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0 Replies and 5779 Views Looking for Complete Series, offering $2.25/book  5779  0 Started by  tymoore I've seen individuals here offering to sell for as low as $2 ea. I may pay slightly higher than this.  If need some cash (paypal payment, for security reasons), contact me.  If your set is short a book or two (or three... can cross that bridge when we get there); we can negotiate.  916-996-8952. -Ty. For the sake of my sanity, and yours, read below and I'll add a response if the offer is filled.  Alternatively, if you're reading this after May 2012, the offer has lapsed.
0 5779
4/25/2012 11:55 PM
1 Replies and 3582 Views 1-58 Deathlands 1st edtiions for sale  3582  1 Started by  CHOKDI I bought my first Deathlands book in (Crater Lake) in 1986 for a book report that was due the next day! I of course was hooked and went back to buy the 3 before it. Pilgrimage sill has the color fold out. I somehow missed Gaias Demise and Dark Reckoning in the late 90's. So I actually have a total of 56 for sale. They have been in my closet for too long now. It is time someone else has a chance to enjoy them. I prefer to sell them as a set. Please email me at as I do not sign on ...
1 3582
by  CHOKDIJump to last post
2/6/2012 11:50 AM
10 Replies and 4556 Views Guess I am missing a few titles....  4556  10 Started by  sniper1shot I have been a loyal DL fan for many many years. I have ever book up to 80... from there I start to miss a few;  I am missing books 84 Desert King to 89 Time Castaways. I then have the next 4 titles (not sure how that happened) I am then missing everything from 94-103. Any help in finding some or all of these titles will be appreciated. I can pay by PP if need be, and shipping would be to Newbrunswick, Canada. Plse reply to this post OR you can email me at Tha...
10 4556
by  sniper1shotJump to last post
1/25/2012 9:33 PM
0 Replies and 4627 Views Deathlands for sale  4627  0 Started by  Grant Thiessen I have lots of Deathlands books for sale on my website,
0 4627
1/2/2012 7:35 AM
0 Replies and 3929 Views WTB: Deathlands 34-39 (Graphic Audio)  3929  0 Started by  MagerValp I'm looking for Deathlands 34-39 as Graphic Audio, preferably as mp3 to minimize shipping costs (I'm in Europe, and sadly doesn't sell Deathlands outside of the US).
0 3929
12/19/2011 12:38 AM
0 Replies and 4580 Views Deathlands & Outlands books for sale  4580  0 Started by  azrudy Hi! I'm new here and wanted to let anyone in the North Phoenix,AZ area that I am having a yard sale this Saturday Nov 5 and will be selling all my Deathlands and Outlands books. I have been collecting since the 1980s and think I have almost every single one of each but not sure as more keep turning up every time I turn around! I hate to do it but you can only store sooo much stuff! PM me if you are interested. Thanks. . . Azrudy
0 4580
11/1/2011 11:13 AM
3 Replies and 3853 Views Collection of Deathlands Books for Sale in Oregon!  3853  3 Started by  starchildglxy I have all the books from 1 Pilgrimage to Hell up to at least 62 Damnation Road Show ... there might be a few more that were bought later, but i'm not positive. If there are, I will send those too without any extra cost. Encounter is among them. They vary in condition from Brand New to Good or acceptable.. they were bought for my personal collection mainly through used book stores, Ebay, and some new. None are missing pages or torn up or anything like that. I am asking $150 for all of them plu...
3 3853
by  KerrickJump to last post
10/29/2011 10:40 PM
4 Replies and 3674 Views DL Discs  3674  4 Started by  sniper1shot While looking at a local 2nd hand bookstore for some DL issues I am missing I noticed the store has about 10-15 DL Discs. all new and unwrapped. Sorry, I did not write down the editions. He is asking from $8 and up. I can send phone of the store if anyone is interested...plse PM me.
4 3674
by  sniper1shotJump to last post
10/23/2011 6:55 PM
0 Replies and 4471 Views 9 Deathlands Graphic Audio books for trade  4471  0 Started by  AeroMike I have the following Deathlands audiobooks from Graphic Audio, in great condition. No scratches. I want to trade straight up 1 for 1 for other Deathlands Graphic Audio books. If you do not have 9, then let me know what you have and we can work something out. I am new here but I was a moderator for Mattel, for their Hot Wheels website for 4 years. I understand that might not mean anything to you so I purpose this; After we set up a trade, I will send out first with DC through USPS, that way you...
0 4471
10/23/2011 2:11 PM
5 Replies and 3758 Views FS: Time Castaways  3758  5 Started by  Wyndfire Hello! I have a copy of Time Castaways for sale. Its new, never been read. $4, including shipping. Thank you!!
5 3758
by  sniper1shotJump to last post
9/9/2011 6:24 AM
1 Replies and 3366 Views Playfair Axiom  3366  1 Started by  cathboy Does anyone have this for sell. The retailers are asking $100.00 plus. You can email me at
1 3366
by  Harry Whittleberry 2Jump to last post
8/24/2011 4:20 AM
1 Replies and 5351 Views Want to buy Deathland series books, whole collection if possible  5351  1 Started by  John Kage Hello i recently started reading them on my free time in the stan and really got into them, would be will to buy the whole collection etc if possible, if you have said books for sale, contact me at or on here it may take awhile to respond interent sucks over here but we can hash out payment and delivery etc.  Thanks and have a good day
1 5351
by  sniper1shotJump to last post
7/29/2011 7:30 PM
0 Replies and 3877 Views Books 1 through 64 for sale  3877  0 Started by  Mad Max I have all books up to 64 (Devil Riders) except for 9 (Ice and Fire) and 31 (Crossways). The Pilgrimage To Hell still has the fold out map, etc. in it. All are in fair to good condition - they have been read at least twice.  I'm asking $3 each, and I'd prefer to sell the whole set together. I have doubles of11 Northstar Rising20 Deep Empire40 Watersleep   and41 Nightmare Passage I also have 7 of the first 8 Outlanders (No book 5) and Earthblood and Earthblood Aurora Quest
0 3877
3/13/2011 8:26 PM
11 Replies and 6140 Views Looking to buy whole series  6140  11 Started by  bigmike Anyone have the whole series, or even most of the series to buy
11 6140
by  )3az )3aziahJump to last post
2/10/2011 4:51 PM
0 Replies and 3722 Views Selling 17 different Deathlands books  3722  0 Started by  zoe hi there i have: 2. Red Holocaust 3. Neutron Solstice 4. Crater Lake 5. Homeward bound 6. Pony Soldiers 7. Dectra Chain 8. Ice and Fire 11. Time Nomads 13. Seedling 14. Dark Carnival 15. Chill Factor 16. Moon Fate 17. Fury's Pilgrims 18. Shockscape 19. Deep Empire  20. Cold Asylum 21. Twilight Children Am looking to sell any/all, offers welcome. I am in NZ so would be shipping from here
0 3722
1/27/2011 1:36 AM
0 Replies and 4072 Views 3 Deathlands novels for sale- all in a row, Trader Redux  4072  0 Started by  sadistic 3 Deathlands novels for sale, all in good condition.  shipped by media mail all for 12$ total.  i accept paypal, cash, or MO.  all in sequence: rider, reaper road wars trader redux for more info.
0 4072
1/19/2011 3:04 PM
12 Replies and 6133 Views i'm selling whole series!!!!  6133  12 Started by  rip97000 i have the following books for sale (by numbers) 1-34, 37, 39, 43-49, 51, 53-60, 62-63, 65-74, 76-77 plus encounter email me at for a list of the books, the conditions of each and the asking price.
12 6133
by  rip97000Jump to last post
9/28/2010 8:06 AM
4 Replies and 4477 Views Books 1 to 39 & 45, For sale or trade  4477  4 Started by  nhdoucette &160;Hello Everyone, I have books 1 to 39 & 45 of the outlanders series with exception of book 36. I am asking $3.00 per book or $75.00 for the entire lot. I am also willing to trade&160;book for book for any of the following deathlands books: Encounter Moon Fate Skydark Watersleep Way of the Wolf Dark Emblem Zero City Atlantis Reprise Sky Raider Remember Tomorrow Sunspot Desert Kings Apocalypse Unborn Thunder Road Plague Lords&160; Dark Resurrection Eden's Twilight If you...
4 4477
by  )3az )3aziahJump to last post
8/19/2010 6:03 AM
3 Replies and 4392 Views Individual Books and/or Entire Series  4392  3 Started by  NightCrawler Greetings and salutations, I'm looking to complete my collection of Deathlands novels.&160; Currently, I'm missing ten (10) books in the latter part of the series: Zero City Shadow Fortress Salvation Road Destiny's Truth Damnation Road Show Devil Riders Vengeance Trail Ritual Chill Atlantis Reprise Perdition Valley If anyone has these available for sale, I'd be interested in hearing what they'd consider parting with them for and the condit...
3 4392
by  Pulp NovelJump to last post
4/8/2010 4:28 PM
6 Replies and 7446 Views Entire set of Deathlands for SALE!!!  7446  6 Started by  Richard I have an entire set of Deathlands books that I am looking to sell. I want to sell them all together. I don't want to send 1 book here and 1 book there. I am asking for 200.00 plus shipping cost. I live outside of Houston Texas. If interested let me know at
6 7446
by  CalibannJump to last post
3/27/2010 9:50 PM
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