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Arcadian's Asylum

Across a treacherous tomorrow, new lines have been drawn...

Andy Boot

Cover Artist:
Dave Seeley

First Edition

Release Date:
May, 2010

Cover Price:




Release Date:
May, 2010

Cover Price:


Graphic Audio MP3 CD

Release Date:
March, 2011

Cover Price:


Graphic Audio MP3 Download

Release Date:
March, 2011

Cover Price:


Front Cover - Full Wraparound Front Cover - Small Front Cover - Large Front Cover - Plain Artwork
Click on a thumbnail to view the full sized image


Across a treacherous tomorrow, new lines have been drawn.

A lust for power and a strong sec-force are the basic requirements of any Deathlands baron. But brilliant baron Eugene Arcadian has bigger visions than a monopoly on jack and trade -- he wants the future. He needs the help of Ryan Cawdor and his warrior group, and for those unwilling participants, a new terror is about to be born....

Back Cover:

Savage Ascent

The brutality of post-nuclear America has spawned a dark frontier where the harsh and unforgiving new rules of existence cannot obliterate the decency and determination that drive the true human spirit. It's tested and tormented but never destroyed.

New Hell Dawning

A lust for power and a strong sec-force are the basic requirements of any Deathlands baron. But brilliant, charismatic Baron Eugene Arcadian has bigger visions than simply a monopoly on jack and trade. He wants the future. Turning his ville into the nascent heartbeat of the new civilization would require the help of Ryan Cawdor and his warrior group. But for these unwilling participants, the endgame of their enigmatic host remains hidden in the secret maze of laboratories beneath Arcady, where a new terror is about to be reborn...In the Deathlands, always watch your back.


by sculldagger
I absolutely love this part of the Deathlands saga. Every book keeps my mind buzzing and the the heart pumping because you never know what to expect.
Not giving the boot
by Timbermountain
I expected the usual Andy Boot work of art with too much thinking and not enough action. I thought Andy did a great job of balancing these aspects, and that he let the companions be more true to their characters. Pretty good action. It was ok.