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Last Post 6/10/2012 3:39 AM by  Kerrick
A Few Small Question about the Series.
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Ron Miles
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Commander In Chief
Commander In Chief

3/25/2012 1:10 PM
I recall that Exile to Hell had a stickie, and made some kind of comment on how rare they were. I suspect it was a case of a decree from GE that the one be included in the story in order to strengthen the link from DL, but that suspicion is based on no facts whatsoever.
"Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
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3/25/2012 5:37 PM
There were a couple of stickies in Exile...not to due any editorial edict, though. My choice entirely just to set the stage in the inaugural novel.

A few stickies occasionally showed up or were referenced in Outlanders, but I established early on that most of the DL kind of "muties" were virtually extinct except for isolated pockets.

I had also established that the stickies, sickies, scalies, snotties, snookies and whathaveyou of the "ie" variety were the products of genetic engineering. Not a perfect solutioin but it was one I could live least it had some sort of loose scientific basis.

The Phantom
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3/25/2012 7:15 PM

Snookies lmao!

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3/28/2012 11:50 AM
It has been recently learned that Snookies can (gasp...choke) REPRODUCE!
"Courage is not a man with a gun in his hand. It's knowing you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what." - Atticus Finch
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4/2/2012 2:14 AM

Great!  Thanks for filling me in a little.  I just can't get that into the OL series.  Just tried and true DL, lol.

)3az )3aziah
British Bloke
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4/4/2012 6:56 PM
Posted By OneFallenShadow on 02 Apr 2012 02:14 AM

Great!  Thanks for filling me in a little.  I just can't get that into the OL series.  Just tried and true DL, lol.

How many books did you try? I for one gave up at least three times on book one, then made it to book two before giving up, then I made it to three and got hooked. The Outlanders series has to be read as a tale as far removed from Deathlands as you can imagine -and then add a few feet. The story arc flows, develops, twists and turns and takes you in directions you never imagined. Gold Eagle may want you to believe they are linked to each other but with Mark Ellis at the helm you quickly realise that that link is tenuous at best and gets more remote as the books go on.

Give them another go, you may well be surprised?



Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

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Harry Whittleberry 2
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4/5/2012 8:56 AM
the outlanders books are not as gud as the deathlands ones the storys dont finish at the end of a book and you have to go and get the next one to see what happends. the main guys in them are not as gud as the ones in deathlands and even the girl with the white her is a copy of jack from deathlands. i wud not even read with them they are too boring.
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4/5/2012 11:11 AM
Harry, what have you done??? I have a spare Flak Jacket i can lend you.
The Phantom
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4/5/2012 5:55 PM

Harry just put a smile on Mark Ellis' face, that's what he did. 

)3az )3aziah
British Bloke
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4/5/2012 6:41 PM
Posted By The Phantom on 05 Apr 2012 05:55 PM

Harry just put a smile on Mark Ellis' face, that's what he did. 

I second that.


Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

Please check out my FLICKR photos
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4/5/2012 7:42 PM
I do believe you too are right
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4/6/2012 2:20 PM
Harry, in a word you are...AWESOME!
"Courage is not a man with a gun in his hand. It's knowing you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what." - Atticus Finch
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4/6/2012 9:07 PM
Deftly done, all right.

Classic DL-Only Fan stereotype right down to the Bizarro World/Frankenstein Monster method of expressing himself.

He followed that tradtional script exactly.

When the discussions about new guns, new boots and new muties begin to pale, he got twitchy and inevitably turned to trashing Outlanders...and in classic fashion, staying vague...not providing the titles of any books he might've read or any other specifics.

Absolute chapter-and-verse. He's obviously been practicing.

The reason why Mike said Harry was awesome and Baz and Phantom said he made me smile was because all of us had something of a wager that eventually ol' Whittleberry 2 would get bored, be unable to keep up the pretense and reveal his true identity...or one of the many in his sock puppet collection.

It's always nice to be vindicated.

Hey, guys...who wants to bet that next he'll start whining and whimpering about how he just came in here to smell the flowers and pet the bunnies when he was savagely attacked by the viciious OL Snobs?

Who are black?
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4/7/2012 6:25 PM

Up until that last post I thought HW2 was just stuck with a defective copy of Dragon Speech Recognition software. Now I'm thinking we've all been timetrawled back to 2006.

But I always try to look on the bright side ...

Time to sell the house before the bubble breaks.

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4/7/2012 7:21 PM

Troll or not to troll that is the question?

God if we are back to 2006 somebody please tell me they have those  numbers from last months mega millions

Harry Whittleberry 2
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4/10/2012 11:33 AM
what have i done rong i have just sed what i think just like otherpeople here have done and i get blasded for it. its not fare at all the outlanders books are not as gud as the deth lands ones and the stories do get finished in another book. why then am i getting all this bad replies when its true what i have sed. im not a troll and i dont use cus words when i riet here this is so unfer and im sad now. i dont use any sort of thing to tipe just my key bord and i now i have a thing with my spellin but as i sed befor i dont get any sort of stuff like this on other bords i go in and post to.
why wud i have s colectin of sock pupets i dont even now what they are. its so unfer.
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4/10/2012 12:09 PM

H, Re-read this page of post's,specifically your post on Ol and then Jax2's. All should become clear. Whether this is just or not I know nought.

For me, I dont care one way or another. It would be nice if everyone could just get along and have a laugh but alas this is not human nature.

I dont know how you can prove to the rest of the gang who you are or are'nt.

New Member
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4/10/2012 3:23 PM
Hey Ron and Jim, Harry sounds like me when I first came on the site does he not? Haha! Hey Harry. Check this out. I think Outlanders is BORING! And although I agree that we miss Mr. Laurence ang GE does need to DO THEIR JOB YESS I AGREE! However, I love Deathlands with a passion. Now, this is something that MR. Miles, Jim, and have to understand that AT FIRST GLANCE, it SEEMS the idea of deathlands came first and then Outlanders, now that DID NOT HAPPEN, I GET IT? But remember, to say that the beginners are basing this on absolute nothing, well I have one small defense FOR THE NEWBIES. 1986 came before 1997. Now all the Outlanders folks had to say is that they kind of "Star Wars" it, came out with the Outlanders idea first but then then the deathlands ides was put first instead. OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT. Here is something Mr. Miles maybe put a post stating what Mr. Adrian and Mr. Laurence were trying to do for the folks who do not know the series and just "assume".
New Member
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4/10/2012 3:25 PM
Sorry Ron, I just saw the New Members click here Site. Sorry.
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4/10/2012 9:45 PM
Does anyone have any inside info when young master Dean will be re-appearing? looking at you Wordsmith
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