Posted By twinsrule26 on 3/13/2014 3:56:48 PM
I'm liking the idea of other types of ammo the +p ammo hits harder than regular stuff and you get more stopping power from it . Also I like the Idea of JB getting excited and carrying on about how great the ammo is, Ricky would just eat the knowledge up and idolize JB even more LOL. The rest would just roll their eyes and get on with living .

Besides any new ammo could be worked in as a plot point in the story.

I agree on principle but how do you figure in showing the effect of this all new ammo with more stopping power when almost all of the time the group are already killing folk in one shot with whatever it is they are firing now. In a visual world, yes you could feature this but in writing it makes not a jot of difference.

blam, Ryan hit the cold heart with his Sig, the 9mil round pulped his head and splattered grue across the face of another cold heart stood next to him.


lam, Ryan hit the cold heart with his Sig, the 9mil +p round pulped his head and splattered grue across the face of another cold heart stood next to him.

it really has no impact on the statement.

Yeah have JB having a wet dream over a box that they find but thats about it, it has no other effect on the story?



Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

Please check out my FLICKR photos
Advanced Member
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3/14/2014 5:10 PM

JB gets new glasses. Ryan gets new boots. Krysty gets new underware in... Fashionlands! 

Pissing myself here
Advanced Member
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3/16/2014 12:05 PM

Yeah, even a gun enthusiast as meself can see how 'too much' ammo and gun detail can slow a fast-paced and controlled word count book. I love details, but there should be a limit.

I cannot recall any of the curent DL authors overdoing this type of written detail. Seems about enough to me. And Hanging Judge is a perfect example. There are quite a number of new weapons introduced, along with new muties, and all of them were described well, without being over-described. 

I recall the old Survivalist series being over-detailed in John Roarke's guns and ammo details. It became a bit much after a while. Especially when the author did it over and over with same detail. The Outlanders series did the same rehashing of EVERY backstory or item in the series with each and every book. DL does it, but much, much less.

New Member
New Member

3/17/2014 9:07 AM
Also, How about more ammunition details?

IE.. Instead of military 9mm FMJ, have the group find some Federal 115 grain +P ammo or Remington .38 Special 158 grain +p lead hollowpoints?

Federal Gold Medal Match .308 Win. with 168 grain Matchking bullet for Ryan's Styer?

Winchester Super-X OO Buck for the 12 GA M-4000?

I believe you are missing the point.
A "P+" ammunition means more powder (about 10%) so more power behind the round. It would mean going further or having more of an impact. I.e. Shooting a person and the person behind him.
A "hollowpoint" expands when it hits something. Like a normal bullet would make a small hole going through a person, a hollowpoint would make a smaller entrance and a large exit because the bullet expands.
)3az )3aziah
British Bloke
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3/17/2014 3:48 PM
Posted By Maximus on 3/16/2014 12:05:46 PM

I recall the old Survivalist series being over-detailed in John Roarke's guns and ammo details. It became a bit much after a while. Especially when the author did it over and over with same detail. The Outlanders series did the same rehashing of EVERY backstory or item in the series with each and every book. DL does it, but much, much less.

I recall those as well, I read two or three before getting bored with the two thirds gun porn per page and one third story.

"...looking through his spymaster 40*90mm hybrid quango double diopter rifle scope originally tooled for the 5.56mm akimbo torus 753 hunting rifle but reworked with the addition of a fitwel muti angle sight adaptor he noticed that the guard was toting a 7.62mm styer ultima W-ANK hunting rifle fitted with the expanded duel super kak muzzle addaptor at his belt he noted that he had over 50 spare 7.62mm +p rounds and at least 32 7.62mm hollow point rounds. Bob decided to go home..."

All totally pointless and as far as 95% of readers go just total tosh. I would sooner have 315 pages of story than 120 pages with 195 pages of weapon specs.



Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

Please check out my FLICKR photos
The Phantom
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3/18/2014 1:17 PM
Posted By )3az )3aziah on 3/17/2014 3:48:48 PM

I recall those as well, I read two or three before getting bored with the two thirds gun porn per page and one third story.

"...looking through his spymaster 40*90mm hybrid quango double diopter rifle scope originally tooled for the 5.56mm akimbo torus 753 hunting rifle but reworked with the addition of a fitwel muti angle sight adaptor he noticed that the guard was toting a 7.62mm styer ultima W-ANK hunting rifle fitted with the expanded duel super kak muzzle addaptor at his belt he noted that he had over 50 spare 7.62mm +p rounds and at least 32 7.62mm hollow point rounds. Bob decided to go home..."

All totally pointless and as far as 95% of readers go just total tosh. I would sooner have 315 pages of story than 120 pages with 195 pages of weapon specs.



That reminds me of the way people talk to me about their cars. Just say you replaced your bigass engine with an even bigger one.

"Yeah, so I took out my super 500 liter valve with gigacarbistramator and replaced it with a superultra 5000 torque litervalve stanisfanistimator turbo deluxe 1800 with mega johnsonrod framistigator...." 


New Member
New Member

4/18/2014 10:24 PM

Sounds good to me.

About time someone got something new.

-Ammo will be readily avail

-Hopefully the rest of the authors out there carry it on and don't forget she has a new weapon.

New Member
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5/1/2014 5:18 PM
Just wanted to say, I love these books! Keep it up
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