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Last Post 6/4/2010 11:23 AM by  RYAN'S BASTARD SON
Death Lands Movie/Cable series/Should it start with "Pilgramage to Hell"?
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One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
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8/8/2009 10:18 PM
Bro,you don't have to sell me on Gabrielle Union or South American women.I have been a musician and played in bands since I was 18(36 now)I have toured and released an album worldwide.My point is I have met more than a few ladies on the road and unfotrunatley the kind of music I play seems to attract mostly "white"girls.I myself (after marrying a native American/white woman)am seriouly hooked on latina's and hot ass African American women.I have had the privelage of dating only one of each and I am hooked on the exotic types you mentioned.I know we are way off topic man,just wanted to say yes,you are right!Gabrielle Union is Effing hot!!!
"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
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8/9/2009 12:23 AM
Some exotic woman for Mildred would be nice. it has been a while since I read the beginning of the series (probably should some day) and I can not remember which book Dean makes his appearance. Who would play Dean? Please no Harry Potter wanna-bees!! I always like Dean and was sorry to see his departure. Never cared much for Jack as a character but I guess somebody could play him with enough make up. My wife is Mexican-American (born in E LA) so I am hooked on exotic women particularly from SA, Brazil and Argentina.
One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
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8/9/2009 2:13 AM

"Seedling" is Dean's first apperance bro.Hahah.Great minds think alike huh man?Dark eyes, dark hair,and  dark skin! Yeah,my ex wife ruined me on blondes forever!I am obsessed with Latina's and Native American women cause of her.Blonde's do nothing for me and I am a tattooed Rock n/Roller type with light brown hair and blue eyes(German Descent)so I only attract "white chics"for the most part.I envy you my friend!!!
Back on topic:You really don't like Jak all that much?He is my next Fav character next to Ryan.I agree that Dean was a cool character,I quit reading the books when my dad commited suicide(he is the one who got me into them)so I completely missed what went down with Dean.
If not too personal a question man how old are you?You listed alot of action you have seen so I am figuring you to be at least as old as I am?(36)No offense intended man,just curious?

"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
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8/9/2009 2:06 PM
No never did care for Jak - too much Man-Friday for me. My fav character is JB with whom I have many things in common. I have a AA in Gun Smithing and may someday put my shingle up. I am blind as the proverbial shite-house bat without my glasses, and favor short-range weapons such as pump shotguns and SMGs although I am no slouch at range either. I just prefer to get close and hose the enemy so there is no doubt that he has been removed from the gene pool. Sorry to hear about your father. BTW I am 42, and have brown eyes and hair with a few SF & Airborn tats plus the names of my children and memorium to my best friend KIA in Iraq '04.
)3az )3aziah
British Bloke
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8/9/2009 6:04 PM
Joshua John Miller would (in my opinion) have made a good Dean but he's a little too old for the part now. Then again he may make a good Ryan now ?


JJM played "Homer" in the 1987 film "Near Dark".

Check out his older pictures at IMDB (above) and see what I mean about Ryan.

Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

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One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
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8/9/2009 7:59 PM
Thanks for the info bro.I figured you were a little older cause of all the action you have seen.I am very impressed.I have nothing in my right eye(totally blind) and once wore a patch(haha)so Thats why I am such a Ryan Cawdor fan.I am also very sorry about your friend who was KIA in Iraq!Thanks for saying that about my dad by the way.If it is not too personal what was your buddies name?I am not real religious but I would like to honor him next time I pray.I don't wanna sound like an ass kiss but I have minor combat exp so compared to you guy's I am honored to know you.I could not hack the extra 3 months of airbourne(Ranger School) like you,or any SF shit bro!(is it still 3 mons. or longer?)
I get it about JB being your man.I think of myself as a bit of a JB Dix as I like to think I know a little about guns.I agree with wanting good CQB weapons.I have little exp. with my mossberg but have used a Mac 10 in .45 cal.I would want the new HK UMP .45 if doing room clearing.

Jim,i will Definetly check that guy you listed out.Thanks for the info too my Brit friend.
"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
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8/9/2009 11:12 PM
Pat was his name - he was my best friend and did not have to drive the day that killed him and injured me and the kid above us in the .50 cal pit. He volunteered to drive that day to be with me as we were real close. The guy that would have been driving that day later commited suicide because he felt so bad about it. You can not beat a good pump action shotgun for CQB esp with a short barrel (mine is 14") which is a NFA weap other than Fed issue. Feed it good buck 00 or better and at least 1 oz slugs. Saw many a bad ass Mujahideen run when he heard the pump action. He knew it would send him to Allah now!! The Benelli was a good shot gun too but will not cycle non-lethal ammo reliably. SInce we do not allways want to kill the Mujahideen we went back to the pump Mossburgs & Remingtons.
One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
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8/9/2009 11:50 PM
Man I can't tell you how sorry I am.My best friend Marv went and fought in Iraq in 91,comes home without a scratch,then gets himself shot over a woman by pointing an empy .40 cal.S&W at the cops.They shot him in the shoulder with a .40 cal hydrashok rd from a Sig P226.He has been paralyzed from the chest down since 1998.
I really feel for your loss and I am cracking a beer now for Pat and Marv,and your driver who killed himself too.(as well as saying a prayer later)
I will take your advice about the 12 gauge for CQB.I already prefer OO buck and 3 inch slugs so thanks alot man.
I am wanting to get the Mossberg 500 with a fixed stock.I have the Persuader with a pistol grip.
"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
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8/10/2009 10:29 AM
no the M4 Benelli is not made for very light rounds..wasn't a requirement when it was designed... (i'm not telling how i know - so a i can see a pump being better in those situations for rubber bullets or bean bags...

sorry about your loss...i can't even imagine how that must feel, and for the other guy to commit suicide over it makes it even worse...trully saddened by your loss bud...

Why do i see James Alexander (George from Seinfeld) as J.B.? I know he isn't a hard-ass type of guy but i see him in the fedora and the glasses of course...but minus a few pounds.... I see Christian Bale as Trader with no hair maybe....
One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
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8/10/2009 8:21 PM

Christian Bale would be a good Ryan (IMO)Dan.
I think ol George Castanza would make me laugh too much to take him serious as JB?You never know huh???
We need some hardcore old Fucker like Kris Kristoferson(as our buddy Scourge say's)or Harry Dean Stanton(Jim's)Maybe even Sam Elliot?(one o'you guy's said that?)

"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
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8/11/2009 2:58 PM
I believe I am the one that mentioned Sam Elliot. I think Christian Bale is too much a Prima Donna and his salary would be too much for this movie. Work on your Portuguese and take the music on the road for a Latin America tour and you would be surprised. Those Brazilias love skinny white boys with tattoos that can Puerto. Quite a few of the girls in the termas speak either Spanish as well as English and Portuguese. Hopefully if this movie comes out it will be worth seeing. Only reason I saw the one from SciFi channel is I had cable at the time.
One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
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8/11/2009 3:14 PM

That's is correct sir it was you who mentioned ol Sam Elliot.

Thank's for the advice about touring in SA!I am already trying to learn Espaniol for the Chica's!!!How did you know I was "Skinny White Boy w/Tattoo's?Hahaha!!!(Not so skinny as in 20's)Now I gotta upload a pic so you can see how accurately you got my number bro.LOL.They speak Portuguese in Brazil right and not Spanish?
Oh yeah,
I watched that horrible Sci-Fi DL joke cause I had cable too.

"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
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8/11/2009 3:30 PM
Yeah Portuguese is the most common language but if you speak spanish you can get buy. Since I am fluent in Spanish I did alright but my American accent seems to charm the Chicas in the termas!! I grew up on a working potato farm that my dad hired migrant workers who were all from Mexico. So I grew up speaking Spanish in the fields with the workers. When I (and my 2 brothers) got older it came in handy trying to get into the pants of the migrant worker's daughters! I think that is where I picked up my attraction for SA ladies. When my folks sold the farm I joined the Army and went into SF and got assigned to ol Panama partly because I was fluent in Spanish. I was in selection for the Green Berets when the first Gulf War broke out and never tried again as after that the demand for Spanish-speaking Green Berets plummeted but the demand for Middle Eastern languages soared. I just watched the latest Fast & Furious - there is some real eye candy in that movie.
One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
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8/11/2009 4:22 PM

If bye "eye candy" you mean Michelle Rodriguze?OMG!!!

I will refraim from stating my thought's about her(drooling now)Damn man,once again you make a post and I learn that you can do something else I can't(shithead!)and your growing up on a farm and "Plowing"Chica's(Haha)is very cool!Much more interesting than my city boy in NKY life!Of course I bet I have done some things on the road with the band that might beat or maybe match you a bit?haha
And yes.I have a very bad fixation on black haired latina beauties.Only kinda porn I rent.LOL!!!

"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
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8/11/2009 5:36 PM
Yeah Michelle Rodriguze is hot! hot! hot! Never got a chance to plow one of the chicas from the farm - did not want to cause tension between my father (Jefe') and the workers. Now other farms were fair game. Still remember the "talk" with my father when he caught me and one of the young ladies behind the barn. Opened my eyes to why & when you should keep it in your pants. Never did get the city life much - too many people too close by - I need room to stretch. Not trying to one up anybody - bet there are some crazy things in the city to do too. Yeah we know all those rumors about bands being a bunch of pervs - got to be some truth to the rumors. Only problem living on post in senior NCO housing is that we share a wall with the neighbors. Found out they can hear us - oops!!!
One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
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8/11/2009 7:38 PM
Hahaha,yeah man I was only kidding.I know you are not trying to one up me bro.I am sorry but I would have plowed all the chica's.I have always gotten into trouble cause I ain't had the sense to keep it,I have had a fixation on Michelle Rodriguze for years.She is one of the hottest women alive!!!
You are dead on about us band guy's.That whole "Sex/Drugs/&Rock n/Roll " thing is not just a cliche.It is a way of life I am afraid.I lived it for a long time.Nearly killed me!!!
"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
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8/12/2009 1:10 AM
I could do the sex and rock & roll but pass on the drugs. Never did take to dope and a career in the military has put the damper on ever trying it now. Although those of us that live in pain wish we could use medicinal marijuana but as we are government property we can not. The books surprise me with the lack of dope - I know that a few get mentioned, but I would think there would be more mj floating around. Maybe Gold Eagle does not want to risk getting in trouble with a highly juvenile audenience? I know that certain PG13 and PG movies removed all tobacco products to keep from encouraging kids to smoke & even Bond kicked the butt!! JB likes a good stogie (so do I when I can afford them - damn I miss living in Panama - Cuban cigars were as common as Marlboros) although if we are shooting for a PG13 rating might not be able to get tobacco in the script. The tweenies and slightly older kids are what is keeping movie theaters alive - old geezers like me will just wait until the DVD comes out. Although the DL books are not as pervy as some of the other post-apocalyptic stuff out there, they might have to tame down some of the other stuff to get it past the ratings.
One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
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8/12/2009 5:01 PM
By no means was I trying to say drugs were good buddy.Like I said,it nearly killed me.I managed to stay clean until age 25 then I let my asshole singer say"go on pussy,do a line"and i finally caved.Ten years later(haha)I am sober now man.I never liked pot.But after getting injured I became addicted to PainKillers,I think that is pretty common with some vets too.I admire you that you have never done dope bro.More power to you.
"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
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8/12/2009 6:43 PM
Yeah some injured vets can really get addicted - I was not thinking you were saying pot is good - personally I have no issue if someone wants smoke some herb - each to thier own poison. I am a severe type A personality with a strong dislike of any weakness (as I view them) in myself. I have a buddy from a sister platoon that took a round through the left plexus nerve cluster rendering his left arm useless. He is in constant pain and is hooked on pain killers. When the docs were putting me together I got chewed out because I am so adament against drugs and my fear of becomming an addict I was not taking my pain medicine. With all the pharms out there putting billions of pills out you would think there would be a mother-lode of dope someone could sell. I remember Trader used to deal in some medicine - maybe Ryan and co can hit a lode of pain killers to trade.
One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
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8/12/2009 9:46 PM
I have been told I have a type A personality by the shrinks too man.Only differance is I am obviously not as strong willed a man as you my friend.I admit that even now as we speak I am still hooked on pain meds.It is impossible to stop when you have chronic pain and they give them to you.
I took no offense bro and I knew what you meant by the way about pot.
"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
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