44 Replies and 18765 Views
Maybe of interest to some-- 18765 44
Started by Jax2
--Just throwin' it out here.To learn more, check out:http://markellisink.com/index.phpo...&Itemid=28Andhttp://www.comicspace.com/slembot/c...ion3Dfavs
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18765 |
by Jax2 9/30/2012 11:45 AM |
0 Replies and 3552 Views
Just finished book 70 and WTH?!?! 3552 0
Started by Ithaqua
I really liked most of the book but the entire beginning made no damn sense. So these people want to remake america in abetter way. They know about the companions and 'kill' Ryan anyway. Then they shoot the weak, even though they could use them to create 'civilized' regions that spread their word. The entire resoning for the book was stupid. I liked the characters and the battles were really well writen, but obviously the author gave no thought to the actual situation. It just wouldn't happen th...
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3552 |
9/30/2012 2:16 AM |
13 Replies and 7242 Views
Rosalia? 7242 13
Started by WoT Vet07
Finished reading God War, hope Rosie changes her mind about leaving Cerberus. She and Kane seem to have a chemistry which makes for more interesting reading than the anam-chara link with Brigid. Maybe Shizuka, who seems to genuinely like Rosalia (to Grant's chagrin) will talk her into staying I think Shizuka sees Rosie as a ronin type character who is in search of a cause or home. Anyway, it seems a waste if her intelligence and resourcefulness are ut...
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7242 |
by lexa 9/14/2012 4:36 PM |
0 Replies and 3612 Views
Outlanders 64 - Savage Dawn 3612 0
Started by Ron Miles
This is the official thread for comments on Outlanders 64 - Savage Dawn
The bibliography page is located HERE
You can submit your own review HERE
Be warned, this thread may contain spoilers for the book.
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3612 |
9/1/2012 8:04 AM |
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4442 |
by Maximus 7/22/2012 3:09 PM |
0 Replies and 3695 Views
Outlanders a TV series...? 3695 0
Started by Maximus
Just read an article that Battlestar Gallactica's producer are shopping around for an Outlanders TV series.
But then after reading further...it is based on the uber successful historical/romance Outlander series.
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3695 |
7/18/2012 4:34 PM |
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4112 |
by )3az )3aziah 7/13/2012 12:33 PM |
1 Replies and 2732 Views
RIP Dog 2732 1
Started by WoT Vet07
Sorry he was killed off, some of the most humorous moments of the last several books centered on this canine. Both Kane and Grant were left scratching their heads trying to figure out why Dog was so special. I was initially thinking he was some kind of reincarnation of the mythical Cerebus who decided to attach himself to Lakesh's Rebel group. We now know that he was 'possessed' by Igigi souls looking for a new host body and apparently accounts for his prenatural intelligence a...
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2732 |
by Gazhack 6/1/2012 2:48 PM |
4 Replies and 3003 Views
God war 3003 4
Started by lexa
Why is the cover for the next Outlanders cover available everywhere but here Who is Bridget FIGHTING
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3003 |
by WoT Vet07 5/19/2012 10:51 PM |
2 Replies and 2799 Views
Tiamat 2799 2
Started by lexa
What is the status of the ship Rhea was a bit criptic about its status. Is that because the Creation Goddess or Mother Tiamat is now inhabiting Rhea's body How many of the Overlords actuallu died
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2799 |
by lexa 5/12/2012 12:46 PM |
0 Replies and 3591 Views
Outlanders 62 - God War 3591 0
Started by Ron Miles
This is the official thread for comments on Outlanders 62 - God War
The bibliography page is located HERE
You can submit your own review HERE
Be warned, this thread may contain spoilers for the book.
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3591 |
5/1/2012 12:11 PM |
31 Replies and 10336 Views
Has anybody noticed Outlanders not being in bookstores anymore? 10336 31
Started by Maximus
I have probably in the last year or so noticed that all my local Barnes & Noble bookstores rarely, if ever, carry the Outlanders series.
They always carry Deathlands. But why is this
Are you people out there in your various cities and states seeing the same trend
In fact, I am currently about 80 pages into reading the Outlanders Infestation Cubed novel. First Outlanders book in a while.
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10336 |
by Jax2 4/12/2012 7:22 PM |
0 Replies and 3948 Views
seen this in the snow 3948 0
Started by Harry Whittleberry 2
i found this when i was looking for sum stuff on the south pole for school its from a brit news paper web site and i now stuff like this has been in an outlanfers book set in the pole.
this is another one from the same place i found wen i saw spiderman on the edge of the page its noting to do with outlandres but is still science fiction story stuff. this english news site is full of gud stuff.
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3948 |
2/7/2012 6:02 AM |
4 Replies and 4388 Views
The Raid 4388 4
Started by Ron Miles
This is a clip from an Indonesian film called The Raid, which will be hitting Sundance later this spring and should get at least some kind of US release. I am really looking forward to seeing it.
In any case, this particular scene is pretty much how I imaging a typical day at the office for Kane:
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4388 |
by Harry Whittleberry 2 1/30/2012 4:57 AM |
4 Replies and 4603 Views
Doc's LeMat....holee frak....((SPOILERS))) 4603 4
Started by JnEricsonx
I remember commenting once a long time ago about somehow Doc's LeMat getting converted to modern ammunition, if it was possible, something JB could do, etc. Well, I wind up being close, as he comes across a 20th reproduction of a LeMat, meant to fire modern day ammo...and....HE CHUCKS HIS ORIGINAL INTO A LAKE. I'm stunned....been reading this series for 15 years now, I never thought that would happen, that someone would upgrade their gun, but hey, hopefully Doc won't be short on .44 ammo.
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4603 |
by )3az )3aziah 1/4/2012 1:07 PM |
0 Replies and 3712 Views
Outlanders 61 - Dragon City 3712 0
Started by Ron Miles
This is the official thread for comments on Outlanders 61 - Dragon City
The bibliography page is located HERE
You can submit your own review HERE
Be warned, this thread may contain spoilers for the book.
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3712 |
11/1/2011 6:30 AM |
4 Replies and 3319 Views
Finally I have a few Outlander books! 3319 4
Started by ShadowTek
Ok, I picked up GA books 5, 8 and 12, I haven't listened to them yet, but will next week, Its much harder to find Outlander books, but I may just break down and buy the pre-loaded MP3 player or USB stick and buy the first 12 or so.
I'll listen to the GA books I bought and go from there, but after hearing Stoneface and Nightmare Passage, I am really looking forward to hearing them, I plan to listen to the Deathland books I havent heard yet, giving me some time to search truckstops to hopefull...
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3319 |
by ShadowTek 10/21/2011 4:47 PM |
7 Replies and 3276 Views
Outlanders vs reality 3276 7
Started by ShadowTek
Ok, I have been looking into the outlander series, and there are some intelligent fascinating things that this series follows..
Are the reptile race that the nine barons are, have anything to do with David Icke search his name on you tube to see what he talks about..
Also.. would the name zacaria senchin have anything to do with the sumarian concept that outlanders seems to have Just curious, check his name in google to see what I mean..
It seem to me that the authors have followed so...
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3276 |
by mikeclr 9/26/2011 9:50 AM |
1 Replies and 3339 Views
Outlanders 58 - Truth Engine 3339 1
Started by Ron Miles
This is the official thread for comments on Outlanders 58 - Truth Engine
The bibliography page is located HERE
You can submit your own review HERE
Be warned, this thread may contain spoilers for the book.
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3339 |
by Gazhack 9/24/2011 3:12 AM |
0 Replies and 3861 Views
Outlanders 60 - Planet Hate 3861 0
Started by Ron Miles
This is the official thread for comments on Outlanders 60 - Planet Hate
The bibliography page is located HERE
You can submit your own review HERE
Be warned, this thread may contain spoilers for the book.
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3861 |
9/1/2011 5:14 PM |