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Last Post 6/4/2010 11:23 AM by  RYAN'S BASTARD SON
Death Lands Movie/Cable series/Should it start with "Pilgramage to Hell"?
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6/15/2009 2:08 AM

I apologize man,I don't mean to shit on your opinion bro,I actually have seen every Guy Ritchie movie and am a big fan.I agree that  it should be a "guy"movie,but I can't think of  any movie that qualifies more than "300"as a "guy"movie.I'm sure That Bryan Singer "Xmen""Superman Returns" Valkyrie" could be a good choice as well as Guy Ritchie or Zach Snyder?

Another One Eyed Chiller
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6/15/2009 2:20 AM

I agree with you on almost every point but one.Bruce Willis as Trader?Great!!!Christopher Walken is my Favorite actor period,so yeah he would be great as Doc or even a villian.I also think you are right about the fact that they could have used a better storyline than "Homeward Bound".You are dead on about Jak's character being played the worst.I do think JB's character was slightly correct but still a douchebag.My only disagreement w/you is about Vincent Spano,He too is a huge DoucheBag.

Another One Eyed Chiller
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6/15/2009 2:26 AM
True,I apologize for downing ol Bob.It's just that I too am a musician/guitarist and I when I hear Bob Dylan I think of a musician/guitarist,not ass kicking futuristic one eyed warrior is all.LOL.
New Member
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6/15/2009 12:27 PM
Hmmm good topic. Bruce Willis , Christopher Walken ,Hugh Jackman All spot on  .
For JB  i say the Act has to short and Quiet  and for the life of i cant think of anyone. time to search the net.
)3az )3aziah
British Bloke
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6/15/2009 2:25 PM
Not a problem.

To add my two pennies worth to this:

Kirtwood Smith (Clarence J. Boddicker in Robocop) as J.B Dix.

Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

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6/15/2009 3:42 PM
I never thought of him but your right Bloke he fits the part I'm also  thinking of ED Harries too from enemy at the gates i think i spelled his name wrong.
Another One Eyed Chiller
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6/15/2009 5:07 PM
Good choice my friend,maybe he is a bit too old now though,but the way he looked in Robocop,yeah.
Another One Eyed Chiller
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6/15/2009 5:09 PM
Ed Harris would have been great,but now he is way too old in my opinion.
)3az )3aziah
British Bloke
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6/15/2009 7:40 PM
Posted By Another One Eyed Chiller on 15 Jun 2009 05:07 PM
Good choice my friend,maybe he is a bit too old now though,but the way he looked in Robocop,yeah.

Hey, I live in the past, what more can I say !

Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

Please check out my FLICKR photos
Another One Eyed Chiller
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6/15/2009 8:55 PM

I can't fault you there my Brittish friend,I spend most of my time living in the past!I meant no offense,just that I am trying to figure out actors who would work as the characters now is all.

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6/15/2009 10:32 PM
Thats seems to be the problem most of the great actors are getting old or are old. Its seems you would need almost no names.
One Eye Chills
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6/16/2009 4:47 PM
Bottom line here is - you don't need big time Hollywood actors to have a great Deathlands movie made.

That's been proven time and again by Pixar.

If you can find a dedicated director, along with a solid screen writer who knows the series, and decent actors to do the job, then you have a surefire 300 Hollywood blockbuster on your hands.

If made correctly, Deathlands would be like the last Terminator film. Dark. Gritty. And damn cool...
Another One Eyed Chiller
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6/16/2009 9:13 PM

Very true!Hugh Jackman proves your point as he kicked ass as Wolverine as an unknown back in 2000' with Bryan Singer as director.I do think that Christian Bale's status as a huge actor sure did not hurt the success of the new Terminator film that you mentioned though?
Oh yeah,If a Death Lands was made in that style"Dark,Gritty,like the New Terminator,it would indeed kick serious ass and maybe be my new fav film over 300!

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6/17/2009 2:19 AM
pixar...your killin me....a disney DL's movie?
One Eye Chills
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6/17/2009 3:27 AM
I meant to point out that Pixar movies make millions - and it ain't because of the voices.
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6/17/2009 3:49 AM
Maybe thats the answer your could do a CGI and all the said actors could do voice overs just a thought
Another One Eyed Chiller
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6/17/2009 6:44 PM

Good freakin idea!

Hell even an animated deathlands or a deathlands comic book is better than a badly done movie or just reading and never getting to see anything or hear anything(although it is very fun to Visualize in my head all of the descriptions and imagine myself what is going on)

Basic Member
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6/19/2009 8:20 PM
I like the idea of a DL's comic.That would be the cool.If DL's went animated how would us true fans want to see it?.Black and white like a Sincity or more like a Manga movie?Hummmmm.....
Another One Eyed Chiller
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6/22/2009 7:43 PM

I hate Manga,Love Sin City,but that's not right either.

Needs something like the original "Heavy Metal" from 81' with all the nudity,gore,and violence.

New Member
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6/22/2009 7:49 PM
Its just too bad that the guys from Graphic Audio can't get into the CGI area with some of their creations..

To me, its those guys who are the real voices of the DL series!
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