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27 Replies and 8140 Views Doesn't the air--    8140  27 Started by  Jax2
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 )
--smell fresher and the birds sing sweeter over the new furrows in the cornfield It's peaceful here once more, thanks to Ron.Sic Semper Stereotypis.(Ron will get it, even if nobody else does )
27 8140
by  Ron MilesJump to last post
8/28/2009 6:07 PM
1 Replies and 3614 Views Fan Sites  3614  1 Started by  Eddie Anyone know a point of contact for permission for fan sites I used the search function and had 8 pages of hits come up. I do a lot of role-playing and would love to have permission to put some stuff up on a personal, non-commercial webpage for myself and my group.
1 3614
by  )3az )3aziahJump to last post
8/3/2009 7:17 AM
5 Replies and 4214 Views Outlanders 49 - Shadow Box  4214  5 Started by  Ron Miles This is the official thread for comments on Outlanders 49 - Shadow Box The bibliography page is located HERE You can submit your own review HERE Be warned, this thread may contain spoilers for the book.
5 4214
by  UrbanSavageJump to last post
7/27/2009 12:35 AM
41 Replies and 12284 Views Is Ryan and the Gang ultimately doomed by the Outlanders series ?  12284  41 Started by  gumble
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OK, this may have been covered in the past posts or a mute point, and only having read the first 15-20 or so Outlanders novels it may be covered (though i doubt it).Are Ryan, Krysty, JB , Mildred, Jak, Doc and even Dean ultimately doomed by the publication of the Outlanders series No matter what Ryan is gonna do is ever going to change the fates of the eventual Alienesque/Baronies coming to pass. And it is something that i believe he would have fought against - not for. There is never going to...
41 12284
by  One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)Jump to last post
7/16/2009 8:45 AM
70 Replies and 17995 Views Questions about Outlanders  17995  70 Started by  Cerberus Man
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 3 4 )
Posted By EZ-E on 14 Apr 2009 12:00 PM Question is, will I be handicapped if I read the books in order but maybe skip a few in the process Or should I get the missing books before proceeding to the next Thanks for the feedback. I want to add that you should check on the copyright page of Outlanders books to make sure series creator Mark Ellis wrote it. If his name isn't there, don't bother.But keep in mind OL is far more intense and complex with a more 'legitimate' SF focus than the childish n...
70 17995
by  DanielJump to last post
6/26/2009 6:34 PM
13 Replies and 3878 Views Thoughts on this series  3878  13 Started by  roadbum I sure hope this isn't the end of the line for me in regards to the Outlanders series. Started reading Death Cry but could only get through the first chapter, the rest of it just simply turned me off, I've read every book in the series up to this point but don't know if I can go on , If the following titles are going to be like Death Cry, I'm finished. I've always prefered the Deathlands series butkept up with the Outlanders as well, I'll have to think about this one.
13 3878
by  DanielJump to last post
6/2/2009 11:03 AM
6 Replies and 3255 Views Well, I finally got around to reading Outlanders...  3255  6 Started by  EZ-E I've read all of Deathlands but had never made the time to start the Outlanders series until now. (But I did make time to read the first 14 Rogue Angel books.) And, I've gotta say, the characters are outstanding! Enough to reel me in! I kind of prefer Deathlands in the sense that the technology and holocaust are feasible, if not probable. I've never been a big fan of alien scifi but Outlanders is riveting enough to keep me coming back. I've read the first 3 books but am lacking 4. Big bummer si...
6 3255
by  EZ-EJump to last post
6/1/2009 10:55 AM
12 Replies and 3897 Views New cover image posted for Outlanders - Warlord of the Pit  3897  12 Started by  Ron Miles As per usual, the cover scan comes courtesy of Chris van Deelen.  The good news is, Warlord of the Pit is a Mark Ellis book.  The bad news is, it appears that this will be the last Ellis book in the Outlanders series.  At the very least, this is the last Ellis manuscript in the pipeline.
12 3897
by  RaboyJump to last post
5/24/2009 4:58 PM
7 Replies and 4315 Views More coolness from Mark  4315  7 Started by  Daniel Saw the link to this on Mark's blog--thought I'd share. More coolness!
7 4315
by  DanielJump to last post
5/8/2009 7:29 PM
2 Replies and 3119 Views Outlanders 48 - Serpent's Tooth  3119  2 Started by  Ron Miles This is the official thread for comments on Outlanders 48 - Serpent's Tooth The bibliography page is located HERE You can submit your own review HERE Be warned, this thread may contain spoilers for the book.
2 3119
by  skullspliterJump to last post
4/27/2009 4:18 PM
1 Replies and 2938 Views Chat room?  2938  1 Started by  Diablo I know I'm new to the forums....but is there a link to a DL's chat room I missed....Is there a chat room....If not....Can someone make one....
1 2938
by  DiabloJump to last post
4/17/2009 1:30 AM
15 Replies and 5081 Views next outlanders...Death Cry  5081  15 Started by  elsordo any info filtering thru on this one yet &160;amazons got the cover and blurb. just wondered who penned it E.
15 5081
by  DanielJump to last post
4/6/2009 2:20 PM
4 Replies and 3694 Views What I like about Mark Ellis and Outlanders  3694  4 Started by  Llew32 In the vein of Alan Philipson's comment on positive posting in the Deathlands Forum, I have decided to comment about my favorite author Mark Ellis and the Outlanders series he created. The story of Outlanders has been a great telling of a world which hopefully we will never have to experience in our lifetime.  OL, to me, has taught a lot of lessons about what happens when humanity lays down itself to harsh and unreasonable rule in the name of convenience.  There are a lot of comparisons with ...
4 3694
by  DanielJump to last post
4/3/2009 10:01 AM
3 Replies and 3261 Views 2009 off to an interesting start.  3261  3 Started by  Skaramine ah nevermind... who cares about credit where credit's due, eh
3 3261
by  Cerberus ManJump to last post
3/30/2009 10:27 AM
2 Replies and 3577 Views Cool stuff from Mark  3577  2 Started by  Daniel Links posted on his site &160;
2 3577
by  RaboyJump to last post
1/16/2009 11:53 AM
1 Replies and 3722 Views Shout out to Mark  3722  1 Started by  Cerberus Man Very cool-- &160;
1 3722
by  DanielJump to last post
12/5/2008 4:22 PM
4 Replies and 3320 Views I have a question  3320  4 Started by  ojeureka &160; &160; i have read the complete series and there is something mentioned in many books that has me stumped.&160; In which novel did Kane kill one of Bridget's relatives.&160; I have reread and studied the series and I can not find the answer to my question.&160; Can someone shed some light on this occurance&160; Thank you.
4 3320
by  DanielJump to last post
11/6/2008 12:17 PM
0 Replies and 3199 Views Outlanders 47 - Death Cry  3199  0 Started by  Ron Miles This is the official thread for comments on Outlanders 47 - Death Cry The bibliography page is located HERE You can submit your own review HERE Be warned, this thread may contain spoilers for the book.
0 3199
by  Ron MilesJump to last post
11/1/2008 8:27 AM
0 Replies and 3684 Views Hell Rising Audio Book!  3684  0 Started by  Raboy Hell Rising, one of the greatest Outlanders epics&160;ever penned&160;by the master Mark Ellis is now an audio book by Graphic Audio.
0 3684
by  RaboyJump to last post
10/22/2008 8:34 AM
5 Replies and 4851 Views Outlanders 46 - Pantheon of Vengeance  4851  5 Started by  Ron Miles This is the official thread for comments on Outlanders 46 - Pantheon of Vengeance The bibliography page is located HERE You can submit your own review HERE Be warned, this thread may contain spoilers for the book.
5 4851
by  Ron MilesJump to last post
9/5/2008 10:12 AM
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