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Baptism of Rage

A new warrior breed blazes a trail to an uncertain future...

Rik Hoskin

Cover Artist:
Dave Seeley


Release Date:
July, 2010

Cover Price:


First Edition

Release Date:
July, 2010

Cover Price:



Graphic Audio MP3 CD

Release Date:
April, 2011

Cover Price:


Graphic Audio MP3 Download

Release Date:
April, 2011

Cover Price:


Front Cover - Small Front Cover - Medium Front Cover Artwork
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In the Deathlands, the future looks like hell -- and delivers far worse...

Of all the resources Ryan Cawdor and his group struggle to recoup, hope for escaping the grim daily life-and-death struggle has suffered most. But reports of a fountain of youth appear to be true, luring Doc and the others on a promising journey. But the quest proves to be tainted and the survivors soon discover the deadly price of immortality....

Back Cover:

Primal Edict

The end of the world arrived in a nuclear rush, forging the agonized remains of past and present into a new reality known as Deathlands. Now life is a simple series of rules of survival, where having is better than not having -- and anything is worth killing for. But in a world that has seemingly turned against humankind, the possibility of miracles can exist....

Desperate Plunge

Of all the resources Ryan Cawdor and his group struggle to recoup, hope for escaping the grim daily live-and-death struggle has suffered most. But now reports of a ville holding the mythical waters of rejuvenation, a fountain of youth, appear to be true, luring Doc and the others on a journey inspired by promise, tainted by mistrust. Hiring on as sec men with a convoy headed to the healing waters of Babyville, the survivors discover the deadly price of immortality.In the Deathlands the future looks like hell -- and delivers far worse...


Nice change for a change
by Timbermountain
Sometimes when I finish a DL book I'm sorry I read it to the end. This is definitely not the case. The book was fairly predictable in terms of the plot but there were some good action scenes and I liked the solidarity the companions showed for Doc. I recommend it.
not bad, but...
by Axlerite
Pretty good story, however, there were a few character inconsistencies in the beginning and carrying throughout.&nbsp; Ryan opens the gateway door before any of his group have recovered from the gateway jump?&nbsp; Krysty almost immediately exits the redoubt to start twirling in the rain?&nbsp; J.B.'s attitude and gruffness toward Doc was a little harsher than usual or necessary.&nbsp; And Ryan's relaxed attitude throughout the book seemed off.
It was a better than average story, though, and I enjoyed it.&nbsp; There were just a bunch of minor incidents that left me wondering where any of it came from.